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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Excellent. Are you at version 3.12? If not there is a patch to install.
  2. My impression is that reinforcements always arrive in their deployed location and the setup order is only used during the initial game setup. I have not done extensive testing so I have been following this thread rather than contributing. It sure looks like this is what @Jammersix is seeing though.
  3. LOL your second line is the correct part. If they dropped the price by 30% and did not get a 30% increase in customers then that is a huge LOSS to BFC not a gain. I once had a guy in my company's marketing department put it to me this way "if you do not have potential customers dropping the idea of purchasing your product due to price - then you are pricing your product to low". His point was simple there is a sweet spot where lowering the price does not net you enough new customers to make it worth while. Same goes for too high if you move the price higher too many potential customers don't buy that it is not worth it. In other words: the fact that some people say "this game costs too much" in the context of good sales is a good thing (tm).
  4. So I clearly need more sleep and am being a bit punchy so no more silliness - Here are a few screen shots from an AAR that I may never write with some comments on each: So lets start off with one that looks kinda bad actually. This is probably the worse I have seen. Keep in mind that this screen shot is at 20x magnification so you can see the JadPanther over by those buildings. OK so "see" is a bit of a stretch but that is what it is getting strafed if I recall. Given that it is 20x magnification those guys are not really as close as it seems. Typical squad in the woods. My only complaint is they are pointing all over the place. To give them a break they did just run away from that mortar barrage the were just about to walk into so they are allowed to be a bit disorganized. Again looking pretty good to me. I am sure there have been instances where guys were right next to each other but it is just not the regular thing so - what can I say. I'll leave it there with the pictures doing all the talking.
  5. No, that's not it. He already said he is doing all the right things and it is the game that is broken. It is not him it is the game. The only thing I am confused about is how the other guys that insist that small arms fire accuracy is way to low and our troops should be dropping an enemy solider with every bullet fired under 300m reconciles with this. How can the game be broken in opposite ways? But I know that it is because they said so. No, no we are trying to get BFC to give is perfect pixel troops (tm). Stop undermining us Just in case anyone is confused: the above comments by is a pile of sarcasm. No doubt it will be perceived as a pile of something else by others A great example.
  6. yeah, just a little sarcasm. I know I shouldn't (because I'll just get called names) but with a title like that it was just to hard to resist. Right up there with "have you stopped beating your wife?"
  7. LOL sorry I couldn't resist - that was blank as in because I don't think there is anything to say. Being serious again... I am sure there are arguments to be made that spacing and moving single file needs to be improved - many have made them. I think they have been acknowledged but reading your post really feels like you are making more out of the small problems than is really there. Regarding stacking bodies: Well there is one main thing you can do and that is not have overlap between your squads. I find it to easy to get squads overlapping with each other in confined places. The Tac AI does a lot for us but it goes where we tell it to and makes the best of it. Another thing that will cause that is the enemy's kill zone. In other words the area where your guys can get hit in the woods is a small slice where the enemy have LOS and LOF. Therefore as you approach the enemy positions several times your guys all go down in the same small area. Again for the case you site - in the woods. The first one we can do something about, the other is just the way things work and sure some game tweaks might make things a bit better but I still think you will see casualties stacked in this situation. Regarding pushing to hard: Well, we do. It really is that simple. It is not about being cautious or not (that just makes the casualties mount faster or slower). The pushing to hard is all about not stopping the attack in the woods after your lead squads are cut down. In real life most of the time that happened that would be the end of the attack for the morning while plans were made to get some support or some artillery on line to deal with the problem. We don't do that we attack again into the same defensive line. I honestly do not see any game tweaks that have been discussed on these forums by Steve doing much for this "issue" because I think it is probably working pretty well. Oh and for added fun have you read the recent thread where people were arguing for more accurate small arms fire? There are people on this forum that say that the current casualty rates are too low and the small arms accuracy needs to be amped up and therefore your (and my) casualties would go up if they got what they wanted. Kinda makes it impossible to "fix" infantry when there are contradictory fixes being pushed on the forum.
  8. Well, what can one say that will convince you. Oh I know this:
  9. This has finally become an interesting conversation. For the last year + that these conversations have popped up they have been utterly useless and boring with a hand full of posters denying the basic facts on the ground and totally blocking what the real discussion should be: does one nation have the right to invade another and when is it justifiable and when not? Do the people have a right to demonstrate and force out a government that they either previously support but no longer do or force out one they never truly supported? How should neighbours behave when groups inside a neighbouring country have legitimate grievances with their central government? We are now closer than we have ever been in an agreement on the basic facts and can have some of that discussion. I have been very curious about the Russian government 's justification (which we still have not heard since they are still denying most if the basic facts) and what Russian citizens feel about it. We are finally actually hearing about the Russian citizens' perspective it a little. Which I find very interesting. Scary but interesting.
  10. Well that is not loony toons at all... Yeah that is exactly right - similar issues and handled well (with an even closer vote) in Canada. That is why so many people around the world can tell if something passes the smell test - because we have watched it done right many times in many countries. None of this is rocket science.
  11. Oh yeah I missed that part. In real life there would be enough fox holes for the whole squad not that the whole squad would squeeze into four fox holes We can all simulate real life by having enough fox holes for all the squad members. That might require two sets or three.
  12. You are. There has been no change that I am aware of they work fine just like they always have. But they are not any better than a wall against mortar or artillery fire - if the round lands on one side, your guys are somewhat protected and if the round lands on the other side, not so much. I like them for help against direct fire that is where they help a lot and for AT or AA guns they add quite a bit to their protection.
  13. I seem to fall for that trap frequently. Even when I am being self aware I often manage to convince myself that this time it will work out in my favour. Sigh, some day I'll learn right? ?
  14. Yeah, I left that off because that's a real problem. I remember as a kid having a neighbour that would absolutely "flip his s**t" (as my teenage daughter likes to say) if we set foot on his lawn. Now I'm the one saying "Get off my lawn".
  15. Same thing every younger generation has been accused of (and this current younger generation are sure to accuse the next one of) being lazy, uncaring, rude and ignorant. It is the same as it has always been. http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/63219-the-children-now-love-luxury-they-have-bad-manners-contempt http://mentalfloss.com/article/52209/15-historical-complaints-about-young-people-ruining-everything
  16. Classic "I can stay here just a little longer I'm winning this fire fight" moment.
  17. Yep exactly. I wish I could adjust the animation to reflect this but I just do not have the necessary skills. Spell check only works if you can read...
  18. Cool, when you do please reconsider the tight dead lines - then I would sign up as soon as I read the thread.
  19. A valiant effort to bring this thread to a place that might actually yield a useful result. You are a better man than I.
  20. Here is a good thread on finding PBEM opponents and the support tools that make things easier (look at my sig for a link to my utility Whose Turn Is It?).
  21. I have seen no evidence to support that. What makes you think that? I have no knowledge that there *is* or *is not* a particular number or not but I see no indication that 1m height increments is an important or special number. We all should be careful about making wild assumptions just 'cause.
  22. While I cannot speak for @kinophile I highly doubt that is what he intends. One of the dangers of criticism is in the how it will be taken and how the response to that will be taken too. I see the same pattern repeat it self. I could site many other examples but I'll stick to recent Canadian history to minimize the number of people I'll upset . When Canadian troops were sent to Afghanistan I would say most Canadians supported that move but it was far from unanimous. The problem came when someone spoke out against the war frequently what people heard was "you are against our troops" and not "this is why I do not feel our troops should be there". I personally know people were opposed to that military action. Not a single one of them actually thought our soldiers were bad people they wanted our government to make a different decision. Huge difference. But alas one that is lost on too many people. We had people with bumper stickers that said "If you are not behind our troops feel free to stand in front of them". When to a person I never hear a single soul say that they did not support our troops. One sizable segment of our society just could not hear the actual message and seemed to only hear something else. So, I believe those that serve their country honourably should be honoured regardless of if you support the politician who sent them or the ideology behind it. Those are two separate things.
  23. I have conducted no tests but do use sandbag walls fairly often with AT guns. They definitely offer significant protection. They are really great against direct fire and even do something for mortar or artillery fire (anything falling in front of the position -> they offer protection, anything that falls behind or right on its no help - duh?). I have absolutely no idea about visibility mainly because I try to place AT guns in positions that offer key hole firing.
  24. OK I have good news and good news. 1) you are not crazy I can see it to using the save you gave me. 2) after 2.5 minutes everyone started executing their orders again. I suppose the bad news is who knows if you will just run into it again or if it will be gone permanently. So, to be honest what I actually did was totally cancel all the orders for one of your vehicles and re-plot them. Then 20s into that next turn everyone started following their orders again. Either way I added the reproducible scenario to the already reported one. Hopefully this one will carry more wait since it was half the size of the monster I saw it in earlier and is with a stock scenario.
  25. Well I don't know what to say exactly except that all is not lost. I have one kid still in HS and one just in university and I can assure you that they are well aware of the significance of these events. And it is not just then either. While my kids definitely do get extra time discussing history and current events their teachers did a pretty good job too. As far back as grade 8 they were having in class discussions about ww1 and ww2 history and current events. I know it can be disheartening to hear some people's sad state of knowledge but rest assured that there are some out there that know the score.
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