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Everything posted by Probus

  1. I'm really looking forward to trying my hand at pre Abrams and post Abrams. The difference has to be huge, but these early Abrams are not the tanks of Black Sea or Shock Force 2, even. 105mm, Fire Control not as spiffy. Are there significant armor differences vs kinetic penetrators?
  2. Since the F&R release date pool was so popular and the CW release is imminent, I thought I'd start another one. Winner gets upvoted to infinity and beyond. I'm going with April 30th since I think BF can still make April. That's only 3 days but I have faith! What does our resident skeptic think @Aragorn2002???
  3. @Dan Dare I'm going to have to find a winner so we can all show him some luv! Talk about luv, what does everyone think about the Fire & Rubble release? It's been quiet so I'm guessing everyone is luvin' it!
  4. Haven't checked yet. Do we already have F&R mods sitting out there awaiting download? I mean, it's already been almost 24 hours since release!
  5. Congrats @sburke! I hope you enjoy the heck out of it. We need to start a retiree Combat Mission group or something!
  6. Congratulations! I just retired in November. Working on some health issues, but other than that, any recommendations on retirement did and don'ts?
  7. @markus544, call me crazy, but something tells me that patience is not your strong suit.
  8. I wonder... With the new Steam audience, do you think it would be more likely to catch on?
  9. So today I'm starting to feel better. Returning to the land of the living. I won't go into the nasty details, but I've been sicker than a dog. We can start getting things moving again. I will try and give @Artkin our strategic move today and get the ball rolling. Again, sorry for the delay.
  10. I activated it using my phone in tether mode, but we had an ice storm that knocked out our connection for several days.
  11. Yeah, I had built a new computer and decided to load my Steam version instead of my BF version. My internet went out and for whatever reason it would not let me start Black Sea. I went ahead and just installed my BF version and use it. I'm sure this rarely happens, but that is why I play using my BF version. But like Harry said, it may be a little more expensive, but I don't mind a few extra $$$ going to BF.
  12. We used that approach for years with Kerbal Space Program. Some folks loved helping out o/, some got frustrated with the process. I loved it. I can point to so many elements in the game that were my idea or I helped the small development team debug. I really feel a part of that game and have an unquavering loyalty towards it. There would always be an official release and a test release that was a more unstable build. We had an 'experimentals' team and a great bug reporting system. That helped a playtester go from a report of "The rocket engine doesn't work' to a report of exactly when, where, how, etc.. with screenshots or videos and a thorough description and seriousness of the problem.
  13. Sorry for the delay y'all. RL stuff has been getting in the way of my PBEM games. If you can just bare with me a little longer.
  14. I wonder if Crypto currency would even out those giant price swings? Hi @Dogukan o/ Stay safe there in Turkey. That close to ongoing conflicts must be kinda scary.
  15. I listened to the audiobook, so I missed out on the typos.
  16. What kinds of features are y'all looking for going from 2 to 3?
  17. Just finished the book. Sounds like fun!
  18. I believe Steam puts the game files directory in a different place than the Battlefront install
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