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Everything posted by Probus

  1. Lol. Entertainment value was high for me. Realism, not so much. Off topic a bit. What is the best Japanese Midway movie?
  2. I found a really good quality dubbed version of "1944" on Amazon Prime. That had a surprise double ending. I wasn't expecting that. https://www.amazon.com/1944-Marko-Leht/dp/B074HN1J8K
  3. Lol. Ok, I gotta ask this. I don't get the end of White Tiger. Just Soviet propaganda?
  4. Dang. I thought so. That is a list of my favorite war films. I would add to that Das Boot, When Trumpets Fade, Midway(1976) & Gettysburg. Although not a movie, Band of Brothers is in the same league. Second tier would include Stalingrad (1993), Enemy at the Gates, We Were Soldiers, & Battle of the Bulge. And maybe 1/2 of Pearl Harbor (the fighty part not the lovey-dovey part).
  5. Dang @Erwin, you have very particular tastes. But I bet I would love what you recommend. Got some more suggestions?
  6. You guys are lining them up faster than I can watch 'em. I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks!
  7. How does Steel Panthers or SPWAW play using the PBEM function? Is it smooth?
  8. You need to enable negative voting because nothing bad could possibly happen if you did that. (sarcasm) But seriously, I think negative feedback is abused in most places and causes an "echo chamber" effect, not to mention a more toxic environment. Good choice @BFCElvis. I would thank an upvote you but...
  9. I'm playing a Black Sea v214 PBEM game and want to update to v216. Is this possible? If so, could someone link me the process? Thanks a bunch!
  10. Those JS-II tanks were beasts! Did I mention the last game we played against them we hit a JS-II three times with 88mm fire from a Tiger and it just shrugged it off.
  11. Are there any good cold War army movies? Red Dawn doesn't count. And Hunt for Red October (one of my favorites) is Navy, of course. We need a good Red Storm Rising movie
  12. If you find it again, that would be great. I saw that 85mm really just bounced off the front. It would have been an awesome weapon if it had had time to be developed before it was rushed into production.
  13. I believe you @Aragorn2002. I was looking for this incident and it looks like most Tiger IIs were destroyed by their own side because 1) they had very few recovery vehicles and 2) mechanical issues. The Germans were ordered not to tow a Tiger II with another Tiger II because of the fear of losing both. The most Tiger IIs killed in a single day was 14. All of them destroyed by their own crews.
  14. In a CW game I'm playing, I just got hit with a '3-fer'. A T-72 tank just tagged one of my M113s (insta-death). The explosion took out a Jeep on the left hand side that happened to be moving past AND destroyed an M150 that was unbuttoned to the right that didn't even have LoS to the tank yet. I need to make a mini video of the incident. I can't say it wasn't realistic, but I can gripe about it! I have the worst luck. I think it rubs off on my co-commanders too. A previous Red Thunder game saw two of his PzIVs get knocked out by a JS-II in one shot and then a couple of turns later another PzIV got tagged by a JS-II. The shot continued on to a Tiger that was behind it and knocked it out also (that didn't seem realistic). The sad thing was, in both cases, the JS-IIs missed their primary targets and hit these tanks that they had no LoS to (that I could tell). Anyway, the fortunes of war...
  15. It's a bit corny but fun. What are some more realistic tank movies?
  16. But the tanks! You don't get to see those kinds of real tanks everyday.
  17. My first reaction is "What the heck are T-44s?". I'm gonna have to look that one up. JS-IIIs I've heard of, but not T-44s. I haven't watched all of it yet, but The KV-1 tank was a highlight. It looks smaller than I imagined. Except on the inside. The inside looks luxuriously large.
  18. I got to thinking and I realized I've gotten at least 1/2 a dozen great suggestions for war movies (and books) from folks on the BTC Forum. So I thought I would open a topic for anyone to suggest some of their favorites that might inspire CM mods, scenarios or maybe campaigns. Or even inspire the developers. Goodness knows they prolly need a bit of a rest after all the new content and patches we've had lately. So here are a couple y'all have recommended: Warsaw 44 - Polish uprising in Warsaw, https://www.amazon.com/Warsaw-44-Anna-Próchniak/dp/B07R4GSLXG/ref=nodl_ Unknown Soldier - Finnish war series, https://myflixertv.to/watch-tv/unknown-soldier-29904.2822744 Team Yankee (audiobook) - Tank team in a Cold War gone hot, https://www.audible.com/pd/Team-Yankee-Audiobook/B01LXT7NLS
  19. You bet @kohlenklau, We sure got off topic fast. Warsaw Uprising --> Indian Sub Movie. We are easily distracted.
  20. They look a bit wide for Pz IVs, but I'm no expert. If they are made from a Russian tank, I wonder which one they're made from.
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