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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Ken has covered the how, excellent. I'll just add I've been playing PBEM since the beginning and there was one game after one patch that my opponent and I could not successfully update. Every other time things have gone smoothly (and other games that update worked too). With one patch an air plane sound played for the first turn and recently existing smoke textures were a little odd looking. Both issues cleared up after the next minute of play.
  2. Exactly what @A co said. So far we have one report of a vehicle being locked out. One. Anyone else willing to say the have see it too? Anyone got a game save? I personally have never seen it. I have seen small arms fire enter and cause a crew casualty once.
  3. They are not supposed to have extra time. I seem to recall that one or two maps have extra time set on then and that ends up being used when playing the game. It is a mistake. Let us know what map it is.
  4. For CMBN I found this one but its is not part of a BFC package: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/BattleForNormandy/Campaigns/The Lions of Carpiquet.html Similarly for CMFI: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/FortressItaly/Campaigns/GL Welcome to Sicily.html
  5. They must be running out of ammo at this point.
  6. Oh a cliff hanger. I look forward to seeing the results of this. So you have an ATGM team that scored two kills and is still alive and well - well done.
  7. The core file does not control placement of units. It is just a holder for forces that can then be used in multiple scenarios in the campaign. Each scenario has its own deployment information for all units used in that scenario.
  8. Both sides in a campaign can have core units (or not). Losses to those units can persist between missions. I am not sure how you are determining that the German force are the same one all along. Are you inferring from the Refit 0 values? Cause I wouldn't do that see below... In each scenario in the campaign the designer can choose to use any or all of the core units plus anything else they like. So, that means another reason there is a Red Refit value of 0 for every mission could be that each of those scenarios have fresh new German forces. The tool that breaks apart the scenarios of the campaign sadly cannot tell which units are core and which are fresh and new for that scenario only. The core forces file is not persisted in the cam file. There are a lot of interesting choices to be made - by both the designer and the player. Not knowing what choices the designer has made makes the player choices more interesting. But that's just my opinion.
  9. Well I can state for sure that BFC's goal is for the game to reflect real combat performance. Clearly that is challenging but I think they do a good job of combing through the information and comparing various sources to any real world examples etc. and making sure they don't take manufacturer's claims at face value. For those paying close attention you can see the fixes that were made to the M1 side turret armour when they found it was too thick, they bumped up the T90 armour in several locations when it was found that the 25mm could penetrate it where it should not. Those are the two I remember reading about but I am sure there have been others.
  10. It is true that action squares are real but the only some times they rear their ugly head. Usually its best to just totally ignore that there are squares at all. The vast, vast majority of the time I do not concern my self with the underlying squares. When you plot movement orders for vehicles they don't factor in. When you plot movement orders for infantry you can see the highlight squares as you plot the way points but even then the soldiers themselves shuffle around in that area and are not in a fixed place so they don't really show themselves once the soldiers are on the move. The other place you can see them, of course, is when you issue area target orders - your actual target location will snap to the squares.
  11. That nails it right there it is decidedly not in production more like prototype stage to allow for evaluation. Honestly no one really knows if the prototypes that are driving around are actually fully functional / complete yet they certainly have not been deployed to a unit yet.
  12. Indeed - I could see someone making a legitimate argument that the costs need to be shifted even more. Hopefully that smiley is you trying to be funny cause since the Armata does not exist for deployment adding it to the game is not happening any time soon. See the fun / insane thread on that topic already...
  13. LOL sounds like a plan. Or we can restrict ourselves and lower our speeds. Just a warning though, no one else will.
  14. My tests were way back before I was a tester too. Ironically it started out with me trying to see if there was something wrong with the bogging rate and setting up various test terrains etc. I came up empty of problems but someone on the testing team did tweak to what was actually wrong - there was a problem with bogging at a road terrain boundary. Long ago fixed. As for the way bogging is handled the type of terrain, the ground conditons and how long it has beed rained on are factors. Along with the characteristics of the vehicle. Given that the speed is not a factor I do not believe that momentum is included. On the other hand I don't have special knowledge of the code.
  15. Something doesn't like you I don't have to reset my password repeatedly to post here.
  16. Sure that would be one way to go but this game was not actually designed to represent what is happening on the ground today. They started this work before the actual fake revolution and green men invasion took place. The game scenario was that Ukraine started on a path towards joining NATO and that an open invasion from Russia happened as a result. As we know that is not what really happened. So comparing what is going on on the ground today and what is in the game is not really appropriate. Having said that I suppose you can put forward the request to be able to represent what is on the ground now in the game going forward. I have no idea how BFC feels about that idea.
  17. Right, I should have mentioned that there are several options. Thanks
  18. There is and you cannot. Many people use a service like photobucket to host the picturesand then link them here.
  19. Oh, sorry I was talking about during load time. When I first moved to win 10 I could not ctrl alt del out during loading without crashing the game. The problem was the graphics driver because a month or so later a driver update came out and I could do it again. The minimizing to a bar you cannot get back from when the screen saver kicks in also happened during that time too. Check if your graphics card driver is up to date. To be clear: During game play alt tag always worked for me. During loading alt tad does not but ctrl alt del and switching does. When I first moved to win 10 this did not work. During save I leave it alone because sometimes when I switch or break away it locks up and fails to save.
  20. Also the installer has a habit of picking up other files. Make sure you unzip the installer into their own empty directory before running the setup program.
  21. ATL tab has never worked for me. I have to ctrl alt del and then I can switch. Give that a try.
  22. Not a bad idea. Not sure how high it would make it on the priority list.
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