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Everything posted by Probus

  1. If you guys haven't seen Pentagon Wars, it is worth a watch. I don't think it's 100% accurate, but it is hilarious.
  2. We've been having fun discussing which is the most survivable WWII Tank in WWII Combat Mission. I thought I'd ask a more light-hearted question: Which is the 'sexiest' and least 'sexy' tank of WWII? Meaning which tank has the best lines and just it's looks make the enemy break. Conversely, the least sexy tank is ugly, screams "I'm a target" and suppresses the enemy due to laughter. For me, the classic WWII Tank is the Panther. There are better tanks, and in person it may not be as impressive, but the profile just looks great. Least sexy tank (that I know of) is the Renault FT-17 tankette. Barely qualifies as a tank and there are Armored Cars (like the Puma) that would instill more fear in the enemy.
  3. That would make a great follow up question @Khalerick! I've always been partial to the Panther's sexy profile. Where as the French Renault FT-17 just screamed "Kill me"! I think I'll start a new thread with that question. BTW, when I was looking up the exact name of the FT tank, I ran across this cool web page: https://www.redbubble.com/i/tote-bag/French-Tanks-of-ww2-by-TheCollectioner/26629173.MLCYP I think I'll get that tote bag for my wife for her new handbag!
  4. So you can uninstall Windows updates fairly easily. I did and her computer went back to normal. Now I have to figure out a fulproof way of suppressing updates. On a related note, I have an older 2015 PC with a i7-4790K processor. I put in newer SSDs and NVMe drives. I pulled out a GTX-980 with a broken fan and installed Windows 10 using the on board CPU graphics. Everything was going just fine until it became time to install another graphics card. I had a GTX-1060 sitting on the shelf so I used it. Everything worked fine until the next Windows update. Then all hell broke loose. I wonder if I fix the fans on the GTX 980 and reinstalled it if I would run into the same Windows update problem.
  5. That is totally true. The twist to this question is "not in RL but in Combat Mission". So if you were to play a scenario in CM where the scenario point balance is equal, which tank would you choose to be in? That would include Firepower, Armor, Mobility, (and survivability) as modelled in CM. If you pick a 500 pt tank, your opponent would get 500 pts also. Rarity factored in. What got me thinking about this was what if we made a campaign where you, as a commander, were represented in the game with your own pixeltroopen. In that case, which tank would you choose to command in (assuming game over if you get clobbered. Your backup commander takes over).
  6. BTW @The Steppenwulf, Did you happen to have a Windows update that you can tell happened at about the same time or before your screenshot problems? My wife's computer freaks out with the latest Win 10 update.
  7. An aside: "Insecurity is the root of being too easily offended. These people didn't receive the love they needed as children and they have never felt safe. This makes them feel the need for having “safe spaces”. They need validation from others instead of finding their self-worth from within." Don't be "Spring-loaded to be offended". Be tolerant. If you have beef, send a PM and let the moderators handle it. Otherwise it just makes you look... bad. Now please continue with the technical discussion of modding CM to allow for women soldiers.
  8. Us Yanks are having a hard time followin' ya Warty. Even me, a transplanted Brit. I've only been in the USA fer almost 50 years and I still can't make heads or tails of it. So would your plan be to drive around in a Guinness truck and no one, from either side mind you, would dare shoot at you because their buddies murder 'em if they did?
  9. @SimpleSimon, So I've been watching a lot of videos on the Sheman and I now think it is a much better tank than I did a few days ago. But I'd still rather be in a Panther when playing Combat Mission. This opinion may change in the next few days as I'm battling @Artkin who has T-34/85s. And a lot of 'em.
  10. Why are you folks picking the Stuart over the Hellcat? @Erwin @E5K
  11. Strange, I've always heard the Sherman referred to as the "M4 Sherman Ronson... Lights first every time"
  12. So I got to thinking about my favorite tanks (and I use the word loosely). After playing a bit of Combat Mission, I think my favorites have changed a bit. But here is the question: Q: If you had to choose a WWII tank to fight in, not in RL but in Combat Mission, which would be your top choices per class? Class being light, medium and heavy. This kinda removes the cost and reliability aspects as now you are talking just tactical combat. So that leaves Firepower, Armor and Manueverability. I'm going with: Heavy: JS-2, Armor and 122mm Medium: Panther*, (fire, armr, manv) Light: M18 Hellcat, very fast & has a killer gun *Some consider this a heavy tank.
  13. I like that idea (after an early war release or DLC). You could still have early Bolos (Mk I Ogres) and maybe towards the end have Elon's 'Starship Troopers'. DLC could be alien Lobsters and Lizards .
  14. So @MikeyD what are the chances in your opinion of Battlefront releasing a Sci-Fi version of Combat Mission mission just for fun? Whether it be space lobsters, lizard men or Mobile Infantry drop troopers? Also if they got the wild hare to do something like that, would that take away from some Early War ToE additions?
  15. We cooperated pretty well. I'd ask for smoke and to clear this part of the road. He'd ask for a Tiger to kill a flamethrower. We coordinated our bridge crossing under the guns of my Tigers with his engineers clearing mines. The enemy was pretty brutal laying down mortar fire, but I was able to suppress their tanks. If they poked their noses out, they learned that they should expect a rain of 88s.
  16. Can an Early War DLC not be 'fast tracked' using the data available in CM1 for units?
  17. Mobile Infantry, Skinnys, and Bugs! ...Oh yeah, and Bolos.
  18. I played a CMFI game earlier this year that was 6 player. 2x2 plus 2 CinC. It was a blast. Po River Valley. We ran into the problem Erwin mentioned with MIA commanders due to RL. We swapped out a couple times then decided to call it. I was on the German side. Had an infantry company, a Hummel, Wespe, Stummel and 4 Tigers. My co-commander had an infantry company, the support guns, engineers and a small recon force. We took orders from our CinC. Worked great while it lasted.
  19. Same kinda thing happened to me last year. Was looking at reinstalling CMBB and ran across all the new content since!
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