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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. I think that one way to drastically improve the AI-side in a battle would be to give the scenario designers MORE AI-Groups to work with...

    IMO the AI seems to have a very limted understanding of what the different kind of squads, teams and veichles are supposed to do but rather treats them all of as 'a number of men'...regardless of what kind of Equipment they are carrying...

    An INFANTRY SQUAD is treated as 8-10 MEN

    a HMG-TEAM is is treated as 3-5 MEN...not as a SUPPORT WEAPON !

    More or less the same goes for a MORTAR TEAM and its AMMO CARRIERS...The AI treats them as a NUMBER OF MEN and pay little attention to what the are supposed to be doing and where they ought to be placed to fullfill their task...

    If you place an INFANTRY PLATOON, a HMG TEAM and a MORTAR TEAM in the same AI-group and give them a number of ORDERS to attack a possition the result will not be very impressive...

    If we had more AI-Groups the scenario designer could 'help' the AI to pull this kind of attack of in a more succsesful and realistic way...

    The INFANRTY PLATOON could be something like 2 or 3 AI-Groups to help it advance in bounding overwatch... using good avenues of approach and timings.

    The HMG-TEAM could be a sepperate AI-Group to make sure it is in possition in a good overwatch possition before the assultteams move out and also to prevent that the HMG-team participates in the actual assult 'as a number of men'...

    The same with the MORTAR TEAM and AMMO CARRIERS...They could also be a sepperate AI-team to make sure the keep together and remain in a sutable location....

    This is only a small example...but i'm pretty sure that more AI-Groups would lead to better battles vs the AI...

    A guess that a Point could be made the adding many more AI-Groups would make scenario designing even more complicated and timeconsuming but i don't agree with this.

    Sure...you will have more AI-Groups to give orders to but i think that the scenariodesigner will have a much bigger chans to get the AI to actually do what he want with his first attempt rather then having to tweak the AI-Groups and their orders over and over again wich is often the case with a limited number of AI-Groups...

    We have the abbility to have 16 AI-groups right now if i'm not misstaking...

    If that number could be doubled to 32 i Think it would be a big improvment...

  2. grunt GI, Aragorn2002 and Trooper117

    Thanks :)

    It was quite some time ago that i finished that map and my original plan was to try and make a scenario or two using it.

    I have not given up that plan eventhough it has been quite long since i made the actual map...

    More then anything i have been waiting for triggers to become avaliable in CMBN Before starting on a scenario...Now they are :)

    Not just triggers either...

    The ability to fire handheld AT weapons from inside Buildings have been added, the latest patch and the veichle pack (including flamethrowers ) also

    makes my temted to try and turn this map into a full scenario...

    The map is rather large though and making a scenario on it will most likely be a time consuming Project and quite complicated i fear...

    Last week i got another idea in my head for a scenario utilizing the latest features of CMBN (patch and veichle-pack).

    I have started working on this idea and things are moving along nicely but i think it will be atleast another 2 weeks before i have enough done to show 'what's coocking'...

    The new scenario is somewhat smaller in scale and will hopefully be easier to complete with a good result...

    When this scenario is done i might have a go at making a scenario for this map....

    The map itself is avaliable at the repository....here.


    but it is only a map for now...No troops, no objectives and no AI-plans.

    I hope it will still be useful as a H2H QB-map...

  3. Ah yes, girls. They do tend to get in the way of playing CM :D

    Perhaps their biggest shortcomming. ;)

    Only one answer, you have to get her hooked on CM.

    I will try...but i doubt that i will be very succesful. Computergaming is not on her top 5 'to do' list i'm affraid.

    "I dunno about that. I had a smart cat who would scream at me and dance on the keyboard to get attention.

    This is an experience i share...My cat is very social and hates being left alone. We have spent many hours together infront of the computer.

    Oooooh, so that's why you were able to write such detailed AAR! ;)


    The AAR will continue...I have played a few more turns and the fighting in these are true 'Ramelle style'.

    I'm trying to be able to show this with a few pictures in my AAR but it is quiet difficult to get it right...to do the fighting justice.

    The next update will hopefully be up in a few days...


  4. Hello again...

    The updating of this AAR has been kind of slow lately.

    More 'problems'...

    possetive this time though !

    After almost two years as single i have met a new girl and she is TRUELY AMAZING ! :D

    To quote Charlie Sheen from HOTSHOTS...

    "I have fallen for her like a blind roofer." :)

    Things are looking good. The problem though is that i can't stop thinking about her and this makes it hard to concentrate on computer gaming. My goal is to finish this scenario and AAR but i dont know how long it will take.

    I will post new updates every now and then.

  5. Uuups, that was one ill fated assult...

    I don't really have any specific example to give right now but i have vitness MANY very cool scenes while playing Panzer Mikes scenario 'fester platz polozk'.

    The replays are worth watching over and over again...

    One thing that i 'think' happened only a few turns ago was that i got one of my men killed by a richochet. The enemy were tageting another squad in a building on the other side of the street and a shoot bounced of the wall and killed a man in another building.

    i'm not sure this is what happened. I have watched the replay many time and as far as i can tell thats what killed my man.

    I'm currently working on another update on my AAR for this scenario but its quite hard to describe with a few pictures just how 'nice' the fighting plays out...lot and lots of details...

    The fighting depicted in the comming update was truely brillant. I hope i will be able to show that somehow.

    I agree that CM has many nice details modeled

  6. Further to the south in sector D 'the new russians' are proving to be a real pain in the ass. They inflict more casualties on my guys.


    My mortar-team across the river are setting up...


    This will be it for today unfortunatelly...Only a small update this time (i will try to do better with my next one)...

    Things are getting intresting...My plan to defend 'up front' in sector B is in jepordy. I have taken more casualties then i had hoped but at the same time the russians have taken some casualties too...Will they be able to push my guys back or will the line hold ?

    One thing is for sure...my men over there will not be able to stop any major russian advance...Does the ruskies have the manpower to do it..?

    We shall se...

  7. TURN 34

    My crack tankhunter survivor is getting himself some more ammo...


    My hetzer kills one more russian in sector A. The russians have taken quite a few casualties over here.


    In sector D my HMG-team in Kruzhka Inn kills one of the russians taking cover in the street.


    This is another location where the russians have taken alot of casualties.

    My sniper-team over here are heading back to resupply.


  8. In sector D i order this panzerschreck-team to move to the other side of the building to hopefully be able to fire at 'the new russians'...but i doubt that they will be able to get LOF to that location unfortunatelly. It's worth a try.


    I will get my mortar-teams on the other side of the river out of the buildings once again to be able to provide firesupport. I'm considdering to try and get a firemission on the russians pinned down in the open in the center.


  9. Orders for turn 33:

    I will give my 2 re-equiped halfsquads a cover armour arc to be prepared to defend against advancing assultguns if the enemy decides to move thoose forward.



    My new halfsquad in the 'corner building' that lost one of their men last turn withdrew down to the bottom floor. I was thinking about moving them back up tagin but i have decided to keep them down here for now.


    My sniper-team in sector C are out of ammo and i will move them back to my battalion HQ to resupply.


  10. My defence of sector B is far from strong right now. Hopefully the russians have the same problem here...


    My company HQ manages to kill one of the russians advancing south infront of them. They recieve no fire from the enemy buildings this turn. Thats good...


    In sector D there is not that much happening besides the firefight between my 3rd platoon and 'the new russians'. My HMG-team in Kruzhka Inn pin down some russians trying to cross the street.


    My 3rd platoon does their best to defeat 'the new russians' and they manage to kill one of the enemy soldiers. Despite several of my teams firering at the russians in that building they have no trouble to return fire...Hopefully next turn i will suppress them.


  11. TURN 33

    In the north...

    My hetzer kills two more russian soldiers trying to advance out of the 'far left building' in sector A. The russian advance comes to a halt.


    2 of the russian assultguns are moving forward.


    In the center (sector B) my 'smoking guys' have a bad turn. They recieve fire from two directions and takes a casualty...the machinegunner offcourse, uurf !


    the two survivors are bugging out...


    NOT GOOD ! another possition lost...

  12. TURN 32

    In the north my re-equiped tankhunter halfsquad is moving into possition next to their fallen comrades.


    In the center my company HQ is also advancing to their new location inside 'the abbandoned building' to reinforce sector B. At the same time my tankhunter is withdrawing and heading of to get some more ammo.


    As soon as my company HQ gets into possition they get involved in a firefight with the russians across they courtyard. With the help from my 2nd platoon halfsquad in the building next door they manage to suppress the russians.


    To the right of my company HQ 'the smoking guys' and other parts of my 2nd platoon are involved in heavy fighting with the russians trying to advance infront of them.


    The halfsquad from my original reservplatoon (1st plt/2nd CO) arrives at the 'corner building' but as soon as they get there they come under fire and takes a casualty ! no, no ,no...not good !


  13. TURN 31 ORDERS:

    I will order my panzerschreck team in Kruzhka Inn to do a 'shoot and scoot' move into the building infront of them to help defeat the russian possition engaging 2nd platoon.


    I will move 2nd company HQ into 'the abbandoned building' to help defend this area.


    The last menber of my crack tankhunter-team is out of ammo and i will move him back to the supply trucks.


    After the recent casualty these guys have very limited fighting power and i will move them down to the bottom floor of the next building to get them out of the line of fire. Hopefully they will be able to ambush some russians if they try to advance across the courtyard.


    I will order these four teams to face into the courtyard to hopefully be able to fire at the russian squad.


  14. One more firefight takes place in sector C


    The russians takes one casualty. No losses on my side.

    Infront of 3rd platoon the russian supprise my by advancing a FULL squad into the courtyard.


    before my men have reacted the russians have opened fire and killed two of my guys and the others are fully suppressed...


    an overwiew picture...


    I can only pray that russians will not be launcing a major push over here to...That would not be a nice thing to do !

    That will be it for now....

  15. In sector B the firefight for the courtyard continues.

    My halfsquad on the second floor and my tankhunter trades fire with the russians occupying a building on the other side.

    Unfortunatelly my halfsquad looses the machinegunner in this firefight but togheter with my tankhunter the rest of the men are able to get a little revenge atleast. they manage to kill one of the russians


    A few seconds later my panzerschreck team gets into possition and puts a HE rocket into that building.


    By the end of the turn they manage to get out of the building without taking any returning fire.

    My halfsquad in the cornerbuilding starts the turn in a relaxed maner. The man in the middle calmly light a ciggarette while spotting for new targets.


    Their peace and quiet don't last long though. They soon get involved in an intense firefight with more russian troops trying to advance into the buildings infront of 2nd platoon.


    However. They do get some help from that 2nd platoon.


  16. TURN 31

    As hoped my Hetzer and HMG-team continue to prevent the weak enemy forces still in the 'far left' building from advancing in sector A.

    A few shoots are fired at the enemy and they take cover in the rubble.


    Meanwhile my reinforcements (company HQs and panzerfaust equiped halfsquads) keeps moving forward...I had hoped that they would be in possition by now but they will require atleast one more turn to get there.

    More enemy assultguns show up along the main road in the north. I now count 3...


  17. Scattered russian troops advance on 2nd platoon from several directions.


    My defenders exchange fire with russian troops at these locations.


    As before 2nd platoon gets help from my HMG team deploy in the street.


    This enemy soldier that is trying to reach one of the russian held buildings across the courtyard runs into trouble...


    He comes under fire from my HMG team as well as a large part of my 2nd platoon. besides smallarms-fire this halfsquad that i ordered up to the 3rd floor fires one of their panzerfaust at him.


    He does not make it into the building...

    Further to the south everything is quiet apart from some more artillery round falling across the river. They do no damage and the enemy barrage end before the turns is finished.

  18. In the center:

    This part of my line is in trouble. The lone survivor from this 2nd platoon halfsquad have had enough and are bugging out.


    Seconds later the last man from the sniperteam gets killed. All my men defending this building have now been killed or forced to withdraw.


    For now the last man from my crack tankhunter-team is on his own but reinforcements are on the way.


    The MG42 equiped halfsquad from 1st platoon that where ordered to cross the street have reached their possition on the second floor and have begun to fire at the enemy possition across the courtyard to support the tankhunter.


    At the end of this turn they have not taken any enemy fire but they are very exposed where they are. The russians have troops in several of the houses across the courtyard that will be able to fire on them.

    Moments later the MG42 equiped halfsquad that i originaly had intended for the corner building reaches their new possition. This turn they are not able to help out with the defence of the courtyard instead they get involved in a firefight with russian troops advancing towards my 2nd platoon defending the block of houses further to the south.


    They manage to kill one enemy soldier.

  19. TURN 30

    In the north my company HQs and the resupplied halfsquad moves forward to be able to support the troops defending the courtyard.


    My machinegun in the building next to the hetzer kills a lone russian soldier advancing out of the 'far left' building.


    Towards the end of the turn i spot 2 new assultguns down the road infront of 1st platoons possition. Most likely the assultguns previously spotted in the ceneter. They showed signs of heading this way.


    I guess my tankhunter teams will soon have their hand full once again.


    Other then this...not much happened in the north.

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