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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Ok guys, the last one before I take a break, I think I need it. I needed something different this time, so , before I leave, I will try my best to do something good, and I mean, something that when I look at it miself I feel It´s really good. Not easy Bunkers this time...will try to make a bunch of them, so we all can have variations. I thought that would look great on defensive scenarios. Variation #1 Work In progress! Still a lot to do.
  2. Thanks Erwin. I know what you mean. Will try that in my future mods. But I still think that while making panels on vehicles pop out looks great on scale models, in CMBN they don´t blend well with the terrain and the stock graphics. They look cartoonish with this game engine, and great on a shelf (scale effect it´s called in model making forums). (With all my respect to modders that atempt that, of course).I am a scale modeller myself, and my technique is way different when applying washes and drybrushing on plastic, but in CMBN that effect, although avoids fading doesn´t look realistic since there is no scale effect on a computer game, specially when you are able to zoom. A good mod it´s good from distance and when zoomed in, as it happens with real vehicles! I try to blend vehicles mods into the terrain, not to make vehicle mods by themselves. But, THANKS for the tips and suggestions anyway, I greatly appreciate them.
  3. Very nice work BullGod! That paint chipping effect is very well done. I won´t give any piece of advice on modding, as I see you have your own style and technique. Different styles of mods always have been good for the comunnity, so keep them coming, and thanks!
  4. Thanks all, guys. Glad you enjoy them. erwin, very interesting point there, I will try improve that. Meanwhile, a shot which depicts the skirts, work in progress!
  5. Umm, interesting,...could you elaborate on that one a lil more? I am in the middle of retouching this mod so that would help. EDIT: Thanks to you both, you are great supporters!
  6. Fantastic job stephsen! But,...Is it me or you changed the music intro from version b? I loved that one.
  7. Jagdpanzer Mid in the workshop, after this ( two dirt levels and two decals), only 2 vehicles will be left for modding. M4A3 105 and 251/3 Hanomag. It´s been a huge task, but I am seeing the end, at least for vehicles. If the module it´s not made available before I finish them all, I plan to redo some of my earlier mods, to what I consider a better level of detail. (Tigers come to my mind). This is the "Heavily weathered" version:
  8. As odd as it may sound, I am running out of declas for vehicles in Normandy. This is a Panther A Mid in The Gothic Line:
  9. Work goes on with the last Panther in my mod list, the Panther A Mid. All previous Panthers have been modded already. Decal postioning it´s wrong, don´t worry, this was just a test photo.
  10. I quickly made a test with a PAk36r. Added a net (5 minutes work). As you can see, even if the texture itself doesn´t look that bad, there are problems when the shield ends (net abruptly ends there, no possibility to extend it, adding foliage for example). The hole in the shield is not covered, and if you look at it from the top there is no 3D effect at all in the net. In CMx1 the objects were much less 3D, what helped adding 2D textures on top of them anyway. I didn´t try to add foliage on top of the net as they would look as stickers anyway.
  11. You are right Mord, back in the CMx1 days, some Hanomags were added a camouflage net, and even Mickeyd did a great job adding recognition flags on top of the Panzer Hulls. The problem now, is that, as you mention, CMx2 model and textures look so much better, 3D, and with higher resolutions. You have to be a real master to achieve those results now.
  12. Hello frigo, well, I could give it a try, but the problem is that it will look 2D on a 3D object. There is no problem to add textures to 3d models, the problem is to create a 3d illusion to the eye with 2D textures that looks good from all the angles you may look at it, and that it´s really difficult.
  13. Thanks a lot Fred, valuable info. I love this campaign, thank you very much for such a great effort. I am enjoying it very much indeed. And no matter what, I know I will go to Canal Bridges eventually!
  14. I need some help to win the 4th battle in the campaign. I was able to win the previous three, but this one is a tough nut to crack. SPOILER: Those 3 AT Guns are invincible or so they seem. My artillery barrages don´t seem to affect them and they are able to destroy my panzers from 450-500 meters. Once located I tried to send them my 120mm shells in a 40 meters radio, but nothing, they remain alive. One of my Panzer even shot at it 20 HE shells, when he lift his head, ...dang, Panzer burning. If I leave my tanks behind they are even able to kill dozens of my infantrymen. I find impossible to cross the river as a result, any hints?
  15. The next gun is the Pak 38 50mm AT Gun, some finishing touches and will be uploaded. This is an old mod completely redone as my previous version (never uploaded) wasn´t good for my liking. Hope you like it now. I have added photorealistic rust as found some pics of these guns depicting them in very bad condition.
  16. Thank you guys, I am working now on some guns, several at the same time actually, so possibly my next mod will be the German leIG 75mm Light Infantry Gun. Still I have to fix some mistakes and change some weathering, but it´s nearly done. Working hard on it at the moment, so you should expect it in the Repository soon.
  17. Could anyone in the forum tell me, what vehicles or guns are missing to be modded? After computer problems, RL issues and so on, i have lost the account.
  18. Extra spaces are only needed for the Early variants of the Stug G and the StuH, you are right . When renaming for a variant you can use the typical method of renaming, since you add a "2" or "3" at the end.
  19. Hehe, I just thought, if a variant BMPs need a blank space, and this has already one in its name, let´s add another one.
  20. Thanks stephsen, dowloaded and enjoying it!
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