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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. 이제 우리는 요리하고 있습니다 = Now, we're cooking!
  2. Is a 2.12 patch for CMFI headed our way at some point that adds "Steam stuff" and maybe sweeps in a few fixes for issues that were corrected from "the list"...?
  3. Whoops. I had my T-34/85 turret numbers incorrect for KPA 1950. So, a fix is in the works...
  4. Just playing around hotseat versus myself... 2 tiny testing scenarios... ROK POLICE ACTION MY A$$! ROK RICE PADDY RUMBLE
  5. 2 cent splashscreen has been increased to a 3 cent splashscreen.
  6. @Zveroboy May I use your Afghanistan mud walls and other muddy mods in this Korea 1950 project?
  7. My 10 cent discount mod should be ready to play my first PBEM by the 30 day mark... Bubblegum and bailing wire.
  8. CMRT INTRO MUSIC MOD LANDSKNECHTE dice song https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0zn1ple91r6ucnbcsynzh/h?rlkey=jsclcgpzq5ucd0z41fdd2tsqh&dl=0 CMRT INTRO MUSIC MOD LANDSKNECHTE the other song https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zirog2b6uazpfqnaazw2p/h?rlkey=z9fypm8asvhwplisvbl3lieml&dl=0 PAY IT FORWARD
  9. Thank you for RezExplode. Thank you for modtags.
  10. No sweat. It took me about 10 minutes. If you find a song or 2 you want made into the intro music. (Just 1 or 2 please). Post the link to the songs here. I can use freeware Audacity to record and make them the CMRT intro music...or post battle music too. Easy peasy
  11. Probably done before but take it or leave it... 2 CMRT intro music mods to choose from. @Bootie add to CMMODS if you so desire, sah! CMRT intro music mod RED ARMY CHOIR KATYUSHA https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/k1768ac37rjxo2j51geov/h?rlkey=0ov17l6rzb1sywg9nypijjveu&dl=0 CMRT intro music mod CROSS OF IRON MAIN THEME https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/l8iv4j3csrpbv54fqk2bw/h?rlkey=3di04rhzvm4vov78400hdv5hh&dl=0
  12. 2 cent splash background music intro changed to the below...
  13. Could there have been a temporary bad file up and some folks grabbed it and now it is fine? In his screenshot, Halmbarte's new brz shows as just 303kb?
  14. ...and just to state it clearly, you must quit the game totally and restart fresh after these changes to data folder.
  15. Your screenshot of the folder contents seems to show something BELOW cold war v107.brz. Is that my bad eyes or do you indeed have something loading into the game after that last cold war v107.brz file? That COULD be the issue. Not claiming to be a BFCElvis!
  16. That is the usual sign that the patch didn't head to your proper directory. Usually these patches create a new brz and it might even be called v107.brz after the patch number. If that is not there with the other brz's in DATA folder, then try again magic 8 ball. Inside the brz file, the new patch came with a new string file.txt and using the wrong one gives you this odd display of unit names and such. 99% sure. EDIT: After successful patch, your CMCW home screen should say in bottom right corner v1.07 (99% sure)
  17. I started a summer 1950 Korea map using CMFI's [spring] horizons. Terraced fields, red dirt. I might try and make a Korean house. Mod a wall with some slogans or something. Also slowly creating some voice files off some Korean language war movies...
  18. "CMAutoEditor works while you sleep and dream of your completed map served with coffee in the morning!"
  19. I am still involved with the tail end of my FRANCE 1940 mod and now dipping my toe lightly into KOREA 1950 but seeing your Sainte Mere Eglise work, I would like to create some scenarios! Perhaps I will do this in early 2024 as a lead in to the 80TH Anniversary of D-DAY? I like to tap the scenario idea resource of the ASL world such as below. ASL SAINT MERE EGLISE SCENARIOS
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