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Everything posted by LemoN

  1. The Panther in picture 14 obviously wasn't knocked out by TacAir.
  2. Nobody's ever drawn blood from me and nobody ever will!
  3. Wait, you want to increase the price for software? :confused: Remember, the tea party happened because the tea price was lowered.
  4. I called my local customs office and he told me right away that for the EU you have to add your country's VAT again, even if the US taxes are already applied. In addition I have to pay a customs handling fee which drives the total price to ~120$. So if you have any questions, it's best to call your local customs office and explain the situation and the price of the product.
  5. I'm living in Europe. Doesn't mean that I can just throw 120$ out the window... I've put the 80$ aside when I heard that CM:BN was going to be released, there's no way I can afford 120$.
  6. Cancelled. Total payment would surpass 120$ for me. For one game.
  7. I was more referring to the "try to avoid bubbles, don't reinforce them, and don't try to keep asset prices artificially high and aim for a healthy growth" part of Hayeks theory, which is unfortunately absolutely neglected.
  8. I just wish that countries and economies would pay more attention to the Hayek market theory...
  9. Well, that's just an interactive way of the CMx1 style. I still don't understand why they have cut that feature...
  10. I choose option 9. "9. The complaining started back in 1999 and never stopped"
  11. I was more referring to the explosion happening behind houses with stonewalls "magically" toppling over, even if they're protected from the blast.
  12. I'm Austrian and I had 4 relatives die on the Eastern front, one during the Poland campaign in '39, one during Barbarossa during the Brest siege and two in unknown locations on the Eastern front. I had something along the lines of 5-6 relatives serve in the 45.ID, based in Linz, my hometown. The reason why I'm not interested in the Western Front is that it was a tiny side scenario compared to the gigantic meat-grinder called the Eastern Front. Insignia of the 45.ID Old coat of arms of my City
  13. I personally don't really care for the western front, I'd much rather have the eastern front. But WWII is what brought me back here, as any WWII scenario > Modern Warfare.
  14. One thing I'm slightly concerned about is the immense collateral damage to stonewalls when compared to their surroundings. In the middle of the village, he part where no rounds impacted, I saw a LOT of stonewalls that were toppled over by explosions that happened on the other side of a house, at last 50m away.
  15. There is one system in place that approves cures/treatments for the general public. I.E. when a bypass became feasible they looked into it and decided if the treatment is at a good enough cost/benefit ratio yet. This also adds pressure for bio-health-tech companies to bring down costs and not charge 20 grand for a simple piece of plastic (which was the case for a couple of part of artificial joints). Alternatively you can also get experimental/unconventional treatments for free if your chances of survival (or your life expectancy) with conventional treatments would be too low. What the previous posts imply is that cases are being reviewed one by one. This is NOT the case. There won't be a gremium of doctors/bureaucrats judging if your poor old granny should get her eye surgery or get her new high-tech artificial joint. Also, with enough money you can, of course, buy yourself even better healthcare. As is the case with everything in the world. This isn't really the case. As I already said, while debt is the primary reason why a country goes bankrupt, the immediate and primary cause is the downrating of it's credit rating. Debt is in no 1:1 relation to bankruptcy, some countries declare bankruptcy at 50% of their BIP, some countries like Japan are at over 100% and are still going. Also, the healthcare systems in the EU are generally quite healthy, the problem are the pension systems due to the "overaging" population since the baby-boom generation is quitting the job-market. This had me lol quite hard. Ever heard of supply and demand? By lowering the average income of your population and having the wealthy "hoard" money (I'm aware that quite a lot of people do re-invest their money, but many billions of dollars are just doing "nothing", which is the same as having the same amount of money in the bank accounts of "poor" people) you actually vastly decrease your overall demand and therefore also the overall BIP.
  16. It would be nice if you'd have the option of illumination rounds for artillery.
  17. Actually, this is completely false. This is and has always been "Conservative Propaganda". It simply isn't true. Again, completely false. The US government alone spends MORE money per capita for healthcare than any European country, so I can't see anyone going bankrupt over this. Healthcare is NOT the reason why some European countries have gone bankrupt.. funny enough, it isn't even debt itself, it's the credit rating of a country. Just look at Japan which has more than 100% of it's BIP in dept, a way higher percentage than either Ireland, Greece or Portugal. Heck, afaik even the US has a higher debt than the three countries. The reason why they went "bankrupt" is because the credit rating agencies dumped their credit rating, making it completely infeasible to get any credit at affordable rates. It would be nearly unthinkable that the US or Germany would have their credit rating dumped (something which the US might steer into soon, given that they got a "warning shot" by several banks) By "bankruptcy" standards every western country would be bankrupt, save for Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and some other small independent countries. Shhhhh, that's what they want you to believe.
  18. Thank god I live in a country that has higher quality healthcare than the US while being free.
  19. From a gameplay perspecive CC2 is (IMO) the best. By a large chunk. Although the Matrix remakes are pretty good too.
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