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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. What i would like would be an option to set an - WAIT HERE FOR (X) MINUTES at each waypoint (allowing the designer to set a pause at each waypoint to last the desired X number of minutes).


    The only TIMER we have right now is the GAME CLOCK.


    It can be very difficult to get the kind of pauses the scenariodesigner wants for his pixeltruppen with only that clock...



    - A one hour scenario

    - platoon A have an advance movment triggered to start whenever enemy armour enters the designated triggerzone.

    - This advance order have 3 waypoints (orders)...

    - the designer wants platoon A to advance to its first waypoint once the trigger get activated and wait there for 5 minutes before continuing to waypoint 2...


    This gets very difficult !


    Dependant on player styles and experience different players will arrive at this triggerzone at different times. Some might be there at min. 25 and some may take longer...maybe min. 40...


    Only having the GAME CLOCK to go by setting a 5 minutes pause at waypoint 2 gets VERY complicated....


    A PAUSE HERE feature would be nice....

  2. If you live in Sweden 2nd hand smoking will soon be very hard to come by ;)


    Our new goverment are about to put forward a new law further restricting smoking in public places...As of now smoking is not allowed Indoors...almost everywhere.


    This new law will take this a step further...forbidding public smoking even outside at many locations...restaurants, buss-stops, Sporting events....you name it !



    A smoke grenade will probaly be easier to come by... B)


    Do you have any idea on my original question ?

  3. Hello...A small question...



    What are the requirements for an infantry squads to be equiped with smokegrenades ?


    Why does not every squad have some...This is hardly a specialist weapon...or is it ?



    Every now and again when i play the game i find myself in a situation where a smokegrenade could come in handy but more often then not my selected squad have none (target smoke not avaliable) !





  4. Can you move units in the "purchase units" in the editor?




    Yes you can...



    If you load your scenario into the editor and go to the UNITS TAB (puchase axis)...


    - Expand the 1st battalion with the + sign on the far left in the right list


    This will open up and show you the units directly attached to 1st battalion...



    - HQ team

    - Kubelwagen

    - 1. Company

    - FO team

    - light machinegun

    - light machinegun


    Left clicking on either 1st battalion or 1st Company will add - A YELLOW ARROW - to the right of that formation-name...


    This YELLOW ARROW shows where any additional SPECIALIST TEAMS you might want to add to your force will be assigned right now...


    At this point you will be able assign any specialist team you want from the list on the left to either 1st battalion or 1st Company...



    For example...You now have the FO team and two light machinegun team as well as the 1st Company HQ directly assigned to 1st battalion HQ...



    To have those two light machineguns assigned to 1st Company instead of 1st battalion...


    DO THIS....


    - Delet the two light machinegunteams from your list on the right.

    - leftclick on the 1st Company in the list to the right...This will put the YELLOW ARROW to the right of 1st Company name....1st Company is now selected for any attachments you might want to give it...

    - Buy two new light machinegunteams from the list on the left (make sure that the left list is set to SPECIALIST TEAM and not FORMATIONS) by double leftclicking the light machinegun in that list..

    - Do this twice...


    and now you will have two light machineguns assigned to 1st company instead of 1st battalion...


    To for example remove the snipers currently asigned to the mortar section HQ...


    - Expand 1. Company in the list to the right by using the + sign to the left of it...

    - Expand the mortar section by clicking the + sign

    - delete the two sniper teams




    leftclick on the 1st pioneer platoon in the list to the right to move THE YELLOW ARROW behind that

    - Buy a new sniperteam from the list on the left....


    now you have a sniperteam directly assigned to 1st platoon......




    I hope this explanation makes some sence....This is really very easy once you get a hang of it....

  5. Hello, rocketman...


    Way to go ! First scenario uploaded :) ....Let there be more...



    I have just started this but one thing that i thought about right away....If you are about to do some tweaking...


    The attachments of the germans seems a little strange i think ( My personal oppinion...I might very well be wrong though....'m no professinal Soldier...)



    Especially the units that the mortar section HQ commands and the fact that the pioneer Company HQ has no direct attachments in this situation...



    The way i would do it is something more like this....


    - Keep the FO under the battalion HQ.

    - 1st pioneer plt HQ command the 3 squads and ALSO GETS the tankhunter team and one of the snipers...

    - The mortar HQ primarely comands the mortar ( mortartteam and ammo bearer) but also gets the MG 34 team for protection.

    - The pioneer Company HQ that now has no direct attachments gets the remaining machineguns and the last sniper.


    This might not be the best set-up either but it would be my suggestion...



    Is this your own map or is it a QB-map ?


    The briefing look well made....



    I will leave a report when i finished this battle...Maybe i will wait for your new version...


    Thanks for the scenario ! :)



  6. Blimey...I Think these looks VERY NICE !


    I'm currently working on a scenario with seperatists vs ukranians but unfortunatelly i'm using ukranian troops on both sides (standard vs digital camo)...


    This MOD would have been perfect in this scenario i think but it will have to wait for the next one...My first scenario for CMBS is pretty much finished (the briefing screen and some more testing left to do).


    Thanks for your MOD !  I will most certanly use it in the future... :)

  7. I think that it might very well be time for BFC to increase the size/resolution of the entire game (UI, briefing screen....).


    Having the screens this small might have been a good idea a few years ago but today aren't most people (including the laptoppers) playing at atleast full HD (1920 X 1080)...


    The biggest resolution you could set in the option screen (besides desktop size) is 1280 X 960...The current UI and other screens are designed with this resolution in mind i Think...

  8. Maybe this is something for the scenario designers to consider in the future...


    I have had simular experience with other missions...maybe not to such a degree bit still...


    - Waiting for precision arty to hit...HIT !, waiting for precision arty to hit...HIT !



    As scenario designers we might have to think about how many STATIC targets we have in a scenario and what weapons the player has at his disposal.


    When the player has precision arty avaliable maybe fewer veichles should be completally STATIC (AI-Groups allowing)...They only need to move a short distance every now and again to ruin some of the precision strikes.


    One would think that in RL if one side suspects that the enemy might have this kind of ammunition avaliable....They would not stay STATIC for very long....

  9. Particulary it would be interesting to compare game style of player with real military education vs experienced player who has developed skills via gaming only.


    I think you can find that right here...


    Look at the "CM Black Sea - Beta battle reports"  sticky thread at the top of the main BLACK SEA forum page...


    Here Bil Hardenberger met pnzrldr in a game and they made AARs from both sides.



    Quote from Bil..."This battle will be fought against probably the most experienced and knowledgeable opponent I have ever faced. Pnzrldr is a serving US Army LTC (Armor) and this makes him a formidable opponent."

  10. If you choose a map and scenario idea that allow for it, you can create a great scenario where the enemy just DIP ("die in place"). That way, you can skip the AI Plan part of things and spend all your time setting up devilish ambush and mutual support positions for the enemy troops.


    I have made a few of these in the past and they can most certanly be fun to play. Its a very good place to start with your 'scenario building career' i think...


    1. A good QB map


    2. Well placed STATIC ai defences


    3. some playtesting


    4. Finished scenario....


    There does not even have to be a very complicated breifingscreen imo. Some written text to explain the situation and mission goals...

  11. And one other thing...


    Why are the platoon HQ-team traveling in the same veichle as one of the squads ?

    This seems like a less then perfect set-up.


    If the platoon is spread out over a larger area and the HQ wants to move to another squads- or maybe the company Hqs location he would have to 'steal' one of the squads veichles to do so...


    I might be missing something here but not being a professional soldier a set-up like this seems like a much better idea....



    Increase the squads with for example an extra machinegun team or perhaps a hand-held AGL (if the ruskies has such a weapon) or something like that.


    Give the HQ their own veichle so that they can move around more freely and also bring with them any attached heavy weapons that the platoon might have been allocated.



    Or is it perhaps like when the troops dismount they will never fight very far from eachother ?

  12. Thansk for your ansers... :)



    I had a closer look at the russian units...



    Their veichles have room for between 8-10 passangers.


    The squads are still only 6 to 7 men strong, devided into 2 teams.



    These squads are very light on Heavy firepower. Only one PKP machinegun/squad.


    The Company weapon platoons have some additional machineguns (and other Equipment AGLs, ATGM) but there is only enough for 1 additional machinegun/platoon if you spread the evenly...Leaving the platoon fairly weak on support weapons.


    Why not squeeze some additional men into the squads to fill up the veichles atleast (the squads themself certanly could use some more firepower).



    Are the spare seats in the russian IFVs and APC ment for allowing attached company assets to travel with the squads in the same veichle ?


    This is not possible in the game though as it seems. Trying to move a weapon platoon machinegun team into the spare seats of a squad IFV gets blocked.


    Does this only happen in the game ?


    IRL is it common for weapon platoon assets to travel in the same veichle as the squads ?


    Do the russians rely on their IFVs in pretty much all cercomstances to be right up there with the line infantry to provide support ?


    Dismounted they seem fairly weak....(if the squad have been allocated extra machineguns and AGLs that is obviously not the case but these weapons cant be everywhere...).



    Atleast on the russian side there seems to be room for larger squads (to fit in the veichles)...

  13. Hello...



    I'm just curious.


    Why have the americans and the russians changed the set-up of their squads from having 3 teams to now only having two ?


    During WW2 the americans, brittish and russians had 3 team squads (atleast in CM they do...). Only the germans had 2 team squads if i'm not wrong...


    I don't have CMSF installed on this computer right now but i seem to recall that in that game the americans still used 3 team squads.


    Why have they changed....?  What is the reason ? What are the bennefits ?


    The Ukranians still use 3 team squads i see...



    I can see no obvoius bennefit with this...





  14. Hello, Rinaldi...


    Well, my basic plan was this...


    1. Try not to get involved in any serious firefight with the enemy troops at the objective.

    2. Trust in my supperior night visison to give me the edge when it comes to spotting and targeting the enemy.

    3. Keep my forces concentrated to allow them to give mutual support to eachother.


    I decided to approch the target on the right side of the stream. I planned on that low-ground to get me close enough to the target to be able to see the veichles from the Crest.

    I had my javelin guys sneak up to the Crest to get LOS to the enemy veichles while my HQ team provided flank security.

    My most forward guys i kept in possition for just a few minutes to get some spotting done Before i pulled them back to help my HQ team with the security task. This turned out to be a good move...


    I felt that the field on the right side was a better approach then to try and sneak up amongst the trees by the stream.

    Having my men trailing one team behind the other amongst the trees would limit both my firepower to the front as well as my freedom of manuver i felt (maybe not all that much but to some degree). The field to the right seemed like the best option.


    As it turned out the enemies at the objective managed to see my men after they opened fire and they also spotted my last javelin team as it was manuvering further to the right to get LOS to the last veichle. But their fire were not very accurate.


    After killing all the veichles i pulled my men back with quick orders the same way they had approached. Halting short of the stream to let one team at a time cross it under overwatch from the other guys.


    I guess i was very lucky to get them all out of there Before the enemy patroll with the veichle could get Close enough to se them...

  15. In the 'oppertunity knocks' scenario i managed something that does not happen to me every day...


    Mission completed with ZERO casualties ! B)


    I'm affraid that i have no picture of the AAR.



    --- SPOILER, SPOILER !!! ----



    - I moved my entire force across the stream and advanced on the enemy possition across the fields to the right.


    - my 'flank security' managed to defeat the enemy patrol as my javelin guys advanced forward to get LOS to the enemy veichles.


    - Both my flank- and javelin guys took some enemy fire but no one where hit.


    - After killing all the veichles i succesfully withdrew my team... :)

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