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Everything posted by SNAFU

  1. You can trim those options down to what ever level you want. Having just started messing with that myself, I'll let someone with more experience tell you how. The reason it is set up the way this is way is for historical reasons, displaying formations as they actually were set up. It's easier to trim down to a company that to "trim up" to a battalion...
  2. Actually, the map designer for the QB map actually has "designed" what the enemy's plan will likely be. All that remains is to see how evil Mar...the designer was.
  3. 1st there has to be a setup zone (color area on map). If there isn't one--such as the 1st scenario in the demo--you can't deploy them to other locations. If there is a setup zone however, you can simply use a move command to reposition units anywhere within the setup zone. If you use a move order (or other commands) that are outside of the color indicated setup area, you are actually giving a command that the unit will obey when you hit the start button.
  4. That would be an intersting (and rather tasty) kettle of fish!
  5. Off topic: My son is in the 2/502. Coming home next week from Afghanistan. I'll be at Fort Campbell to see the plane land.
  6. I can spend a solid 10-15 minutes thinking about them and then alimony pops into my mind. BFBN is a much safer distraction.
  7. I've been in proximity of 81mm mortors firing a couple rounds and I thought it was loud as hell. Definitely makes more noise than anything I've fired for sport.
  8. I couldn't agree more! That's also what makes H2H so interesting (different styles of play).
  9. That makes sense. After all, that is a lot of stamp licking. I was informed that my box is in the mail!
  10. And that's why they don't implement WeGo by LAN! That's a long time in my book. Naturally time to do a scenario depends on the size of the forces involved. Still, I managed to play Huzzar in one night (5-6 hours). I tend to be agressive though and charge hard, a tactic that usually carries the battle in my favor or leads to a rapid demise.
  11. That's quites a manly confession Let it be a lesson to us all. When you've waited for years to get something, don't order until the caffine wears off, the brain relaxes, heart flutters cease and trembling fingers somewhat steady. I typically go for a short walk as well. My bet is BF will exchange your purchase but you should expect a strongly worded letter of reprimand as well. Perhaps a picture of Steve wagging his finger at you is in order.
  12. That's excellent! Maybe I'll get to work on a 24 hour scenario!
  13. Thank You. That'll likely save me some head-scratchin'.
  14. I'm not positive this will answer your question: To check LOS I choose "Target" and drag my line-of fire to check LOS. What I haven't tried is doing this from created waypoints (still some things I'm getting used to with the new system). Be sure I'll check into it though!
  15. Another work-around I used (until I updated my drivers) is to open task manager (cntrl+alt+del), look in the processes, highlight the BattleFront program and click end task. After doing that the program should start up again. At least it worked for me. It's a couple extra steps but a lot better than not playing the game
  16. Yes and I actually do use that method sometimes (and it works well). As far as WeGo? When it comes to battles like Huzzar where I have many units moving for long distances from seperate reference points--I LOVE it!
  17. Great idea. I'm getting to that tender age where my senior moments cause me to do the same thing you're talking about.
  18. My uncle was a medic in Europe as well. He never talked about his service even to his brothers who were both combat veterans.
  19. I've seen that too but if you look close you'll probably see a couple soldiors who aren't surrendering. They won't be as visible as they are the ones still hunkering down.
  20. Something I would like to be able to do with icons though is to have a hot-key where I can turn off "Types" (such as disable armor). It's definitely not a huge deal but during the setup phase (especially during) it would be nice. For example: It'd be great to toggle off armor icons and heavy weapon icons so it is easier to sort out my infantry units. That would also be great in scenarios like Huzzar where a large part of the scenario involves moving troops by half-track (turn off all but armor icons for that). It's not a deal-breaker by any means but it would simplify the game at times, especially for real-time battles.
  21. Yeah. And don't leave those fly-boys alone with your wife for over 14 minutes either.
  22. I met some pretty smart people when I was in Barcelona so don't try to use that as an excuse!
  23. I also like the idea. Use the same mechanics as Linear Targeting that artillary uses but transfer it to infantry, armor or anything that can shoot. That way units could lay supressing fire down the length of an area of bocage or a couple houses rather than just concentating on 1 small area. Naturally, the results shouldn't be as affective as if they were concentrating on one focal point...
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