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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. I have a pretty strong feeling that Baneman isn't going to get far, his armor is going to be out numbered and smashed by those hell cats. Once Bil finds out he only has 2 (or 3?) panthers and a Jagdtiger its pretty much over. Infantry won't get far getting smashed by Jumbos.

    This is my wiew also...I think this will be very difficult for Baneman !

    That JagdTiger can't be everywhere...

    I would guess that Baneman did not expect Bil to go for such an armour heavy defence-force...

  2. This will be very intresting to watch...

    Without airsupport - do the allies have any weapon system at all that will be able to challange the Super heavy Tigers at anything but point blank range...?

    Something like 2 of these german heavies on overwatch will make it very hazardius for allied armour to show themself...no ? Will massed fire from  a platoon of 

    shermans for example have a decent chans of inflicting any serious damage to the equipment or tracks of these beasts and in such a way take them out ?


    Looking forward to see you pull this active defence of...

    Best of luck !



  3. Hello...

    Thanks for the scenario...This looks really nice !

    The only thing i have done so far is to have a look at the set-up...and i have a very minor suggestion that you might considder when designing scenarios with a somewhat higher unit count..

    - have some of the troops arrive as reinforcements

    The set-up zone might get a bit crowed with alot of troops to deploy right away (especially if you split them up)...In THIS scenario this does not seem to be a huge problem...but still...something to considder...

    Parts of the player forces could arrive after 5 minutes...10 minutes...and still be avaliable for the early fighting...

    Big thanks for your continues work with these scenarios !  At the moment you are one of the very few that provide us with new community made things to play...

    Keep up the good work

  4. Thanks, Aragorn !

    It has obviously put me of a Little...but no...It will not stop me from making more scenarios...Infact i might start on something new in a not to far future..

    I have learned alot about scenario Creation while working on this Campaign...things that can be put to good use in future work...

    Regarding CAM-files...I never included mission 3 and 4 into the Campaign...I had them as seperate scenario files (btt) to be included at a later stage...



  5. I have done some initial attempts to try and recover the files (including downloading RECUVA)...

    I have found a handfull of files from battlefront but not the ones i 'm looking for...

    I have searched previously deleted files from C:drive and specifically the TRASHCAN..

    I have been seraching for anything to do with battlefront, the precious few and btt.-files but have not been able to find the ones i need...

    I will try some more to see if a can find anything good...


  6. Hello...

    Thanks for thoose kind words...Glad you liked the mission !

    Unfortunatelly i have bad news...

    In an act of total 'brain deadiness' i deleted the battlefront folder from my C:drive thinking that that folder was an old one that i did not need any more since the game is installed on an SSD (D: drive)... 

    My C: drive was getting very full and that affected performance so i tried to remove unneccesary files to clear some more space and increase performance...

    I don't know why i deleted that folder !! i Know that i need it...Stupid, stupid man...(i think i did the same thing a number of years ago...)

    All scenarios are gone ! including this campaign...

    I still have the campaign with the first 2 missions in my dropbox folder but my completed 4th mission (the best one by far that i have ever made...) and the almost completed 3rd mission are lost forever...

    I will not try to redo them...to much work unfortunatelly

    Maybe i will upload the first two missions if someone would like to play them...


    Again...thanks for taking the time to test this...

    Best regards/ RepsolCBR

  7. Hello...

    I played 'Interlock OP' tonight.

    - As usual...A very nice map !

    - Good 'idea' for a scenario.

    - Overall a very good 'one sitting' scenario


    RESULT...Total victory 

    CASUALTIES...2 dead, 1 wounded

    RUSSIAN CASUALTIES...2 enemy soldiers (from 2 teams) remained when the enemy surrendered.


    Thanks for this scenario...Hope you find the time to make some more...


  8. I think its kind of lazy from them and i was really disappointed to see they dont updated the scenarios.

    Yes it takes time, but again, they SELL this stuff and dont give it away for free !



    Let me ask you this....


    Will every scenario in GTOS be updated when the new game gets released ?


    Infact will even the - Operation Star - game be upgraded to include all the new features of the new game or will it be left as is...?


    Can you please share with us your comprehensive list of gamedevelopers that update every single aspect of their older releases when they release a new game in the same game-family...

  9. Hello...


    A very small suggestion with regards to the briefing screen...


    I would imagine that you have initially made those pictures larger and then resized them to fit into the size-limitations of the editor...


    One thing that you might considder with your next scenario is to resize the pictures to the correct size before you type in the text...


    This way the text in the pictures will become somewhat less blury...



    As is the text is still readable (atleast with my 'young' eyes  B) ) but if you place the text onto the pictures after they are the correct size hopefully the text will become crisper...


    Once again...Only a small suggestion to a very cool looking scenario.



    Well..I'm off...I have some russian AT-guns to deal with  ;)

  10. ...and what just made me fall of my chair is that you said "The shadowing seems far inferior to CM..."...wow, shows me how abnormal your connection to CMx2 is.

    Really, please stay realistic at least.


    Ohh, well...Maybe there is something wrong with the way youtube works on my computer then...because i can not see any shadowing from the guns on the vehicles for example....

  11. I would also prefer that hey 'finish' the CM2 series before they set about to design an entirely new game engine...


    We need 41- 44, 44-45 russian front games...preferably also the early years and north africa...


    As far as GTOS goes...I have not really played it...I found the UI to be....Uuuh....not very nice  B) ...Perhaps with a bit more time spent with that game things would have become more playable...but i put that game away ratrher quickly...With a dissapointment feeling...


    I have watched all the youtube videos i can find about the upcomming game and i have to say that i'm not one bit impressed...when compared to CM...



    The vehicles look very cartoony, they are very bright and shiny...seems more approporate for a moscow victory parade rather then having seen prolonged combat. The shadowing seems far inferior to CM...

  12. WOW !  :)


    This one will keep me occupied for a couple of evenings i'm sure...Thanks for making this !


    "When playing this do so with the mindset you are playing a min campaign. Due to the size of map and tactical challenges you’ll need to tackle this as a linked series of actions rather than one decisive action."


    Cool idea !


    Looking forward to see how this will play out...sounds very promising 

  13. Your reasoning makes no sence at all, Wiggum15...


    If GTOS only surpass CM in some areas and fall short in some others...

    Does that not mean that GTOS is an absolutelly lousy game since they cant even beat the CM design and the people working on that game does not have a clue as to what they are doing ?

    You don't accept the shortcommings with CM...Why would you do it with GTOS ?

    Why would GTOS not need to be perfect ? but CM do ?

  14. Wiggum15



    I will only repeat what I said earlier: this is a small company, be realistic.




    This is something that you seem to be completally unable to accept !
    They do not have 250 people on the payroll.
    Besides engine updates BFC are- and have always been under great presure to deliver new theatres, campaigns and scenarios for their customers to play.
    Making these takes time...
    Besides the Bulge game we the comunity are also asking for modules and scenariopacks for CMBN, CMFI and CMRT to be released as soon as possible...preferably today.
    Even CMBS have seen some requests for additional content already...
  15. CMx2 is a great game but has not moved on since 2007.

    Things BFC sells as "engine updates" would be just small free updates for other devs.

    Things BFC sells as a "new" full price game would be a 20$ DLC for other devs.



    What many other developers does not do is to allow the player to update their older games in a series to be as good as the latest for a TINY !  sum of Money...


    That option does not exist at all in many other games afaik...With this approach we will not need to buy a CMBN2 or a CMFI2 for a long, long time hopefully and still keep those games 'fresh'...


    Compare this with FIFA15, NHL15 for example...


    If you want to be able to play the latest FIFA game you will nedd to buy an ENTIRELY NEW, FULL PRICE FIFA-game every year....A way to simply upgrade your previous purcase to the latest version does not exits...Atleast not to my knowledge...I have not played FIFA for a few years...

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