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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. Most military forces won't target things like houses until it's clearly being used for military purposes so it's a pretty reasonable safety measure.  Care will be taken to avoid hitting those sorts of residential/non-military buildings so long as there's no military use of those buildings.



    This is sort of what i ment...


    If a scenario was designed with a briefing stating that the current ROE prohibits opening fire on buildings unless they are clearly identified as hostile possitions (that would mean enemy units have been spotted in those Buildings).


    Would that be somewhat realistic in this setting ?


    The current SOP for most players as i understand it is to suppress as many possitions as possible before advancing in an urban setting...Spotted enemies or not...


    This kind of restriction would make things a bit different...


    I understand that it will be somewhat difficult in game terms  to 'punish' the player if he decides to use preemtive areafire anyway but if those ROE restrictions where mentined in the briefing it would be up to the player if he wanted to 'cheat' or not...

  2. And if one lets the imagination flow.... ;)



    Putin may not be 'the badest boy on the block' over there.


    If the Ukrainian conflict started to go badly for the russians and a humiliating defeat was a likely outcome maybe some of the oldtimers would start to 'question' Putins ways of handling things...



    After all...There was some trouble back in russia a few years ago when Gorbatjov was considered to be to western friendly iirc...

  3. I think this whole thread is a case of forgetting the Russian Federation is not the 1985 Soviet Union in terms of capabilities and intentions.  


    That is very true. But still...



    A few months ago i read about the russian plans for a very significant increase in defence spendings the comming years (i'm sorry i don't remember the number right now but it was HIGH !)


    They most certantly have the intention to increase their military power once again but maybe that will not have resulted in a very significant increase in capabilities by 2017.



    This was before the economical sanctions and plunge in oil prices though. The russians might have to reconsidder...



    By the way, if the Swedes fear the Russians invading the Baltc States could such a move convince Stockholm to join the war?



    I very much doubt that...Atleast deliberatelly.


    The scenario usually being discussed is this...


    - Russia invades the Baltic countries

    - Refugees from those countries tries to flee to Sweden across the Baltic sea.

    - Swedish naval- and airforces scramble to protect those refugees

    - Russia dissaproves of the Swedish involvment and as a first step starts attacking Swedish air and naval units.

    - From there.....

  5. I think that having the conflict spread to the Baltic could be a nice setting for a module.


    Being a swede...A russian invasion of the Baltics and what that could lead to is perhaps the greatest fear of our goverment and also the number one reason for the current change in defence spendings. For the first time in many year the Swedish defence budget will be increased.


    The Baltic states now being members of NATO might make such an invasion less likely...but still...


    Even with just the BASE game i think that fictional scenarios in the Baltics will be doable and a nice alternative to be limited to only the ukraine...

  6. Hopefully this is where Kohlenklau is on to something GOOD with his SCENARIO FACTORY idea....


    Instead of doing all these things solo...Why not join forces with a few others and do a small part...


    Some like mapmaking, some like briefingdesign and others are more skilled when it comes to AI-planning...


    And almost all can help out with playtesting...Getting instant feedback !


    Being a group working together problems that come up can be discussed and hopefully solved together...sharing of ideas...


    I think this is i brilliant initiativ and might very well be the way forward...

  7. Two things with regards to the briefings....


    - I think it would be good if the briefingpictures could be allowed to be larger. I often find it difficult to make a decent looking map within the size-restrictions we currently have.


    - Add an extra option (tab) to the briefing screen. We now have BRIEFING, DESIGNERNOTES and TACTICAL MAP...

      I would also like to se ADDITIONAL INFORMATION or something like that with multiple pages avaliable...Here the designer could put pictures and text from the manuals encyclopedia showing the information on important enemy (or friendly) equipment and any tips the designer might have for dealing with them.


      I think this would be a nice addition to the briefings. Espesially for those that don't play the game 'all the time'. It would help the player to understand what he is up against...

  8. In some respects i find that making smaller scenarios can by more challeging...I have tried to make a few small ones but none have been very good i'm affraid...


    Whit small maps and fewer forces comes a responsibillity to se to it that the scenario still provides a number of challanges and oppertunities for the player...



    With somewhat larger scenarios these challanges and oppertunities will not need to be quite as perfectly designed by the designer himself...They sort of find themself to a gretaer degree


    - Make a realistic and natural looking map of decent size and put addacuate forces on it...The challanges and oppertunities will be easier to create and not need as much micro managing every detail as with smaller scenarios i Think.

  9. IanL  expanding on that suggestion of yours it would be awesome if the scenario editor when open for that AI group had a 3D preview mode and would draw its plan as a waypoint path and at each little node show the time delay there. And all draggable to best cover and all with the ability to click on that leg and make changes with shortcuts as you cycle through the 15,30,45 times. SInce we are dreaming...


    Something like this would be very welcome for sure...


    I find that the whole timing thing can get pretty messy when trying to coordinate things...It is not very easy to figure out at what GAME CLOCK time different units will be at different places...


    Another thing that i would appriciate would be to be able to delay a triggered movement with X minutes...Having and add/delete toggle for the delay in minutes in the UI to the triggered respons...


    Sort of like this...An enemy unit moves across a river and sets of a trigger but as the scenario designer i don't want my forces to react instantly but rather 4 minutes after the trigger was activated...

  10. Oooh..And one other thing that i Think would help alot...


    The abbility to load saved games into the editor...make some changes to them and then save them again.



    This would cut down the scenario testing times significantelly i Think...


    For example...


    You have made a 1 hour scenario and are currently playtesting it. Save the game every other turn and ones you get to a Point in the playtesting you dont like...Load a saved game from a few turns back into the editor and make the changes you like.

    Save it and now you can continue the playtesting from where you where (turn 45 for example) and don't have to start al over from the beginning...

  11. Like most others have commented here i also like the idea of some sort of returning scenario design 'competition'.


    The question is how that should be put together and if BFC would have any intrest in participating and organizing such an event (maybe the best 3 submissions could win a free copy of any existing or future Products or something like that)



    Kohlenklaus initiativ with the scenario factory is also a very good one. I hope it will work. Many people may not have the time to do a full scenario but might be able to contribute in some small way.




    As far as the editor is concerned...


    I really doubt that it is the lack o knowledge that is holding many, many people back from producing scenarios. Between the manual, Youtube tutorials and JonS excelent tutorial that should be enough information avaliable to get people started.


    As has been mentioned many times before...The scenarios does not have to be super complicated battalion + scenarios but small simple ones are also perfectly fine...



    I rather think that it is the complexity and lack of user friendlieness of the editor that is holding people back...Or perhaps more to the point...A combination of the two !




    - The mapeditor is very good as is but as has been suggested...The abbility to make and save/load templates that could be placed and rotated on the map would be a great addition.

    - The Uniteditor....Also very good


    - The AI planning...This is where we need some major updatingi Think

  12. Hello...



    Should we ask BFC to slow down on the creation of new modules and basegames and put more resorces on updating the editor ?


    The lack of community made scenarios is starting to be a real concern imo...


    Its pretty much my feeling that almost 90 % of the community made scenarios are comming from 10 people or something like that...Take away those 10 and we would get close to nothing after the initial releases...


    Part of the reason has to be that the editor is still not user-friendly enough to get more people to start making scenarios...



    V.3 of CMFI

    V.3 of CMBN

    the veichlepack


    has resulted in close to nothing !


    What do you guys think ? Modules and basegames are very nice offcourse but the stock scenarios don't last forever...





  13. Once you get the basics down another big step to become an effective commander is obviously to get familiar with your equipment...and that of your enemies.


    - Learn how to best use the different tools at your disposal...


    - you also need to know what the capabilities of the enemy weapon systems are so you can plan accordingly...



    Having a firm understanding of this will make a big differense !

  14. Also...don't be shy with the use off suppresive fire when you do decide to advance on a possition (not doing a stealthy recon).


    Many of your teams will have quite alot of ammo (machineguns and supporting veichles among others).


    Use some of your guys to fire on know and suspected enemy possitions while other guys advance...


    You can also recon by fire...If you suspect that there will be some enemy troops inside a building for example put some rounds into it...If there is anybody home they will usually return fire (revealing their possition).

  15. Hello...


    Can the UAVs crash ? ON MAP !!! :)


    Tonight i started playing an american mission that have som UAV support.


    I ordered my Raven to observe over an enemy held village giving it maximum area coverage.


    This Little guy worked very well...Within a few minutes (3-5) it had located a number of veichles (Tunguska, trucks and APCs).


    I ordered an artillery strike on the Tunguska and managed to take it out with one shot. Unfortunatelly the Tunguska managed to fire at my UAV and shot it down before my artillerystrike arrived :angry:


    This emmidiatelly resulted in my spotted contacts becoming only suspected enemie contacts...(The UAV worked as intended....This willage had alot of building and a fair amount of trees to help hide the enemy veichles).



    The cool thing though...I Think...


    A few seconds after being shot down.....it crashed right infront of some of my men ! ...almost killing them in the resulting blast...



    If that was not the UAV causing the blast i dont know what it was ?





  16. ChrisND, thanks for your answer...


    Your reasoning makes sence and despite my question/suggestion/complaint with this issue i  still think you guys have made another VERY good game. Thank you for that !



    But still i cant help but to feel that there is a (very small !) piece missing. Giving the player the option to use their AT4s for example as an area target weapon- or against enemy infantry could bring another (small) tactical option to the game...Should i use them or not ?...Will i need them later..? 


    Having played almost exclusivly as the americans so far i have pretty much no experience with the russian equipment as of yet but it seems according to others that the ruskies and ukranians have a bit more flexibility when it comes to targeting buildings and enemy infantry with their RPGs.


    The americans however seems to have a very limited capability right now in an infantry fight to deliver 'a big bang' on enemy possitions.


    I might very well be wrong about this but it has been my experience so far that the american hand held HE-weapons (M320, CDTE) have a quite limited effect when it comes to suppressing enemy troops inside Buildings (they can obiously do it but the enemy seems to be able to handle those hits to pretty well)..


    I don't know if the protection levels of the buildings have been increased or if it is the use of body armour that help protect the soldiers from suppressing fire.


    Whatever the reason i like it though that troops inside buildings are quite hard to suppress but it would be nice to have the OPTION to fire an AT4 into an enemy possition that is causing me lots of problems...



    Regarding the Carl Gustav, Astano...thanks for the link...


    Perhaps we will se this weapon in a future add-on...

  17. OK...That makes kind of sence...But there are many situations where no enemy armour are likely to show up...In situations like that a weapon like the AT4 could be very useful for other things...


    By the way...


    Does the US army not use the Carl Gustav ? I have seen a number of youtube clips of them practicing with it...and now there is a smaller, lighter version of that weapon...

  18. Hello...


    What is the best way to get my infantry to fire their hand held rockets (at other things then enemy armour...) ?


    I have played a few of the smaller scenarios (as americans) and i don't think that i have ever seen my squads using their AT4s (or javelins) to area-target enemy- or suspected enemy buildings.


    IRL that is pretty common...Is it not ? In MOUT fighting...



    Perhaps a FIRE ROCKET target-order could be something to wish for...










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