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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Oh, for sure this would all be appreciated by our core customer base. If we didn't have anything else to do we'd be quite happy to do all of this and more. But we do have a lot of things competing for our time so that means we have to select what we do very carefully. Sadly, that means a lot of really cool stuff won't get made. Like Crete, for example. Steve So, over in the CMRT F&R thread, we had BFC Steve show up a few times to make posts. In the quoted section above, we see the important statement from BFC that they will never get to do Crete. That caught my eye and I tried for the last few days to organize a behind the scenes project. EDIT: I expected more of a response but can only blame myself, maybe I came across odd or a but flippant. I did address a very respected person as NZ Dude! Sorry again sir...I do have 2 forumites kicking in some assistance. Thank you guys. Onward and upward! So, I am gearing up something for the 80th Anniversary of the Crete campaign. I got some good stuff brewing in my head! At least 2 small scenarios. One from the FJ perspective. 1 from the 2NZ division perspective. Some cool old seldom seen mods and some really cool new mods.
  2. @MOS:96B2P Hey Karl, yes, I have spent some time looking through that thread and have PM'd with those 2 guys...
  3. BLENDER TEST IDIOT'S LOG: 4/11/2021 I am working to improve @JM Stuff's Romanian M39 helmet. It would be nice if some of the helmets in the game could show the old King Carol "medallion"...I figured out that I have to do the unwrap of the model in a different way versus the way the German helmet was unwrapped. I had to designate what edges were "seams" for the unwrapping of the model. Then you do the artwork to have the unwrapped pieces "uv islands" they are called, be in the right spots. The uv islands can be moved around to make better sense on the bmp image, they can be scaled and rotated also. There must be another Blender command that I do not know so I can take the uv islands and put them along the edge of the bmp... It is so blurry and I am unsure why. I will take the image and try to redo it EXTERNAL from Blender and then reload. Then try it in the game...
  4. I guess that can be true with all scenarios. People have let the flavor object Genie out of the bottle!
  5. If I recall, and I do, in the briefing it should explain that guy went berserk from the famous British artillery barrage. I no longer have the original scenario in my scenario folder for some reason! I cannot update the briefing...as far as I know.
  6. If anybody with the latest and greatest CMBN can open it and it seems ok or not, please holler out the status. Thanks much.
  7. @sburke is the star of the scenario! Maybe he recalls it as well... Sadly, it was saved in an older version of CMBN MG (Game Engine 3, v3.11) then what most folks probably have now. I guess I will try the open it and save again trick but that could screw it all up. Dang.
  8. I was cleaning out the old hard drive and found this thing I had made back in March 2015. An odd concept but I hope you enjoy it. It is a special prestaged saved game file scenario. You download it and put it in your saved games folder. NOTE: Today I have Game Engine 3, version 3.11. So I guess I need to buy the upgrade and maybe DL some patches. I will ASAP... DOWNLOAD LINK ---->>> CMBN MG Bridge over the River Dommel Here is the readme... This is a Prestaged Saved File Battle as axis against the British AI. Put it in your saved games folder. Open it and down in "menus" click on and read the briefing very carefully. The scenario starts for you at 0635. Track the time carefully. Read the briefing. Burke arrives at 0645. Guyver arives at 0655. The scenario ends somewhere between 0700-0705. One rule not covered in the briefing: DO NOT (D-O N-O-T!!) TOUCH OR USE OR CHANGE ANY OFF-MAP ARTILLERY/MORTARS. HAVE FUN! Read the briefing!
  9. well, it was work left unfinished... All the effort put in and NOT to finally complete it seemed inappropriate. CM Burnout is a real thing. Get away for a while!
  10. It is so odd that @Aragorn2002 decided to send a post to this very thread BECAUSE AT THAT VERY MOMENT I WAS FINALLY GOING BACK AND DOING THE SAPPER UNIFORM! Isn't that so strange...! 7 years ago! I have learned a lot more since then and though I am still no benparks or anybody with those photoshop talents, I have been crawling slowly forward. I just focused on outfitting a platoon of sappers modtagged as [sapper]. Now trying for a little variety in the layout of the garments. AND GET THIS! I am actually now playing a PBEM as Romanians attacking against the opponent with his platoon of sappers in amoeba defending a train station. I will get an AI plan in place and then return here to paste a dropbox link for the entire mod and offer the scenario of course.
  11. That sounds like a cheese! Maybe I will go down to the local delicatessen and order a pound of Leibermuster...
  12. Down the line, after I have "brz surfed" the F&R folders, I want to do some scenario based off of the old 50's movie, "Dogs, do you want to live forever?"...
  13. No worry. It seems stable and we are fixing a few cosmetic issues. In fact I am playing a PBEM right now. That is very cool! Please do utilize them. Please give me a holler down the line and I can give my latest tips to best portray them based on what we modded. Just a paragraph or so of what to purchase in the editor...Versus you being frustrated or perplexed...
  14. It is so sad and frustrating that here we are, briefly having the rarity of Steve's attention and open dialog and a bunch of you want to discuss and debate decapitation!
  15. Steve, We have heard the story from MikeyD about the Valentine going in or not going into F&R. You're the boss. You take a high standard on TOE and historical accuracy. He proved it and you then agreed, it went in. But for the vehicles that Casio has already modelled but are in other titles, the dogs and cats, like the R-35 or the Samoa, early Panzer III, (I can send you a list if you want me to bird dog it all) CAN THEY BE JUST SHOVED INTO THE EDITOR AS SINGLE VEHICLE PURCHASABLE? Please maybe also a water cooled HMG for the axis? And some infantry team WITHOUT panzerfausts? These would be clearly said as "Steve didn't approve but took pity on kohlenklau" and we threw it in for modding purposes as building blocks for SOME early war scenario ability... ..and I think this might have helped get me the Schwimmwagen...
  16. For all you forumites! Maybe you can make the grade? Maybe you are your own worst critic? Writing a tiny scenario with a small map and a small set of forces on a short time scale is such a blast! By fighting the natural urge to pump it up to be grander and ever larger, like a wedding or a party, you can keep the finish line always in sight. Such an undertaking is within the grasp of most every CM player and is something that everyone should give a go at, even if NEVER "released to the public"... There are many guides and tutorials out there in written and video format. Starting with an existing map cuts the workload down tremendously! I am here for anybody that wants to try. If you need it and want it, if it encourages your first ever scenario attempt, I am happy to make you some custom roadsigns or a building "Hotel de Yada-yada", vehicle markings...absolutely free <<except for shipping and handling!>> Especially if you do a scenario in one of these minor axis nation mods...! CMRT Finnish Mod was done back in 2016 and will have more content after F&R CMRT Hungarian Mod was done back in 2016 but needs an overhaul and formal scenarios... CMRT Romanian Mod is now out as a beta with more content coming, new scenario due out this week... CMRT Italy Mod is in the planning phases, due sometime this year... CMRT Spanish Blue Division, I am looking for voice actors, in the planning phases My old gripe: For all the you forum folks who want "eggs benedict" at the breakfast bar, how about you come over a bit early and help make the damn eggs! Translation: These mods could use folks that are interested in the "east front minor axis nations" to volunteer by sending me a PM, look at what we have created, understand our limitations in what we can present in the mod and then hopefully accept that and decide to "help pull the wagon" and make a small scenario to help the whole community. ...end of the sermon, please pass the offering plate down the pew...
  17. @chuckdyke For not just you but all the forumites! Maybe you can make the grade? Maybe you are your own worst critic? Writing a tiny scenario with a small map and a small set of forces on a short time scale is such a blast! By fighting the natural urge to pump it up to be grander and ever larger, like a wedding or a party, you can keep the finish line always in sight. Such an undertaking is within the grasp of most every CM player and is something that everyone should give a go at, even if NEVER "released to the public"... There are many guides and tutorials out there in written and video format. Starting with an existing map cuts the workload down tremendously! I am here for anybody that wants to try. If you need it and want it, if it encourages your first ever scenario attempt, I am happy to make you some custom roadsigns or a building "Hotel de Chuckdyke", vehicle markings...absolutely free <<except for shipping and handling!>> Especially if you do a scenario in one of these minor axis nation mods...! ...end of the sermon, please pass the offering plate down the pew...
  18. I had written a small test scenario about Stalingrad using the CMRT Winter Mod and some of Nigel's great stuff (tip of the hat to you sir)... In it, as a "workaround", I used exit zones and reinforcements appearing in buildings to simulate the presence of basements and other underground sewers. Is it perfect? Of course not, but to the player fighting against the AI with that "workaround", I enjoyed it.
  19. @Malaspina I got you covered! CMRT Finnish Mod was done back in 2016 and will have more content after F&R CMRT Hungarian Mod was done back in 2016 but needs an overhaul and formal scenarios... CMRT Romanian Mod is now out as a beta with more content coming, new scenario due out this week... CMRT Italy Mod is in the planning phases, due sometime this year... CMRT Spanish Blue Division, I am looking for voice actors, in the planning phases My old gripe: For all the you forum folks who want "eggs benedict" at the breakfast bar, how about you come over a bit early and help make the damn eggs! Translation: These mods could use folks that are interested in the "east front minor axis nations" to volunteer by sending me a PM, look at what we have created, understand our limitations in what we can present in the mod and then hopefully accept that and decide to "help pull the wagon" and make a small scenario to help the whole community.
  20. Briefing for a scenario being tested between JM Stuff and myself... GARE DE LA MORT Good afternoon Comrade Leytenant! It is now 1700, on a rainy autumn day in 1942. You and your Sapper platoon are assigned to garrison the small Ukrainian town of Shardgashedgautka and especially the rail station, that is soon due for repair and reconstruction. Weather: cool, ground wet, light wind from the north, the sky is overcast. ^ Defend and hold the rail station against enemy attacks. ^ You have a full strength Sapper platoon with some support teams. A damaged vehicle is under repair and one of your squads is assisting the crew. You also have trenches, foxholes and mixed mines. ^ In the local area the enemy is suspected to be a Romanian infantry unit. ^ Hold the station. ^ Primary Objectives: 500 points for the main objective at the station.
  21. My new analogy: BFC is like a restaurant. A very small staff that have been there a long time. They don't tend to hire on new help in the important jobs. The same chefs and masterbakers (haha) and that type stuff are probably also working elsewhere but they have a limited number of hours they clock in for "Chez Steve" In the analogy I guess they only open for special banquets. Everything for the banquet is done in a manner that the banquet only starts when the banquet is ready. Sometimes the banquet has your favorite dishes in the style you prefer, sometimes not. They can only prepare for a banquet or 2 at the same time. Some items they make for 1 banquet have no carryover to another style banquet. The beta testers are like folks they let in to sample the items for free BUT they have to fill out reviews...too salty, I found a hair, stuff like that. A certain banquet generates more revenue and thus warrants more of the future focus of Chez Steve I want to thank everybody there at Chez Steve and wish you the best. I have enjoyed the banquets very much and look forward to the future ones, even if I don't always prefer the style. I will now head home and try to recreate some of that sauce you guys made...
  22. Finns, Hungarians, and Romanians: I did a small Finn Mod before I departed. I did a good part on a Hungarian Mod as well. I just did a Romanian Mod. Later this year I plan also to bring in the Italians...and the Spanish Blue Division. Their quality could be enhanced by BFC if the F&R module has: 1. purchasable team of a water-cooled HMG team on the axis side... 2. scraped together a few earlier Panzers from the training schools 3. Give us a KV-1 and we can mod the toothpick.
  23. This is like a little kid sitting on Santa's lap... The Wargamer's kits would have an enhanced scenario editor and enhanced QB editor where we could tweak the number of panzerfausts, demo charges, with a dropdown menu, just like in CMAK. Maybe the unit deployment editor has you be able to zoom in and alt-click on your troops and the weapons options cycle, just like the buildings? I am reminded of an old CMBB scenario where the Waffen SS bubbas were near some grain field and a KV-1 was there and the SS had old, second hand stuff. Weapons snagged when Hitler scooped up the Czechs I think? Older water-cooled HMG and the odd LMG. Make some "placeholders" in the vehicles roster, code in the armor parameters and all the physics on turret turn rate and armor thickness. But grey it out and you gotta pay to unlock it? No brainer for me. Have a generic uniform slot available for each side so modders can get funky. Copy your desired mds to the generic.mds and you got guys running around in whatever floats your boat.
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