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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @JM Stuff was the initiator of this CMRT Warsaw Uprising Mod. The team has been working for months. I can see the head crowning, it is almost ready to emerge and upload to CMMODSIV and the great guy who runs that place. @Bootie @umlaut has been so generous of his time to make some beautiful vehicle mods. @Juju is making a few UI mods. @Suchy the only actual Pole on JM's mod team, he also did some mods for weapons and uniforms. JM did about 99.9% of the uniforms. I have a few tiny scenarios ready to roll with tiny maps and some other interesting mods. JM is running some final tests with @Probus and some other guys. Maybe in July he can get it out to everybody. In time for the anniversary of August.
  2. I wish it was so. We know the deal now. EDIT: Here is how it will probably work. If CMX3 or game engine 5 takes too long, BFC MIGHT fart out some kind of east front 1943-1944 rehash with almost all the same uniform textures, the same odd half-finished greatcoat and a few bmps where you see the uv map will still be there in the clutter of the folders. It takes longer to put together the download package...their stable of scenario writers will crank out what a nominal 20 scenarios, maybe 2 or 3 or 4 campaigns. The beta testers who get to keep the beta version of the game as their reward will all assemble. And the new vehicle models which you can buy for like $200 on the internet, I guess Casio Lima is a high end professional, not perfect or we wouldn't see an occasional glitch, right? So, he cranks out a few mid-war vehicles. I don't know what they'd call it using the normal 4 letter system. CMTP? Combat Mission Turning Point? Who knows. Of course I'd buy it. I admit it.
  3. Hey guys. I know thread derailment happens all the time. I do it too. I am guilty too. But from now please take your movie talk and amazon talk and movie suggestions somewhere else. Thank you guys. :-)
  4. Don't sweat it Tony. We have a mountain of info and are almost done...
  5. Press release: The new CMFI module "Turds at Tobruk" is delayed due to continued unresolved concerns of the TOE for the DAK German-Italian "Scheiss Haussen Kompanie"... BFC CEO: "The number of mobile crappers per platoon is not clear. Did each have a sit down toilet or a stand-up urinal as well? Were there bidets for the officers?" A trip to Rome this summer is planned to settle these important TOE issues.
  6. It was polite to add please at the end but this mod is a lot of work for everybody and Soviet markings on a Sherman is not a part of it. Maybe give it a try yourself! Download free GiMP and do it in one evening...please. :-) EDIT: As it was said in the Bible: "...give a forumite a modded lend-lease Sherman and he is happy for a day, encourage him to mod on his own <and be there if he has questions he sends by PM> and he becomes another modder..."
  7. Thank you Dennis! Thank you Dennis! I can fix that in Blender once I have the files and we roll it into this "secret/not so secret" future project under the allied side... The team has been working under cover in the basements of Warsaw... @Suchy @Probus @JM Stuff
  8. Whoops! Not a link. It was an attempt to start a paragraph with an underlined header... It is a do it yourself system. Yeah, it is nothing new, others have thought of it before me probably. In another thread a guy asked about QB and I gave the advice there so I wanted to capture it and document it here...
  9. KOHLENKLAU'S RANDOM QB BATTLE VARIETY PACK SYSTEM You can very quickly make a pack of quick battles. Say 5 or even 10? You as human will purchase your force to play. Always the same. Important. Always the same map for this variety pack. You as human then purchase the enemy. YOU CAN MAKE VARIETY HERE AND A BALANCED REALISTIC OPPONENT. USE A SIMPLE 2 OR 3 PART FORCE. AFAIK the QB battles use only AI groups 1 though 2 or 3. Not too sophisticated. This is because the assignment of the auto purchased forces by the game code distributes certain units to A1, certain units to A2. Maybe certain units to A3. No human is involved in that fine tuning as in a normal scenario creation process. Start the QB and immediately save at the deployment turn. Save with a random file name with QB. uhhhh. QBXFGAHSJ...? Do it again ALL THE SAME EXCEPT FOR THE ENEMY FORCE. Do it ten times. It goes fast. QBAJIOPLM QBNHACSVS etc... Crank them out. Then you could do ten with a different SAME force (your side) for the next ten.. A different map or different conditions. Get it? Then you must forget and relax and go off and enjoy life. being old and semi-alzheimeristic is a good thing here. Later when your spouse is out shopping you can open one of these saved game variety packs and reach in for one and play them out with maybe some chance of not remembering your enemy force. If you are a team player, maybe you put them in a dropbox and offer to your compadres...
  10. You're welcome. Oh, I ran a few QB's (just the initial purchasing and set up process) just as I was thinking about this issue. I had forgotten but there is a button "suggestions" but as we all said, it picked the infantry unit and air support. The air support line even says "air controller (FO) required" or something like that. Sure enough, the infantry unit had no FO in the game code purchasing subroutine. WTF! Have fun!
  11. or this idea...somewhat modified for your case...peaceful spouse not involved. RANDOM QB BATTLE VARIETY PACK You can very quickly make a pack of quick battles. Say 10? You as human will purchase your force to play. Always the same. Important. Always the same map for this variety pack. You as human then purchase the enemy. YOU CAN MAKE VARIETY HERE AND A OPPONENT. SIMPLE 2 OR 3 PART FORCE. Start the QB and immediately save at the deployment turn. Save with a random file name with QB. uhhhh. QBXFGAHSJ Do it again ALL THE SAME EXCEPT FOR THE ENEMY FORCE. DO it ten times. It goes fast. QBAJIOPLM QBNHACSVS etc... Then you could do ten with a different SAME force for the next ten.. A different map. Get it? Then you must forget and relax and go off and enjoy life. Then you can open these saved game variety packs and reach in for one and play them out with maybe some chance of not remembering your enemy force.
  12. My ex-wife used to do it for me. It worked out good. I mean the battles, not the marriage!
  13. You must train your frau or fraulein to select the enemy forces properly. Show her how to do it. Test her a few times until she has it down...good balanced force. she can tweak the enemy experience and maybe throw in a little nasty surprise. For the real QB, you go off to the kitchen and get a nice cold beer. She has it all set for you when you get back. Fog of war maintained and she feels useful.
  14. This isn't even the HUGE ARSE map for desert warfare set at the maximum of 3488 meters in width by 5126 meters in depth. This is just BIG MAMA EL MECHILI ~3000m wide by ~1500m depth <<just recently decided to increase it due to German and Italian "infiltrators" in the Gardner's Horse scenario, still working on the wadi and roadnet and "undulations"...>>
  15. TIP 4 Warning: This is less a useful tip and more some ramblings. While my self etching primer dries the required 3-4 hours, I will editorialize a bit. "Some people" are cuckoo for cocoapuffs over TOE's. It has its aspects that could be enjoyable. Maybe it is a business write off to fly to various European cities and look through old archives to document TOE's? Take the wife or the girlfriend, hit a few restaurants, a show, some clubs, bada bing. The pursuit of the flawless TOE can really bottle neck some company's game development! What is the German term KgTF or something, I can't remember. The good old Germans documenting the exact number of messkits in a battalion. I guess I like to go from the other direction. What was on the roster for a certain stage of the battle? So, you use your notes from books to TRY to purchase what was used at Stoumont on a certain day in December. The TOE goes out the window, right? Not completely. I guess it is like a skeleton to rebuild what you want for the scenario. Keep the HQ tiered structure and delete whatever normal TOE forces you need to in the platoon, in the company, in the battalion. Then select a certain HQ and purchase units to tuck into the organization. In the game, the red command line goes from the purchased unit to that HQ you had highlighted. Not every unit should "work directly for" the company commander so think to highlight the platoon leaders and spread forces out down there as you purchase. It is not real life, so the company commander isn't really having to control anything. He is not overtaxed. You are the human player doing EVERYTHING. The game code will cause an impact as the distance from unit to HQ increase and the color of the red line fades.
  16. I like that somebody pays for this forum and I can put notes here for myself and others. This thread will be where I puke out all my unit purchasing hacks, tips and tricks. Maybe nothing new but at least it is written down for folks I am working with on CM projects. Feel free to add yours as well. TIP 1 You can purchase teams and stuff from the enemy side. Go to data tab/page of the scenario. Look for (1) allies vs axis (standard) (2) axis vs axis (3) allies vs allies Select the one you need something from... either allies vs allies or axis vs axis. Then return to the units tab/page and purchase the desired team to the desired HQ. Then go back to normal data page setting. THEN SAVE! DRAWBACKS: the new team speaks the language of the enemy, or one of the enemies but maybe not the enemy in this scenario. So theoretically I can mod American voices and names to German JUST FOR THIS BATTLE. Bulk renaming utility does most of the work. I push a few buttons. Uniforms/Gear can also be modded. This can help you sneak in a mod via mdr renaming. The physics of the original host vehicle mdr are retained in the game. It LOOKS like a pziiiG with a short 50mm. But everything behaves and results like a Stuart M5a1 with a 37mm for example. You can hexedit the mdr to look for different bmp's than what the allied Stuarts look like. I better explain that... MDR hex editing to change bmp file name As we all know, you have a German helmet mdr and it needs like helmet.bmp For a future mod, my team changed the partisan civilian hat to the helmet mdr and then change art for some helmet.bmp with "OTHER INSIGNIA". It looks great! BUT there is a problem. Now the Germans need helmet.bmp and they also have "OTHER INSIGNIA"... You can avoid the German units that need that helmet but that is a half solution. Here is the better solution. Open the partisan civilian hat mdr that was renamed from helmet.mdr in the free hexedit program "Notepad++" and search (it is a tool in the menu bar) among the encrypted characters for English words "helmet", check the count, it is 2 places. 1 is important, it is the bmp file name generic filename. smod_german_helmet. The other helmet is just some internal description by the original file creator. German M43 helmet. That 2nd one can stay the same. For the filename, CHANGE the t in hemet to a "g" and it is helmeg. It could be another letter. I just picked g. SAVE AND EXIT. Then change ALL your "OTHER INSIGNIA" helmets fielnames to be smod_german_helmeg with a "g" and the usual numbering. The same with the normal maps. It works nice. Now the Germans can use the helmet also with no concerns on waffen-ss versus regular Germans. TIP 2 This is the old scenario maker trick you can learn! You have a leftover higher HQ you don't need or want in your scenario. I retired as an O-5 so I somewhat know the lonely feeling of not a general but no longer a junior officer down in trenches. Anything unwanted for that matter, you can assign reinforcement group R7. Then you set the R7 to show at the 3 hour point. Get it? It never arrives during your battle. This could also apply for campaign use of the core unit. Save some unit from participation. I think... TIP 3 You can purchase teams and stuff from a different timeframe than your secanrio. Go to data tab/page of the scenario. Tweak the year and the date, go back to units purchase, now the Brazilians are there and you can purchase a tiny 37mm ATG. That early war feel. Then return to the units data/tab. Change back to your scenario date. THEN SAVE!
  17. This soundtrack is awesome for CMFI...which I will soon call CMAK2 I hope...
  18. I have big plans for this mosque. I will mod it with arched openings and extra little pointy things at the roof corners just like Bogie had to fight near. BFC! I need a Grant tank for CMFI. Remember how excited we all were when CMAK came out? It had the multi-turret Grant in the game code.
  19. Now I mod it in Blender to be THIS MOSQUE! The one at Bir Akroma where Master Sergeant Gunn held off Major Von Falkner's DAK troops.
  20. Alrighty, it is in. A 8x8 small mosque is in CMFI courtesy of many folks who I have climbed on their shoulders. It needs a little love for bmp files for the walls. Something needs tweaked. @Tempestzzzz You are the man!
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