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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. Hello, Cpl

    - - "The only reason it's such a high value is because the reinforcements make up 3 times as many men as the garrison. I will consider reducing or removing it though, and/or making it unknown." --


    That makes sence...

    Making that objective UNKNOWN and...stating in the mission briefing that destroying the garrison forces is the primary objective but that any additional casualties that can be inflicted on the enemy will be considdered a big plus as long as friendly casualties can be kept low.

    Would be my suggestion...


    -- "I will review this and see if I can have some units actually stay in place." --


    That would be good imo. It does not have to be a large force by any means...just a few well placed defenders that are hard (impossible) to target with long range fire...



    And...I forgott to mention before...


    NICE TOUCH with Viktor Petrenko ! Little things like this gives some flavour to the scenario... :)

  2. Thanks for this scenario, Cpl Steiner...


    I enjoyed playing it.



    --------  SPOILER, SPOILER, SPOILER !!!!  ----------


    I pretty much used the same tactics as The MonkeyKing. I used my BMP 2 to engage and destroy the enemy APCs. I had to shift it around somewhat to be able to get LOF to all 3 targets but the enemy was not able to prevent this. I kept my BMP as far back as i could to avoid being targeted by enemy RPGs...One RPG was fired at my BMP from long range though but luckely it missed...

    After neutralizing the enemy veichles i used the BMP to areafire on the enemy buildings in the village.


    Unlike The MonkeyKing i never intended to stick around and fight it out with the reinforcements. My goal was to achive the primary objectives and pull back before the enemy reinforcements arrived...This was a close call as it turned out (good timing with the those reinforcements)


    I used 1 platoon to go after the enemy informant, one platoon to advance into the village and one platoon to booby trap the warehouse objective.


    My BTRs provided long range areafire on suspected enemy possitions...


    The warehouse objective was secured without encountering any enemies. After securing the objective this platoon remained in place until it was time to withdraw.


    On my left it took me some time to find that sneaky informant but when i did he was swiftly dealt with...Same thing with this platoon...After achiving their primary objective they remained in place for a few minutes before withdrawing of the map...


    After killing all (known) forward defenders in the village with long range supporting fire i moved my central platoon into the village to quickly achive the boobytrap objective in the village. I managed to do this at the exact minute that the enemy reinforcements where belived to arrive.


    After fullfilling their objective i immidiatelly pulled them back and all my remaining troops where ordered to make their way to the exitzone...



    I managed to achive the primary objectives with very limited casualties...Oooh... by the way...I never did use the russian reinforcements...


    This is where the enemy reinforcements where when i had exited all my troops from the map...
    A good scenario over all but a few suggestions...
    I would considder reducing the number of victory objectives...Especially those considdering the enemy casualties...As i understand it you have 3 objectives based on enemy casualties (4 if you include the enemy conditions objective)..
    I would remove the ENEMY CONDITIONS and perhaps also the DESTROY REINFORCEMENTS objective...After all...The briefing states that you should try to NOT get involved in any firefight with the reinforcements...Right now destroying the reinforcements is one of the highest value objectives...
    If not removing it i would atlest lower the points for it or perhaps make it an UNKNOWN objective....
    In the AI-plan i played the WAREHOUSE objective was totally undefended. I would place atleast some enemy defenders at that location and i would also place the TOUCH OBJECTIVE further back in the warehouse complex...
    I would considder using russian veichles with the seperatists...The current ones have the ukranian flag on them....
    And as a final remark...I don't think that it would make the scenario 'to difficult' if you where to add some more ukranian defenders in the initial setup...A good scenario but i think that it might be a bit to easy right now to defeat the ukranians until the reinforcements arrive...
    Thanks for making this !
  3. What is the benefit with this you might ask...


    Well...first this information gets passed up the chain of command and the it goes back down the chain of command again...


    This means that if you have all these 3 indicators green everything that 2nd team knows about the enemy will first be passed up the chain of command and then back down...All other Company HQs that are in command with 1st regiment will get this information..They will in turn send this information along to all their


    subordinate platoon HQs (and other units) that they have C2 with...After that...All thoose platoon HQ will share this information with all their assigned squads and other units...



    Information is very useful...The better understanding all your units have of the overall situation...THE BETTER THEY WILL FIGHT !

  4. If i understand this correct...


    - The red cross infront of 2nd platoon indicates....That the selected 2nd TEAM is NOT in contact with its emidiate higher HQ (2nd platoon).


    - The green dot infront of tankodesantniki CO indicates...That 2nd TEAMs higher HQ (that would be 2nd platoon) is in turn in contact with its higher HQ (tankodesantniki Company)...It has nothing to do with your currently selected 2nd TEAM (other then to show how well the C2 is maintained higher up the chain of command).


    - The green dot infront of 1st REGIMENT indicates that 2nd PLATOONs higher HQ (tankodesantniki Company) is in Contact with its higher HQ (that would be 1st regiment HQ).



    It can be a bit confusing at first but i Think i have this right...


    If you move 2nd team back into contact with 2nd platoon HQ all the information that THAT 2nd team are able to gather with regards to the enemy will be passes up the chain of command right up to 1st regiment HQ


    If this screen had shown a red cross infront of 1 st regiment and the other two indicators would have been green then the information gathered by 2nd team would only be passed along the chain of command up to Company level HQ...NOT ! regiment...



    As the situation is now on your screenshot...Any information that 2nd platoon HQ has about the enemy will be passed on to Company HQ and then to regiment HQ...but any information that 2nd team will be able to gather will be limited to 2nd team...



    I hope i got this right and that this is somewhat helpful....

  5. Hello..
    This is an updated version of the original scenario. According to the feedback i got on V.1 of this scenario at the BATTLEFRONT FORUM it might have been a bit to difficult in its original state.
    The file is also uploaded to the Repository but it will not be avaliable there until BFC have rewiewed it..
    The following changes where made in this V 1.2 version:
    - The 2 squads in the recon platoon are now VETERAN troops as opposed to before being REGULAR.
    - The MORAL of the two T72 tanks have been upped one level to NORMAL. Used to be LOW.
    - The scenario now have the CORRECT gametime in its description.
    - 1st company have now some limited artillery/mortar support
    - The briefingtext have had an overhaul and should now be correct english.
    - I have TAGGED a mod to this scenario that will have the SEPERATISTS look more the part...
    I would like to thank the following FORUM MEMBERS for their help:
    Scenario feedback:
    - ridethe415, TAKODA, Capt. Toleran, Childress and Chudacabra.
    For helping me improving- and correcting the briefingtext:
    - SLR
    For his excellent SEPERATIST MOD:
    I hope these changes will make it somewhat easier to achive a victory...
    I tried to put the DROPBOX link in the first post of this thread but i could not find any way to EDIT that first post...
  6. Hello, Chudacabra...


    Thanks for letting me know how it ended...A DRAW seems like good result...BRAVO !  :)


    Did you manage to secure Tango 1 ?


    If soo it must have been the loss of the T72 i addition to the commitment of the reserv platoon that prevented you from getting a victory (the AI gets some points for destroying them)...


    Yes...Their HE loadout is not all that great compared to a T34 for example...I also spent all- or most of my HE...


    The main idea with the BMP-3 is that it is ment to represent additional russian equipment...Perhaps i should clarify that in the briefing with V 1.2...


    Thanks for your feedback and WELL DONE !  :)

  7. I just tried this and got the same results. So I switched it up and changed the objective to a preserve for the Russians. The American breach teams blew out all four walls but the building did not come down. The breach teams would not set off any more demo charges to bring the building down the rest of the way.  After a quick ceasefire and still no points were awarded. So unfortunately this will not be a simple work around. Hopefully a patch can solve this.


    Thanks, Heirloom


    I was about to test this...Sorry to hear it does not work...

  8. Try with a tank or arty, and try to completely raze the building.




    That will most likely work but what i want to be able to do is to have infantry/engineers complete such an objective...


    From the manual...




    Taking out all 4 walls on a ONE TILE building would be considered DAMAGED atleast in my book...


    Right now the only way to achive this objective seems to be...as you mentioned to flatten it completally... with HE.

  9. Wait a second, did you try to completely raze the building?


    I did what i could with infantry/engineers...



    - Blasted through all 4 walls of a single story building...Anything more then that does not seem to be possible without heavy weapons...The building was still standing but it was most certanly damaged...


    - The TALL WALL was completallty leveled to the ground...(maybe a single wall like that could not be considered a structure...but i thought i would give it a try...)

  10. I will put a note in the developer's 'to do' box to address this problem.  Quite likely that ENG generated 'damage' from blast is not recognized as 'damage/destruction' for VPs.  No guarantee, but possible it gets addressed in a patch.  Suspect you've found an issue common across CM, but won't know w/o further test.


    Many thaks for your assistance  :)


    Hopefully this could be adressed...

  11. I like the tank morale change to normal, I feel like the Russian "volunteers" that are there are probably front-line, professional troops vs. folks who don't want to be there.


    Yes...I made the misstake of going with TYPICAL when selecting these tanks and not really checking what i got...Both tanks got LOW moral...


    Changing to NORMAL will hopefully not have them bail out if fired upon by HMGs...


    NORMAL moral will be OK i think...reflecting previous losses to the unit during the last couple of days...




    I did some testing with TAGGING today and i got i working just fine...Blimeys SEPERATIST MOD is in... :)

  12. Hello, Blimey...


    I have TAGGED the ukranian version of your mod to an updated version of my scenario - Debaltseve Devils - that i'm working on now..


    This works very well...Thanks again for your MOD  :)


    Hi Blimey,


    I tried the mod and loved it. One question though. Some of the files have the tag "[digital]" as part of the file name. Did you add this yourself or was it already there? Reason I ask is, I was going to experiment with using a [separatists] tag in my scenario so that digital camo Ukrainians would look normal in other scenarios but gave up when I started renaming the files with a "[separatists]" tag as I don't know if a file can have more than one tag.




    When i first tried to tag my scenario i taged/re-taged all the files...Including those previously taged as [digital]...This messed up the files...Don't change the files that already is tagged [digital]...leave them as is...This works perfectly !  :)


    I have everything working now...

  13. It certainly has been a success in terms of showing the line in terms of tactics and what squads can do by themselves. 


    Yes...this is true...


    Those poor seperatist don't have much in the way of support weapons in this scenario and as you mentioned it will hopefully be a good learning experience...


    Thanks for your perserverance with this scenario  :) . Your feedback is apprisiated...



    These will be my changes for V1.2 (as of now)


    - 1st company will get an 82mm mortar and a forward observer.

    - the 2 squads in the recon platoon have been upped one level to VETERAN troops.

    - The 2 T72s will now have NORMAL moral as opposed to LOW before.

    - some typos will be fixed and the description of the scenario lenth will be changed to the correct 80 minutes and not 120...


    I will also try to TAG Blimey's SEPERATIST MOD to V1.2 (i have never worked with tags before so we will have to se how this goes... B) )


    I will start this editing of the scenario at the begining of next week...



    Any comments on these plans are offcourse welcome... :)

  14. What i think i will do with regards to the current feedback is to upload a V1.2 of the scenario.


    So far only Chudacbra seems to have gotten of to a good start...Hopefully he will be able to defeat this  B)


    The scenario seems to be a bit to difficult right now...



    I will  give 1st company an on-map mortar team with limited ammo and perhaps also a forward observer...


    This should give the player an opertunity to engage the enemy HMG teams prior to the arrival of 2nd company and the tanks  or perhaps he choose to target some reverse slope defenders by the river or save the ammo for later use on the other side of the river...


    I think this might be a good compromize...An AGL with 1st company will make them to powerful i think...A mortar team will not be able to do much good against the enemies in cover but an AGL would be able to defeat all enemy possitions...




  15. One reality this scenario really drove home for me was the caliber change in modern warfare, which for the most part is smaller bullets with less penetration power.  Troops in CMBN could hole up in a heavy building if they wanted to, but a barrage of 30-06 and the 7..92mm German equivalent (as well as 7.62x54R in CMRT, which kicks like a mule if you have ever fired a Mosin or a SVD-imitation Romanian PSG) meant that it was only a matter of time before you caught the right round in the wrong place, or the building slowly came apart.  In this scenario, aside from the heavy MG's and the tank rounds, which really make themselves known once they show up, only the Dragunov's and PKM's/PKP's have the penetrating power needed to really put someone down inside a heavy building vs. what seems like a barrage of 5.45x39 rounds against those walls.  They take much longer to have any chance of getting through some of these buildings, and while the squad now has great rapid-fire ability in the open, in an urban environment, they struggle.  I had remembered it from CMSF, but it had been a long time since I had played that (thanks antivirus programs!) and I had been playing CMBN and CMRT a lot, where urban environments didn't stand up as well to higher-caliber rounds.


    RPG's and grenades (launched or otherwise) are still of pretty limited use on a lot of the buildings on this map.


    This has been my experience also...


    The RPGs often has suprisingly little effect on the enemy...

  16. It's very tough. I mean VERY tough. I was stunned at the number of blue icons present on the map after the rage quit. I got down to level one and the Ukrainian regulars seemed to be flipping the bird to my troops. As in Toleran's experience one of my T72 crews abandoned their perfectly intact ride after what appeared to be merely MG fire. The survivors were promptly gunned down after crawling around looking for... a place to die. I felt compelled to LIKE Toleran's posts.


    Also, if you want this battle to appeal to MP'ers I suggest your provide setup zones for Red.



    Thanks for the feedback Childress !



    It seems that it is the HMGs that are causing the payers much of the problems...I agree with you guys...I did not think that those 50.cals would be able to knock-/bail  out the T72s. That did not happen in my testing. Sure...They plinked away at the tanks for a short time but did no damage.


    I placed the HMGs where they are primarely to be a 'problem' for the infantry...Not to KO tanks...I can see that losing some of the armour will make this VERY difficult...


    If you loose one of the tanks i don't think you have much of an option but to commit the reserv platoon to have any chans at all...this will give you a new HE chucker and some fresh infantry...



    Yes...There are quite a few blue incons on the other side but ALL of them are SPLIT squads and a number of them will do some 'less then brilliant' moves to give the player a chans to engage them in favorable conditions (i hope ;) ).


    I think that the toughest part of this mission will be to clear the area around the river and get a foothold on the other side...



    This scenario was never intended for H2H play...Even i is not THAT mean...Having a human player command the ukranians would make an attack not only very difficult but probably impossible... B)


    But your point regarding the set-up zones is a valid one even in singleplayer...I though about adding one but decided for this solution this time....

  17. Thank you again for doing this, and I look forward to other scenarios from you, they for sure are not overly easy ;)



    Thanks !  :)


    My goal is to try and make somewhat challenging scenarios but they should not be TO DIFFICULT either...It's a complicated balacing act  ;)

    Hopefully there will be some players atleast that manage to defeat this one and let me know about it in this thread...  B)​ 


    I had some plans to give the 1st company an AGL but i feared that that would have resulted in that grenade launcher being moved around the battlefield to 'solve' every problem until the tanks arrived... 


    With my next scenario i will try to get some playtesters to try it out before releasing it...

  18. Thanks, I was tired and cranky last night and maybe a bit more blunt than was appropriate.  You can see from my current rating here (due to my meltdown on CMBS launch day) that I do that sometimes, much to my chagrin later :P



    No worries, captain  :)


    I think that everbody RAGE QUIT an ongoing game every now and then...Not just combat mission...but any game...


    I apprisiate your feedback...I'm not looking for exclusivly possitive feedback...If something about the scenario is not to the players liking- or seems a bit strange... i like to hear about that to...Not just the good parts (if there are any  ;) ).

  19. Hello Captain...



    I have had the same experience as you in a number of the stock scenarios...And in this one also in my first playtest...


    Thinking that using a lot of small arms firepower from different  directions will be enough to route the enemy...Only to find that that is not the case.


    In previous CM titles this has usually been enough (atleast in my experience) but that does not seem to be the case with CMBS...



    I for one like this 'change'  :)...Requiring the player to close assult locations more often and also to make sure that the enemy possition really is neutrolized before moving on...Several times i have belived that i had defeted the enemy possition only to find that some survivors remained in place to fire on my guys from the rear..



    Once again...Thanks for your feedback and if you do decide to have another go at it i wish you the best of luck...

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