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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. So, even If I don´t feel too proud of the modded water, would you like to check it yourselves just in case? I can upload it, but don´t expect it to be the amazing water you can see in other 3D games,ok? Ther mod contains a modified normal map, but I couldn´t add transparency or modify the brightness at all,...The shaders contain info (egyptian hieroglyphic to me) that I suspect proves that the water color and contrast is related to mud color and the time of the day. Philip Culliton coded it, so he is the man to be asked for changes I just did what a newbie would do by trial and error (hours of errors actually...) method . If you like it, I would be more than satisfied.
  2. Ok, hehe, I give up, I am not going to understand OpenGL Shading language to add transparency in the game without help, I know where my limitations are! If there is anyone in the forum with knowledge in C programming I bet he could add blending possibilities to the shaders and allow semi-translucent textures. Too difficult for me!!
  3. Building and vehicle and most terrain transparencies are achieved with alpha channels (kind of magenta texture back in the CMx1), and there isn´t any problem to have them ingame. Water effects (light, movement,...) are handled with a shader. You have a base texture (Water.BMP), and 2 Targa files (one in charge of surface detail, and the other in charge of waves). But the shaders (FRAG and VERT files,...text files basically, are the ones which manage the effects for these textures), if they weren´t there, water would look flat and without animations.
  4. No. Regarding Haystacks,...they are quite hard to mod, due to the stretched mapping of textures. May try something though,... I posted some question for the devs that it´s still unanswered (I thing they have better things to do than looking in this thread). Is there a possibility we could get tranparent water? I can get different colors and waves, but no transparency.
  5. Weathering must be refined. Markings to come. SDKFZ 251/3:
  6. If I listen to something that doesn´t make me feel good, I always check why it doesn´t, the first reaction is to blame others for being...whatever..., but the reality, it´s always my ego. I try really hard to erase that from my personality, that´s all.
  7. Well, what can I say, you just made me feel so much better after reading that, much appreciated, really, thanks.
  8. You don´t need to, You said what you felt, what´s wrong about that anyway
  9. That must be "La Meauffe" for me. "Pointe du Hoc"and "Die Amis Kommen" are amazing too. Edit: I really miss, more community made scenarios actually, it must be that AI it´s hard to manage, but there aren´t as many as there were back in the CMx1 days,...
  10. It´s in the workbench as I write...I can´t stop doing this, it´s addictive...
  11. Looking forward to it, you are a master battle designer.
  12. Hehe, I now know how BFC must feel when they read CMBN sucks...
  13. Well the mods improve the look, but don´t expect to have crisp textures either Check by yourself anyway.
  14. Nope. I arranged the folders so that later version would have preference over the older one. So that should be ok.
  15. Thanks to you for posting your gratitude here. Well, I feel less and less proud of my vehicle mods now, I think I could do better now,...but my energy and enthusiasm is not the one I had in August.
  16. I have been trying to modify the water transparency lately. I have modified the Normal Maps and DuDv maps but I would like to know, if possible what are the settings in the Water Simple.frag (or .vert) that modifies that. There a ton of possiblities regarding water color and wave movement that are in that single txt file...I managed to have a muddy water, changed the way the waves move, but I find myself unable to change the transparency. I don´t quite like the current light blue oil-plate effect ingame. If some of the devs would take the time to explain which parameter is in charge of that, we could have a much better water depiction IMHO. Please??
  17. Doug, I could create a brighter one, don´t get me wrong, it doesn´t take me that long, PM me with your mail and I´ll see what can I do (Lord,...I didn´t learn to say no in this life ). The thing is,...I am not there in front of your monitor, so it´s imposible for me to find the balance, I do mods for me, so understand me if the modified, remodified one, doesn´t suit you either.
  18. Gridded version, BTW: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4573/details
  19. Funny, some people mailed me about this grass being too....light and bright ( I get mails from time to time, but they seem to be in crescendo since I released this mod... ). The thing is, if I was to find the balance for everyone...I would be crazy in no time. I understand that not everyone has the ability to edit pictures in photoshop, but understand me, I could be uploading one version a day,...modify your Gamma Settings or wait until someone creates variants of this mod..,I am kind of fed up with it. Sorry.
  20. Thanks vonRocko, glad you like the "pitchers" (I hope you know what I mean....).
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