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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I am making some maps. What is auto road build? Is this the automatic elevation smoothing and averaging you get when the tile is a road tile? Or something else?
  2. Well, based on the consensus I will go with: "Salvate il Maggiore Rinetti" Map is in progress, units picked, working on axis AI plan. 30 minutes. It will at first only be playable as human player Major Rinetti against the axis AI. Thinking about the briefing. The briefing is always my hardest part to get done. Like some school kid's term paper due next week just hanging over my head. Do I have any volunteers for playtesting?
  3. Thanks MikeyD Now I am going through my books and seeing any photos. Photo shows jeep trying to drive through super thick mud. Roads turned to mud when it rained gives a good clue! Another photo showed happy Italian soldiers who had surrendered and are walking with suitcases into captivity. Road looks like a dirt road and it is in a small town. I think I will use dirt road at least for this map.
  4. Well, I am down in the weeds doing the map for my scenario "Salvate il Maggiore Rinetti (Saving Major Rinetti)" What type material roads should be seen in various parts of Sicily? I would imagine very few paved roads, maybe only in the big city locales? But would a smaller town get a gravel road or just dirt? Or cobblestones in the piazzas? Thinking anticipatingly forward, does this change much as we head up to Salerno and Anzio? Need some Italian road construction grogs I suppose... Grazie!
  5. US Army Veteran, Trust us, you will love the game. Quit wasting the weekend NOT playing and pay for your download. You could be in a battle tonight! Repository on the BF website has all the user made mods, maps, scenarios and campaigns. Buy both CMBN and CMFI. I loved CMAK because it became for me what I called CMBO2. I used the mods for uniforms with gloves, winter gear and had a blast playing various Bulge type battles, operations and campaigns.
  6. LT B, No, I meant how much did BF pay "Faktafilm" to make this video for them. I googled Faktafilm and it seems they are a company in Denmark. E-mail address with .dk is Denmark right? Maybe now that I think about it, getting a film made of your game turns wouldn't be that awesome a prize. I mean, it all is going to start to look the same, maybe the ominous before the shooting starts close-ups show instead a US officer looking through the binocs. I mean it was a cool little film but it would be easier to just have BF give modules or upgrades as prizes. Cost is controlled and you know the recipient will be very happy. Would this be a tax write off for them as promotional items? Anyway, don't anyone even reply to this thread please, if BF wants to do anything at all like this then I guess they will. I trust them. I forget if they ever did have any giveaways before.
  7. OK, maybe it could be an AAR contest, not a big DAR like Bil and Normal Dude did, just some shorter comprehensive AAR with screenshots.
  8. I just watched that 4 minute CMFI video and it made me wonder how much it cost to make. Then I thought, wow, wouldn't that be cool to have done to the game turn files of your choice. Then I thought maybe this could be some type of contest either random drawing or you have to submit something, I dunno. Or other drawings or contests to stimulate interest or submission of scenarios? Give away a free upgrade or module? Every so often? Just another free idea from another loyal fan and customer since CMBO.
  9. OK, I think I figured it out. Wide bridge is for paved roads. Non-wide bridge and paved road caused a wrinkle in the road as the program tried to merge them. At least after some more experiments this is how it all seems to work. Au revoir, I am headed back to CMFI!
  10. OK, I think I figured out what was causing the wrinkle in the road. Not as much to do with actual elevations as we thought. Paved road can only be used with wide bridge. It seems. Regular bridge is OK for gravel road and dirt road. Paved road with regular bridge caused the wrinkle. It seems. I am back on track and appreciate your attempt to square me away! Thanks Pete.
  11. It makes sense, I will run over to where my CM computer is and give it a try. Thanks.... hope it solves it...
  12. Did a search but but couldn't find the right answer. I am in CMFI building a map with a bridge over a dry riverbed. Riverbed is at 5m and road the crosses the bridge/dry riverbed is at 25. I am seeing a big upward zigzag in the road as it touches the bridge. Also the bridge is usually many meters about the roads. I have tweaked it so many ways without any success. The CMFI manual is spiral bound but gave no insight into how to make a bridge. ...it does do a good job as a coaster for my Shiner Oktoberfest beer. Is there a certain order in which you must create the overall road,bridge riverbed system? Which tiles should be "black square" locked elevation and which do you let the program smooth out?
  13. I appreciate the reply. I have no problem with that part. My height difference between the riverbed and road is 10m. My problem and I am sorry not to be able to post an image is a sharp bump up in the road right as it becomes the bridge and a bit under the first edge of the bridge. And my bridges always seem to be a bit higher than the road leading up to the bridge. Something is wacky. I think there is a certain order to how you do the tiles. Do I lay the bridge tile first across the dry river and then add the road tiles and it "snaps" into place? Should any of these be "black square" elevations where you pin it to the certain value? The spiral bound manual does not give any descriptions and I do not yet have adobe to read the pdf version manual if it is more detailed than the spiral bound version.
  14. I am not used to the new CMX2 map editor. I am not having successful results with making a bridge over a dry river bed. The road pops up or the bridge is too high... I looked at other scenarios maps to try and reverse engineer it, but no joy. Can someone walk me through it. Thanks.
  15. Ciao ragazzi! OK, now the official title will be "Salvando il Maggiore Rinetti". Thanks again to all of you.
  16. OK, that was much better than babelfish. Thanks. So if no native speakers correct me then I will go with the gerund conjugation of salvare which is salvando. So scenario will be called "Salvando Maggiore Rinetti". Mille Grazie!
  17. OK, I went and watched it a few more times. This is what happened. 4 man team in C2 with all M1's. About 3 AS away in a separate building was a 2 man 30 cal MMG team from same platoon also in C2 and MMG never fired but MMG's team ammo for M2 .30cal dropped as the 4 man team fired away and reloading showed as their activity. So this was buddy sharing. Awesome. I love getting to see these small things happen. Too often I get going so fast playing that I miss the trees for the forest.... I am not sure C2 was a factor but I guess it never hurts.
  18. I tried babelfish but wanted to check with a native speaker. I am writing a scenario where a very small unit of guastatori defend their CO from being arrested by Germans. Axis versus Axis. The briefing has some fictional backstory from my imagination on why he is being arrested to set the mood. Like "saving Private Ryan" but I want the Italian for "Saving Major Rinetti". Babelfish gave me "Salvare Maggiore Rinetti". That is the infinitive form but I wanted the -ing type ending form. Salvarendo? Thanks for any help on the translation.
  19. I played a quick battle with US airborne defending. I had a team in a building with no nearby friendly units or dead bodies to medic ammo off of. They opened fire and I watched the ammo count go down and then bounce back up to 25, then again go down and bounce back up to like 25 or so. Over and over. rate of fire seemed to sustain fairly evenly. I have the saved game file. I recall in CMX1 you would get LOW for ammo and fire would drop off considerably. What am I observing here in CMX2? Thanks. Oh, just to share some cool stuff, this team had demo charges and I then sent them out of the building to a wall, as they approached the wall, they chucked 1 charge at a half-track and took it out. later I sent them down a steep hill and tucked them behind another wall. I tried to get them to take out another enemy vehicle. They wouldn't do it and started taking fire and lost 1 of 4 guys. So, then as I had them bug out to better cover, the last guy chucks the demo charge as he is high-tailing it out and blasted the half-track to smithereens. Love this game.
  20. Despite what it says in the upper right corner, I have been around a bit longer...drifted away during military service, forgot my old username and password, etc. Now retired from active duty career. Anyway, I have never submitted a scenario...YET. But I have written many for my own enjoyment. CMBO, CMBB, CMAK, CMBN, and now CMFI. Most were historically based from some book I was reading. Like many others I would sink myself into a possessed frenzy of internet and buying more obscure books to research to plan the map and track down the units and names. "Alamo in the Ardennes" using CMAK winter snow mode and mods, gloves on the troops! A CMBB mod with Hetzers late war on the eastern front holding back a Soviet onslaught. The obligatory Kampfgruppe Peiper "Operation" in CMAK. Side bar, that is why I really loved the percentage chance of arrival based AI reinforcements in CMX1. It gave me a lot of variety and surprise in what I could expect in a scenario I had written. What is even better is my bad memory on how I scripted it and the passage of time. I used to fire up my favorite self-authored CMAK scenarios and have a blast. I couldn't remember exactly what would come but it was a good battle. A month or so back, I posted a request for playtesters for my CMBN "Bloody Aachen" scenario and got a few takers, maybe 6, sent it to them, only one eventually said he played part of the game and he was kind enough to make some positive comments and gave me some recommendations. I haven't done crap with it since. I just lost my oomph. I might go back and tweak it but maybe never post it. Maybe I am fine to just play my own and other folks scenarios, In other folks scenarios it is good to see their style and appreciate a different way or their polished photoshop skills in the briefing. (by the way, some of these recent AAR's are freaking studio quality!) In my own scenarios I can get lazy and without photoshop for the briefing, more or less skip the briefing and go right to the action. Or a rudimentary text only plain jane briefing to remind me of whatever needed said... Hand me another Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat my dear wife!
  21. Anrew H, Nope, I know big red one very well and it isn't that movie. Thanks anyway Blazing, it wasn't Anzio I also know that movie real well, my favorite part is with the 2 or 3 German snipers. Thanks anyway. Umlaut, hmmm, the only old lady part in a war movie I know is A bridge Too far. The paras take over her house and after a few days she gets dressed and walks out to get a taxi and gets shot. Sad. Though as a kid I thought it was funny, maybe I watched too much Monty Python. Hey, maybe it was "1941"? It was not a tank that crashed into her house but I think it was a 40mm AA gun barrel went through her front door. try that movie? I guess it also depends on how old you are... I guess I will try some database searches...
  22. I saw a WW2 movie many years ago and cannot remember the name. It was in color. Hollywood movie or maybe foreign, 50;s, 60;s 70;s. probably Definitely german troops as the "enemy" pretty sure it was US troops in Italy. One scene shows shell being loaded in a german gun, maybe antitank gun, and camera somehow is positioned in the barrel so it looks out as the shell is fired off. Not CGI, some other older fashioned trick photography. I HAD thought it was "walk in the sun" but that is B&W and I watched it again recently and it was NOT the same movie... anybody?
  23. I have Big Red 1 on VHS. Maybe we all are about the same age. I saw it in the movie theater when it was released. I was born in 64 so .... Now I have watched it a few years back loaded with anticipation but it was like an old girlfirend who you thought was goodlooking but when you see her photo you kind of cringe. Now another in my VHS collection, "Castle Keep", has some weird/goofy parts but also has a certain tone that I thought was cool. Any comments on that movie?
  24. in my DVD war movie collection: Korea War: Fix Bayonets Brotherhood of War WW2: Attack! (with Jack Palance/Eddie Albert) HBO Bob and Pacific in their tin boxes) Kelly's heroes All 5 seasons of Combat! ABTF Come and see Battle of Berlin We served our motherland Brest Fortress Hell is for Heroes Sahara the Desert Rats None but the brave the Bridge at Remagen SPR das Boot Thin Red Line Vietnam War/French IndoChina War: Apocalypse Now Redux Platoon Dien Bien Phu We were soldiers once Other: The Beast red dawn Sometimes I pop in the DVD and just watch my favorite scene. Like Grabner's assault in ABTF, the ambush scene in platoon, Ride of the Valkries part in apocalyspe now. My 2 sons both learned to write from me having them write down the dialog from Kellys Heroes. Pause, rewind, play, pause , rewind, play pause.
  25. That chick in "The Crying Game".... .... .... .... SHE'S A DUDE!
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