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Everything posted by arpella72

  1. One of the tank's flaws in the game is they cannot crush people or AT guns under they tracks.That makes them a bit vulnerable against infantry in close quarters.I think that should be changed.Overunnig AT guns was a usual practice among tank crews.
  2. I was a bit reluctant at first with Fauda but after reading some reviews I started to watch it few days ago and I m enjoying it so much. Another good thing you can find in Netflix,and related to WWII, it's the documentary called Five came back,about the history of five American film directors(John Ford, William Wyler, John Houston, Frank Capra, and George Stevens) who were recruited by US goverment to film its troops in different fronts.I really loved it.John Ford was wounded in Midway and Wyler was temporaly deaf by the terrible noise from a B-25 bomber engines.There are comments from directors like Steven Spielberg,Francis F .Coppola and Guillermo del Toro. Highly recommended.
  3. That's really spot on.I consider Das Boot one of the best war movies ever.I got it in DVD with a very good making-off comented by director Wolfgang Petersen. As for Lion of the Desert I have seen it many time ago when I was just a teen and I really enjoyed it as it shown a very different point of view from the typical colonialist embedded films from the 40's and 50's .It's a great and,unfortunately,a bit forgotten movie.
  4. I totally agree with this.For instance,I recall listening to a old veteran from the Spanish Civil War(1936-39) saying he didn't do so much shooting but he thrown lots of hand grenades that were used by hundreds. Hand grenades exploding inside buildings or any other confined place have a greater effect.Dunno if that is even modeled in the game
  5. Sometimes I'm under the impression that hand grenades lack some effectiviness and they have a poor effective radius in CM.Looks like an average hand grenade,like the American MK2 or the British Mills,have a killing radius of 5 metres and a casualty radius of 15m,thought the shrapnel can reach more tan 200m.I have readed as well that German stick grenades were less powerfull. Anybody have even made a test?
  6. We know sniper teams are an effective and lethal assets but you can't efectively split them from sections as you can usually do with AT teams.They should be splitted from sections in a 2 men-team or come as a separated and specialized team.What do you think?,how are you dealing with this in game?
  7. I know this subject has been discuss before but I want to bring it back because is one of the things I would like to see in a new game engine rather tan other.I think defensive works need a major overhaul and modelling in the game: -Deeper trenches and foxholes: I know there s a problem related to the fog of war with that issue but in real life major defensive works are very difficult to conceal and are usually evident by recce.The question is to know if they are wether empty or full,defended in strenght or not.In the other hand,is there any way to fix this?.It would be interesting to have dig-in command outpost and mortar positions and AT gun positions as well. -Different models of barbed wire and pillboxes,and bunkers. -Underground shelters and bunkers,and underground cellars for buildings:It would enhance and improve the defensive tactics and make attacks more challenging.Imagine enemy soldiers emerging from a place that you have considered totally controlled. All this features would give to the game more realism and a stronger feeling of immersion. P.S: Another question not related to this subject,I think tanks should be able to crush and kill personnel and guns under they tracks.
  8. I don't say the movie is bad,I actually liked it but I don't think it's a masterpiece.
  9. ***could be a bit spoiler*** I saw the movie few days ago and it's ok,thecnically very well done.But there are some things that I found a bit disappointing. The first is the way the Germans are portrayed,like blood-thirsty zombies,exactly the same point of view of the war-time Allied propaganda.The other thing it's that final scene with the main character in an epic and unrealistic run through shell explosions without being wounded by a single bit of schrapnel just to meet the sweet happy end ( so Spilberg to me ).It lacks the punch and the clever dialogues, the way of bitterness the absurdity and the hopless of war is portrayed,just you can find in other movies like Kubrik's Footpaths of glory or Lewis Milestone's(1930) All quiet in the western front that are much better than 1917 to me in many aspects.
  10. Hi! Thanks for the explanation,Ithikial_AU,and for that lovely mission I have enjoyed so much.I suposed I couldn't get Carpiquet the first time I played but i have been succesful that last time(more experience).That's the reason because the outcome has been different. I wish you are fully recovered from your jet-lag and enjoyed your trip to Europe.Did you visited Normandy for instance?
  11. No.In the second misión,the one you have to take Carpiquet,I got the Sherman flails as expected.Playing with the same computer I didn't get the flails and Cocodriles.What's more,I didn't have air support as well and (this could be a bit SPOILER) the German counterattack to retake the hangars didn't take place.I remember that the first time I played that mission was far more challenging.
  12. Some days ago,I downloaded again Lions of Carpiquet campaign to replay it with the new 4.0v.In the misión called; Where are the f*****g tanks? I only received,as an armoured reinforcement,a platoon of 4 Sherman tanks but I clearly remember I received some Sherman flails and Churchill cocodriles the first time I played it.
  13. Sometimes I wonder why not to model fortified houses.I mean,houses that have been fortified from scratch using sandbags,trunks,etc.I think it would improve the defensive possibilities as they would be tougher spots to overcome.In a similar way,why not to model houses with basements underground?,it would be difficult to do so?.Soldiers could get protection from incoming fire.What s more,the basements could be comunicated in some cases so the defenders should be able to go from one house to other.
  14. Hi! I would like to upgrade my CMBN game but I have to remove all the mods.I would like to know which are the original scenarios and campaigns from the CMBN series(CW + MG) or how to difference them because I'm not quiet sure which they are as I downloaded a bunch of them over the time.
  15. ***ACHTUNG!, COULD BE A BIT SPOILER**** I recently finish playing Day of Attrition scenario and though I was quiet reluctant to play it at first(it's a sooo big scenario!) i finally got a lot of fun playing it.I was near to quit at the beginning because you spend a big deal of time just moving troops forward basically by foot and with a bunch of old trucks in a difficult and rugged terrain.I decided to go for the bridges,the crossroads anf Hofen but not for Monschau at first.I end up with a minor defeat and I was very close to take Hofen just before I ran out of time. How did you get in this mission?,which strategies did you use?
  16. My preferences will go to North Africa 1941-42 and 1943 Tunisia as well.Lots of interesting battles and it could include the German invasion of Crete(Operation Mercury) as an expansion. Out of the IIWW stuff I will go to the Israel-Arab countries wars(Six days,Yom Kippur).Lots of interesting features for all the CM gamers: lots of tanks with a mix of modern and vintage vehicles,Israeli airborne troops,Egyptian engineers and assault troops,etc.Korea wouldn't be bad but I'm not interested in any asymetrical war or guerrilla warfare (Afganistan or,in a lesser extent Vietnam).
  17. I found this interesting information,some test carried out by the Canadians in february 1945. https://servicepub.wordpress.com/2014/08/30/allied-trials-to-counteract-panzerfaust-attacks/ It says that spaced armour must,at least, 75cm wide to be effective against hollow charges and that less space can even enhance their effect.
  18. Thanks guys.Yes,I found that the spaced armour and schürzen were firstly designed as protection against the russian AT rifles.Looks like they weren't that effective against bazooka rounds but the russians didn't have anything like the bazooka or the british PIAT.
  19. The upgraded Pz IV H, that appears in the game,was designed with an spaced armour arround the turret and armoured skirts(schürzen) to protect the vehicle from rounds with hollow charges like bazooka rounds.i wonder if this really works in the game because I'm under the sensation that it doesn't make any difference with tanks without this feature.Has anybody made some test about it?,is the spaced armour really effective in stopping bazooka rounds?
  20. I wish you a happy New Year,especially to the guys who made campaigns,scenarios and mods for the repository.Thanks,you make a very good job.Keep on! http://giphy.com/gifs/ghostbustersmovies-ghostbusters-2-3o72F1A3B5xRnprusE
  21. I would like to see more variety of defensive works.Diferent kind of wires,bunkers,pillboxes,guns emplacements(with camouflage nets on for example) and deeper,and more realistic, trenches and foxholes but I have readed there are some technical problems with these last issues.They couldn't be overcome in any way?
  22. I know what I did wrong.I forgot to order "open up" command to the people on board!.I thought that only aplied for the guy with the MG. MOS.96B2P,I know It's not really safe but...I love it!
  23. I see soldiers can shoot from halftracks but I have the sensation they do this randomly.It looks like they don't shoot when the vehicle is full of people.I'm not sure how It works.Is there any trick?.
  24. Yes,I did it.I set the waypoints correctly as you stated.But I find a bit annoying that the tank can't cross just straight.it should be the logical thing to do.
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