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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. No more pics please,...it's just like sharing cigarettes in front of a quitter craving to death,...
  2. Great, great pics, so many possibilities, brighter and brighter future for the CM series!! P.S: love those coats too.
  3. Here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4879/details
  4. Will be uploading it to CMMODs later this afternoon ...
  5. Gustav Line,...please,...soon,.. I mean,..tomorrow,..I mean.. please?
  6. And yet another time, ladies and gents,... the Priest,...(3 or 4 mods already just for this beast,...), this time, the FI model:
  7. Sorry for the late response Erwin,...these are for CMFI only (Sandgelb camo wouldn't be historically appropiate for Normandy, AT ALL). Semovente 47 uploading to CMMODS as I write.
  8. THANKS guys. Now, Semovente 47. Interiors and wheels unmodded yet.
  9. The only feature I see lacking, without too much expense or redesign of the engine would be bumpmaps and normal maps for the terrain textures and better 3d modelling for trees and bushes. Edit: ah, a better water shader depiction, too...
  10. Hi there Hilts. I'll see what can I do, I am very busy these days, not too much time to mod sadly...Thanks for youir kind words. SdKfz 231 in the works...
  11. Lovely idea MickeyD, but I think we might need a dozen or so more modders in the scene from now on,...if we want that kind of customization that is.
  12. Elephant, elephant ,blah blah,... get TONS of mortar ammo for this battle, you have all enemy assets in sight from above from turn one,...keep your AT hidden until you eliminate his infantry and support, then let his invulnerable Elephants and Tigers get closer,...
  13. Well, I REALLY like them, so THANKs a lot, good job collecting and modifying these ones, I love mortar and explosions sounds,....and Reinforcement sound is great! Overall,VERY very good sound pack as it allows me to differentiate calibers and explosion types. A keeper.
  14. Thanks Nick.And no, I didn't get to mod those AT Guns...
  15. I haven't checked , but you are free to go and be the first and post the result here Joking,...I'd say so.
  16. They are different, you could use both for a little diversity,
  17. Sorry for the late response Erwin. The 57 mm AT Gun can be used in CMBN too, I think, completely new mod. The 37 mm AT Gun I don't think it's available for CMBN, is it?
  18. I made a mod for the 57mm AT in CMBN long time ago. It is available in the Repository.
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