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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. My assault group finally manages to creep up behind the objective. Take 5! union vino break? An Ariete tank had already approached the mosque. The British soldiers are headed our way - for the free beer and pizza?
  2. He has a good plentiful supply of HE. LAVISH with a big L. It just nailed another Sahariana vehicle way in my back field. KO list: 2 of those recon crates and the peppered Fiat.
  3. Chris KO'd the HQ vehicle for my Sahariana boys. The bum rush worked for leg 1. Leg 2 got peppered by a Vickers. Nobody in that Fiat is too "Viva! Viva!" right now... He has infantry coming over the hills on my left. I have focused a bunch of direct fire at that area. Now I finally have some of the mortars in position... My infantry are resting in the brush getting ready to make the dash to the objective. TIRED- - - >TIRING- - - > This one squad allowed a guy to bring along his dear old Mom for cooking. Here he is taking orders for lunch al fresco...
  4. If you play some AFRIKA scenarios and want some mood music. Take it or leave it... https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ut1dyosv9yjv6x3zyjnr3/h?rlkey=g4bjgtmtvld7lwpdtlqe0zvg0&dl=0
  5. Chris gets first blood. A scout car with a .50 cal pegged one of my Sahariana AT wagon guys. He is dropping smoke near the objective. Perhaps he has a Fast Group enroute...some Bren carriers or jeeps maybe? My assault group disembarks from the Fiats...in a defilade position. That one officer looks like he maybe dropped his St Christopher medal? Sunhelmets look so great. @boygarvin 's uniforms are so awesome. aka pitbull. Thanks buddy.
  6. The AFRIKA PBEM has commenced. A 1941 fictional battle to take the well at "Bir al Stella"... I am the Italians of the Trento motorized division with a small pack of armour from the Ariete division. I bought a balanced force with infantry, some mortars, the Italian recon vehicles (AA and AT version) and the platoon of three R-35 with 2 SPG,s (a 47 and a 75). We had a gentlemen's agreement of no Shermans for him and no 90mm ATG on my side. On my right I do have 2 Fiat trucks. The drivers have been toasted with vino in my HQ tent all afternoon. They have their trucks filled with an assault group to try and rush forward "...on wheels versus heels..." ! The assault group has had a couple pots of espresso. We'll see how this goes.
  7. My Dad was 18 in 1944. He was USN armed guard on Liberty ship convoys. 3" guns. 40mm ack ack. Could he be the brain behind a 1950 detailed recount of his convoy actions? I would stick with what you have and maybe just revise your designer notes. Maybe
  8. Is the Sherman "Easy 8" in CMFI somewhere? I sure hope so. I need it for a Korea 1950 scenario... Looked but couldn't find it...
  9. @Bootie I guess I never got around to passing this to you? I forget. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ioybk3x98kqx0twm7ygiu/h?rlkey=i0kux9efwnt875m8c1eu5nh4p&dl=0
  10. @Frenchy56 Did you mod some Barbarossa vehicles? Or maybe a different Frenchy?
  11. Hi Von Vinny. I will PM you the link, ok? I get very busy and distracted. I think I now need 3 secretaries for mod distribution.
  12. I have used JSGME and thought it was awesome. But I will stick with the multiple installs as it is so easy to just get in a Korea mod mood and hop in for some content work WITHOUT messing with JSGME.
  13. Hi Wang, The alpini OR the sunhelmet? I will send a PM link...
  14. I like to tinker with my mods and have the hard drive space so I copied my CMFI folder from Battlefront and pasted to Battlefront2 through Battlefront5. They all share the same game files folder for scenarios and such. But they each have their own custom z folder. They each have their own custom icon shortcut button on the desktop to open the specific version of CMFI I want to fire up. Right above that shortcut I have a shortcut to their z folder so I can work on the mods and such. One version is my test bed where I TRY and make sure the mod folder I will send out is pure and not lacking something that just happens to be elsewhere in z and seems to show on screen aok but for the wrong reason. If you follow me... I aint so smart so maybe this all is silly and there is an easier way to do all this but I haven't figured it out yet. Like I said, I have the hard drive space so it seems an easy solution. I think I could even probably figure out what brz files I could make empty shells and not need the actual contents. That would cut back on the HD space required.
  15. @BFCElvis The patch installation process placed the "activate New Products" icon on my desktop and I got all wigged out to try and find my license code. But it seems I do not need it for a patch? It seems all good and shows 2.20 down in the lower right corner.
  16. @JoMac @Artkin Just rolling off your interesting comments... I call this the G&C approach! Do you think that in a H2H battle, your G&C settings are less needed? Or how about a scenario where the human side is designated and only the other side has the AI plan? G&C just the AI side OOB?
  17. I guess still no word about a CMFI battle pack? DEADSVILLE
  18. I had guessed the next CMFI patch would be 2.12 (2.11 is the current "latest" CMFI version so I added my .01) but it is 2.20. Whatever.
  19. Thanks. Roadcrew dispatched to remove the poles... ...save them for another map that is more appropriate.
  20. @Andrew6850 recently shared to me a great map for Afrika. Alam El Halfa. She's a nice, big girl of a map. Thank you Andrew. Starting this weekend I will play a Medium ME QB using it versus a buddy out in Scotland. He wanted the ME and he picked British mixed. I rolled a die and got Italians (also mixed). I will not do an intense DAR but will plop a few screenshots and comments here. It uses Pitbull's Italian uniforms and the sunhelmet mod I did back a ways. Since it is a Meeting Engagement, I took license to add a center area oasis/well/mosque as the fictional objective...
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