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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. That depends crucially on how you use them, how they're organised, and what's opposing them.

    See: Tobruk 1942. Medenine and Kursk 1943. The Admin Box, Kohima, and Imphal, 1944. Dunkirk, La Rochelle, Lorient, Saint Nazaire 1945.

    FWIW, I'm not sure that any of your examples, or these ones, have anything useful to say about playing CM.

    Well, we could argue on this for days, I guess, but that would put us way off topic. My point was that I think that GAJ had better invest his points in mobile forces then in fixed defenses and fortifications. As I see it, the latter can slow an enemy down or make him choose another route, but never will win anything. Whether in CM or in WW2.

  2. Hasn't history proven that fixed defenses and fortifications are useless if you want final victory?

    Maginot-line, Brest-Litovsk, Sevastopol, Bir Hakeim, Atlantik-wall, West-wall, all of Hitler's Festungen (Brest, Konigsberg, Channelports, etc.), Singapore, Bataan, Japanese "bunkered up-islands", just to name a few from WW2.

    Mobility and flexibility give GAJ a better chance, I think.

  3. Gaj,

    Since this Elephant-monster is new in the game, and it arrives with a phenomenal reputation, there seems to be an all-exited expectation by the forum-members. Maybe a warning is in place: don't be fixated on this Elephant-thingy.

    Suppose it gets bogged early on! (See it's weight!!)

    And though it's frontal armor is impenetrable, it's sides and rear are not.

    Air-support is nice, but I think that Bill (AKA "The Elephant-man") won't leave his armor stationary for too long, so hitting it might be difficult.

    I think mobility will be the key, but I'm very glad I don't have to choose the troops for this battle.

    Good luck!

  4. While walking my dog I ran by a beautiful car.I did not recognize the model.

    Looking closer I saw the emblem with the characters M and G and, believe it or not, my first thought was a stunned: "Market Garden??", before I realized that it was a "Morris Garages"-car.

    It's really, really, really time that Battlefront provides some substantial info on Market Garden, it seems. This waiting takes an awful toll..

  5. Once ATG are spotted by infantry, they're often easy meat for area-firing shoot'n'scoot attacks from tanks, especially a couple of tanks in concert, if they can get at the gun from different bearings. A keyhole narrow enough to prevent such an approach looks like it might be difficult to find on that map. You could surprise an incautious opponent round corners, but Bil isn't an incautious opponent.

    Anyway, assuming that your opponent doesn't have any indirect fire assets at all would be the height of folly. Also, I have no feel for how the increased punch of MGs would shape up against ATG. I reckon, from what I've read on here, and what I've seen MGs do before they got their mojo handed back to them, that sneaking a couple of HMGs into a position to suppress an ATG would probably be enough to drive off the crew.

    On top of that, if the ATGs are well enough keyholed to prevent them being taken out by tag-team shoot'n'scoots, they probably won't be very effective at keeping the armour from shooting at the broad screen of infantry that are supposed to be protecting them. Driving all over them, yes, but keyholing works for both sides and is a double-edged sword for both too.

    Yes, ok. I can see your point(s).

    In the game I very rarely have any success with AT-guns, which seems understandable. But, since BF is representing combat as realistically as possible, I wonder why in WW2 anyone would still use AT-guns if they were as useless/vulnerable as in the game.

    Or doesn't the game portray the use of AT-guns realistically?

  6. GAJ and Bill,

    thanks for nice (plenty) screenshots and thorough descriptions of motives, plans and doubts.

    Alas, I must confess that I had hoped for a more vicious and lasting battle. I think the terrain on this specific map doesn't allow for a complex "hide and seek" battle because of it's relative openness.

    And so I wondered; suppose Gaj had bought AT-guns instead of mortars (and maybe even in stead of his tanks)?

    I'm no fan of AT-guns in the game, mainly because they're mortar-magnets, but do you think that two or three of them on this map could have made a big difference?

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