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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. Penry,

    really love your "straight from the heart" comments.

    Patience is something I cannot advice you on, because even after years of playing CM I still get impatient and then f%#k things up.

    But the mincemeat-approach seems to work: identify a spotted enemy and overwhelm with as much firepower as possible, disable/destroy, and only then take on the next spotted enemy. Piece by piece with fire-superiority, even if it takes a lot of time to position enough firepower in the right places.

    (Bill Hardenberger does that mercilessly! Check his AAR's.)

  2. The pic also seems to show them carrying via a 4-legged base rather than a tripod(??).

    Because you can't see the left guy's right hand, you assume he's holding the base/tripod with it, but he doesn't. Optical illusion, look closely at the barrel of the gun.

  3. Just seen Gaj's last posting, with his bazooka team being unable to see Bill's PzVI at 63 meters distance.

    I can hardly believe that. Even if the bazooka team couldn't see the tank (maybe their eyes were full of tears because the way this battle is developing??), they bloody well could hear it. And in real life they would either get the hell out of there, or - and that was what they were trained to do - they would go (run, crawl, slither) to a position with a view on that tank and fire.

    Looking at Gaj's screenshots it seems hardly possible the bazooka team couldn't see the tank.

    I am asking myself: totally biased or rightly surprised?

  4. The defense rested on the premise that I could set up bunkers that would deny infantry access to the major approach routes, and that these would force armour into view that could be counter-attacked by M10s or taken out by sympathetically located ATGs.

    It completely failed because

    1) The ATGs were spotted before they opened fire

    2) I lost the M10s before they scored hits

    3) The bunkers failed to spot the infantry crossing their path

    Now we're into rear guard action...


    I'd be pissed, I'll tell you.

    Your plan looked very nice to me, considering the forces you obtained. If only that eerie oneway-LOS-thingy had been a little different, it might have been a complete different battle.

    BTW, before the AAR started I had wondered about just buying Shermans and use their speed in an all out, one flank oriented, assault. But that would require at least six or more Shermans (with their eyes open:cool:).

    Can you tell me how many Shermans your points-total would have bought you?

  5. In an effort to counterbalance the overwhelming Gustav Line attention, I'd like to offer the poor sods that didn't buy the "spaghetti-modules" the opportunity to mention their Arnhem-heroes.

    My favorite soldier of the battle is captain Eric Mackay of the Royal Engineers. Though he looked nothing like a movie star hero (see photo of him and three mates after the battle on http://www.strijdbewijs.nl/market-garden/20september.htm ), he was a tenacious fighter and real leader of men, positioned in the "red school" on the northeast-side of the Arnhem bridge.

  6. We'll start talking about the details very soon, beginning with describing the new stuff that's being added in a bit more detail than has happened so far. I think screenshots shouldn't be too far away.


    Oosterbeek- perimeter, late sept. '44.

    Runner: "Yes Sir, this time it's confirmed. We've spotted Allied troops on the other side of the river!"

    Officer: "Thank God, finally! Now if they only cross the river in a hurry, we'll all be safe and happy."


  7. I agree with Gaj.

    CW has some real big and troublesome scenario's. The maps are mostly beautiful, but I found a lot of the battles difficult and frustrating.

    Though I'm not going to buy FI and GL (I need my Market Garden first), the demo of FI showed a nice change of scenery, personnel and tactics.

    If money is an issue, buy the FI and GL combo. When you win the lottery, buy CW too.

  8. Anychance of some titbits on MG please?

    Hey Para, I am (too?) getting a little (understatement of the year) annoyed on this absence of Market Garden news.

    Where the bl#^dy F#%k are them Arnhemboys?????

    And I ain't gonna buy this Forces of Italy-thing! Despite my heart-wrenching jealousy that those who have, have yet another new toy to play with.


    (Thank God I'm not behaving like a tantrum throwing little kid.):D

  9. Never heard of it, but IMHO the Brits have never have been as racist a nation as the United States (curiously enough, considering the USA thought itself the bastion of democracy and freedom). They - the British - used colored colonials as soldiers (Indians, Ghurka's, Bhurmese ) for a long time

    Could it be those "black" men were from the West-Indies perhaps? And could it be that there were "black men" serving in regular divisions?

    (In those days anyone with a tinted skin was considered "black".)

  10. On the topic of "Your opponent can see everything", I agree with c3k that if it were making a statement about what Bil can really see, it would be way over the line. So I assumed that this isn't what the poster was meaning, he meant what I am already feeling: It *seems as if* my opponent can see everything. He's shooting at guns that are hidden, and finding my defenders (eg that sniper on the centre left) with ease.

    So let's consider FOW not breached....


    Thanks for perfect explanation.

  11. Gaj,

    I don't mind losing if my adversary fights better, but I do mind losing from an enemy that has apparent psychic abilities. In CMBO for instance, my AI-adversary-TC's seemed to know where the line of fire for my perfectly positioned tanks or ATguns began. And stopped mysteriously just (within feet or even inches) before I could blow 'm up. Grinding teeth, clinching of fists and a furious shouting at my screen as a result.

    It looks like you are playing that AI. I have a real problem in understanding how it is possible that your troops can't see hardly anything, while your opponent can see nearly everything.

    I can hardly believe that this big difference is just because Bill is the better player, but I might be wrong.

    How do you feel about this "observational gap"?

  12. Not forgotten. It's been mentioned a number of times over the last five years or so, at least one of those by me. While it might be loads of fun to play the Soviets as you indicate, I wonder who would want to play as the Japanese. Maybe the same folk who find it an interesting challenge to play FI as the Italians.


    I once knew a person who, when playing a WW2 flightsim, switched every available option to EASY. Then he made use of the editor to position himself (in the best available fighter) behind a dozen or so of the slowest, most vulnerable bombers. Who were flying line abreast.

    He shot them down and did it again. And again and again.

    I bet he was no candidate for the Japanese side, too.

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