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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. Hello...
    I'm currently working on a campaign for CMRT and i came up with an idea that i wanted my briefing screens to look a bit more 'old time'...
    I posted a few pictures of this in my WIP campaign thread and i got a request to do a small tutorial on how i did these pictures...
    I think the hastely, handdrawn feeling to these pictures fits better into the WW2 timeframe then the 'standard' tactical maps...
    If you to like these...Here is how i did it with only a few mouse clicks...using PHOTOBUCKETS picture editor...
    First...Make a basic 'handdrawn' tactical map in PAINT (or any other paint program...)
    Then load that picture into the EDITOR...
  2. Any more opinions ?

    I need some input because i have to decide if i will buy a WW2 game now or wait for the Bulge game because of the AI triggers (no, not interested in CMRT).


    I say buy one..or both (CMBN and CMFI)...


    The original stock scenarios with those games may not have any triggers but both games have been upgraded to the latest standard so triggered scenarios for CMFI and CMBN should be forthcomming...Both community made scenarios- and hopefully also some scenario packs from BFC.


    Some triggered scenarios exist already but they are not all that many. 


    In most of the stock scenarios the AI is playing as the defender...wich has been mentioned here it does fairly well without any triggers...



    Now... go ahead and buy yourself a WW2 game  :) We're not talking about an enormous amount of money...They are well worth the price and WW2 brings a different game experience from CMBS...

  3. There is a file to look peek at as well. If it shows 0 0 it means desktop. You can manually tweak it for other resolutions.

    I've forgotten which folder it's in. Sorry.


    That would be...


    Documents/ Battlefront/ Combat mission/ Red thunder


    Here you will se a textfile named - display size


    open it and change the zeros to...


    1920 1080 60 and save it (there should be a blank space between 1920 and 1080 and also between 1080 and 60...60 is your prefered refresh rate...

    Some pictures from the first 3 missions...
    MISSION ONE ( july 2, 1944, time 07:00, light fog and rain)
    The russian assult begins...
    MISSION TWO ( july 2, 1944, time 09:00, thick haze)
    Your assultguns move to counter a russian breaktrough to the north...
    MISSION THREE (july 3, 1944, time 03:00, clear )
    During the night you volunteer to lead a platoon sized force to try and get some resupply to 2 isolated AT-guns
    ---- THE PRECIOUS FEW (a 5 mission campaign) ------
    I have been thinking about it for a long time and now i have finally gotten around to it to try and make my first campaign in CM2/3.
    I am planning a 5 mission campaign centered on only a few days in early July, 1944. Location: east of Minsk.
    Your CORE FORCES will be a number of StuGs from the 2nd battery / 198th Stug Abteilung. Attached to the 78th Sturm division.
    In these five missions you will also command various infantry and armour units from other formations (se picture above...)
    Most missions will be in the size of company+ as far as infantry goes..Supported primarely by your beloved Stugs.
    The 3rd mission will be smaller...In this one you will be commanding a platoon sized force...
    Mission 4 and 5 will also include some other types of armour.
    This will be a semihistorical/ fictional campaign (all units and locations will probably not be 100 % historically correct).
    The first 3 missions are close to finished. Some additional AI-planning left to do and then a bit more testing. 
    My plan is to have these first 3 missions ready for some external playtesting in about two weeks (mid april)..
    If you feel like helping out with some playtesting please let me know and i will PM you a DROPBOX link to the WIP campaign when i feel it might be ready for some external testing.
    I realize that the campaign is not finished yet but due to the small CORE FORCE i can easily include an EDITED version of mission 4 and 5 that reflects your previous losses.
    The title of the campaign "THE PRECIOUS FEW" reflects the fact that the StuG units where to few in numbers across the front...There never was enough of them...
    Hopefully i will be able to pull this of...Any help will be apprisiated...
    / RepsolCBR
  6. Sorry but why is it tougher all you need to do is to de-select all units and then you also see them all.

    And in what way C&C is different ? in the manual it says nothing about it.


    Maybe one way to 'improve' IRON-mode could be to... show NO units AT ALL... when you have no friendly unit selected and ones you select a unit it should work like IRON-mode works now (with regards to spotting and information)..


    Maybe not the perfect solution but i think it might be an easy 'tweak' to the current system to se how this works...If this is something that BFC could considder...



    I think the basic idea with IRON-mode is kind of cool but i have the same understanding of the current system as you do...De-select everyone...and you see everything...



    Maybe a solution is to create a wide variety of snow terrain tiles in the editor?




    I think this is a very good idea...Unless BFC have already been able to find a good solution to the 'deep snow/snow drift problem'...


    With special snow terrain tiles (maybe like high- and low snow drifts tiles and perhaps also some other variations) each of these different snowtiles could be given specific values when it comes to LOS blocking, cover, inpassable, risk of bogging and so on...and be placable like hedges and walls.


    Snowdrift flavoured objects like Kohlenklau mentioned is also a good idea...these could be placed up against buildings, walls and such...

  8. If I were BFC, i wouldn't even bother showing or telling anything until release day. They just get incessant whining and baseless speculation when they throw bones.

    Don't like it, don't buy it. What's so difficult about that concept?


    I understand that getting negative feedback on your work is not something that you want but it might not be all together a bad thing either. If everybody who commented on these pictures said "WOW ! thanks, Battlefront...These pictures looks great" then mayby BFC would considder them to be 'good enough'...


    "let's release this..."



    I don't think that any of us that have voiced concern about these pictures takes any pleasure in...COMPLAINING...We just want's the game to be as good as possible and that we would rather see BFC holding off on the release for a while longer to get some improvements in...


    After all..The BULGE GAME is expected to set the future standard for winter conditions...Not only in this game but also in the comming expansions to RT and CMFI...



    I'm for one is hoping for something simular to Kohlenklaus last picture so seeing those pictures and hearing statements from battlefront that the game is pretty far along in its development got me concerned...



    But you are absolutely right ! If we don't like it we don't have to buy it....(the problem is... i want to buy it B))

  9. Because there was a clamour for them? With all the pissing and moaning about how bad they are, I'd hardly expect BFC to be keen to throw a bone ever again. Though they're probably used to the ingrates now.



    Some people can't be pleased Womble. Ever. Perish the thought that its the very first screenshots we've seen of something that is so clearly a work in progress.


    Yes...Some peolpe complaine about these pictures, including me....That's sort of what i meant with my last post...Why show these pictures when they have nothing to show...No improvements...Nothing new...This is just asking for negative comments.


    I  realize that they are WIP pictures but my point is that it might have been better to not have shown them at all at this stage...Can you guys honestly say that you weren't dissapointed and a bit concerned when you saw those Pictures..?

  10. I honostly don't understand why they showed us these pictures...


    They show no improvement AT ALL with regards to winter terrain/conditions...I most certanly hope they are very early WIP screenshots.


    Winter terrain has been discussed in numorous threads for a long time and most of them have ended with the conclution that  improvements to winter warfare/terrain will  come with the BULGE GAME. (No such claims might have been made by BFC them self though..I don't really remember)


    But still...


    This will be the first basegame centered on WINTER conditions...Surely some major improvements will have to be made...Othervise this will be nothing more then a scenario-pack.

  11. The screen shots look cool.  Hope we get to see the finished product soon.


    Thanks !


    Yes...i think those StuGs looks like some menacing predators awaiting their prey...and that would make the T34s a flock of 'innocent tanks'... :)  



    It might be a while yet...These pictures are taken from the second mission in  a small campaign (5 scenarios) i'm working on.


    The campaign as a whole will probably not be finished until someday in may...at the earliest.


    Missions 1 and 2 are nearing compleation though and will be ready for playtesting come next friday i hope...

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