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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I think I should have posted this on the tech support forum. So I have: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1520981 Hopefully that gets the correct eye balls looking at it.
  2. That is coming from the editor you are using discarding the alpha channel. You will also notice that the mortar icon is not totally solid a little of the background comes through. I go the idea for that form @billy_sp's original low vis icon mode. So you need an editor that preserves the alpha layer (preferably also allows you to control it). Here is what I know about editors and what they do with alpha layers: Photoshop: can handle them but I found that I had to draw the icon in colour and then draw the transparency separately - it was like drawing the icon twice. I am not sure if that was my failing to understand a better way to work or if that really is what you have to do with Photoshop. GIMP: I have no personal experience but I know that other modders are using it and they are transparency that works. Paint.NET: this is my favourite light weight image editor but it is totally useless for editing bmp files for modding. It discards the alpha information and makes your whole image opaque. There is a plug-in that is supposed to support 32bit bmp files but I cannot get it to work. Greenfish Icon Editor: This is the editor I am currently using. It is small and suitable for editing icons - it is not designed for general image editing but for icons it is ideal. A crap load of icons editors over the years: I cannot count the number of icon editors I tried. I cannot remember their names and they have long since been removed from my systems. There is a lot of buggy hard to use icon editors out there. Give Greenfish Icon Editor a try. I know the name is just silly but the program works.
  3. Those look super - thanks! I have a non modding question. What is the black circle above the hull MG? There are similar black circles on the front of the turret - not so much on the T34 but on the big ISUs. I keep mistaking them for hit decals. Which brings me to another question: are you planning a hit decal mod?
  4. No, that is all good. For the FOW icons all I did was recolour the background and add the same border as my regular icons. What you see there is as expected. I am referring to the latest pictures you embedded.
  5. Well to be fair it has been discussed many times before. BFC have chimed in before. If the forum search does find it try Google using their site: syntax.
  6. I am not ignoring you but I am out and reading with my mobile and I cannot see the pictures properly.
  7. That would be great thanks. If you prefer I will PM you with my email.
  8. The picture link asks for a login. To embed an image, get the url directly to the image and use the IMG tag which you can automatically insert using the yellow button with the mountains and the sun on it.
  9. Nope working as expected. My understanding - after having similar comments - is that the Soviet tactic for tank riding was to ride the tanks into the enemy lines and then dismount. At which point they will be very close to the enemy and their SMGs will make a nice big hole in the defenses. If they dismount just because several of them are hit or they are uncomfortable they will end up out in the open unable to finish of their enemy and die where they dropped off. This is not ideal behaviour for casually riding a tank instead of walking. So, if that is your goal you need to dismount them your self when contact is iminent.
  10. I have been using for a short time. The instructions in the new download explain how to copy over your existing results into the new sheet. Download it and unzip it - but don't stomp on your current files - and then read the word doc. All will be reveled.
  11. Good, sorry for any confusion - let me explain where I am coming from. I got the info from the Handbook on USSR Millitary Forces. Here is my interpretation in answer to your questions: On page XII-8 Actually in the Soviet system infantry on the move are denoted by an arrow. Whey they are on the march they have a long column and any other supporting units are added to the line so a column of infantry and tanks would have a long line with an arrow with the diamond shapes for the tank units along the line. Ditto for other units. From the same page Infantry that are stationary are symbolized by a stick. However their disposition is denoted by the semi circle or a horizontal squiggly line. The the squiggly line denotes a line formation while semi circle denotes other formations. These are all technically platoon level symbols. I chose to use them for the squads and I chose the semi circle so I could get some yellow in there to make it easier to see. Mean while the circle seems to be as you said for a team... more below. True but I was going for something that matched the squads. I read the circle as being an individual but looking again I see that your interpretation would be more accurate. Correct that is the platoon symbol. I would love to have separate icons for the different levels. But the most common commander is the platoon commander. I do not see a triangular flag symbol in the source material. I see various stylized and stripped flags that represent a wide range of levels of command but nothing generic. Can you point me to a source? From that same table in page XII-8 the SWG platoon is denoted by the infantry symbol but with a dot. Are you saying the dot I see is actually a 'q' that has been rendered poorly by the scan? I admit I made that up from hole cloth - I could not find a symbol for a flame thrower any where. I had to have something so I translated flame using google translate and took the first few letter. I would much rather have the right symbol. Can you tell me where you found it? I would even take the modern Russian symbol or cold war Soviet symbol for a flame thrower over my made up thing. That is what I had to do with the US icons - I could not find a WWII symbol so I use the modern NATO symbol for it. Thanks for taking the time to try these our and send your feedback.
  12. No that is not correct. You should see the German icons for the Germans. I have trouble picturing how the Soviet icons would be working but the Germans not.
  13. Correct it does us the infantry icon - but it is working fine for me on Elite. Are you seeing my modded FOW icons? They are not in the key but they are the same grey blue colour with a thin black order.
  14. I suppose but I do not think that fire from the Target command is any less aimed. Agreed - we need to let the troops "training" handle this.
  15. That was my thought too. It sounded to me like he wants a all soldiers operate without adrenaline and mode. I believe the skill of the troops already accounts for how careful / good troops are at aiming. Nope. From the manual:
  16. Thanks, I got a copy of that and the bulk of my work came from those very pages.
  17. Oops copy and paste followed by not tweaking the text. I just fixed it but it seems like you cannot just update the description in real time. Hopefully my update will not cause a removal of this file and a creation of a new one when all I want is to update the description. Yes, the download is for CMFI.
  18. As I mentioned in the CMBN thread I forgot to create the Americans key or take a sample pic. Once I do I will update this thread but probably not the mod. The German icons: The German ammo bearers are a bit of a stretch. I used the symbol for supply units which are really rear area only but I figured using that would be better than something I made up.
  19. Nope, really CMFI icons - unless I made a mistake. Now you are making me nervous.
  20. The German icons: The German ammo bearers are a bit of a stretch. I used the symbol for supply units which are really rear area only but I figured using that would be better than something I made up.
  21. No it really is for CMBN. I forgot to create a key for the allies - I am working on it though. Once I was done the German symbols and the Soviet symbols I started working on the American symbols. I now have three sets of tactical icons one each for the Americans, Germans and Soviets and have packaged them up as appropriate for the three games. And to answer the obvious question no they cannot be packaged all into one mod because of the shared icons. The HQ, sniper and FO icons are shared so you only have one blue and one red version. That prevents having a Soviet version and an American version in the same package. It also means you cannot have different colours for Canadians, Poles, New Zealanders or Italians.
  22. That is one of the things that I like about Juju's UI mod. Well, there is lots to like about his mod. Making the toggle settings clear is the great functional change that his UI mod offers.
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