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Posts posted by DLaurier

  1. I like to think that the CM community is a welcoming environment for women.

    We are, for the most part, mature and rational. (PENG not withstanding) And we mostly grasp that its more whats between your ears that counts, as opposed to whats between your legs.

    Our few douchebags tend to keep their failings to themselves, or to express it as politics... ie; taking Nazi fanboyism too far.

    All in all I think women should feel safe on our forums, and in our community

  2. Fortunately, the Soviet uniforms are not exactly "form-fitting", so doing female faces for those who want em should work fine.

    IIRC the females were not in mixed gender units. If that's accurate, we'll have to have all-female units.

    Looking forward to the briefings:

    "Comrade Yevdokia turned to Comrade Marina in horror. Her mascara had run all down her rouged cheeks. The Soviet cosmetics factory had never produced the same quality since the fascist swine had occupied the lipstick and eyeliner production buildings. Soon she would take her revenge in the great assault to regain the factory complex... the rumor was that they could get as far as the shoe department..."


    Methinks it would read a bit more like...

    Comrade section leader Nemko was stuck. The only way forward was through a small sewer pipe, half full of who knows what, and too small to shove a man OR a spool of wire through. He looked back at his two subordinates. Vlad Patrovich was just as stumped as his commander. Mila Ladoch snarled at them both "Stupid men". She shoved her rifle at Vlad, and grabbed his PPSH. The trade done, she took the loose end of the wire in her teeth, and lunged head first into the pipe. "Could you give me a push?" she hissed back at them.

    Vlad considered leaning on the arse cheek that was still out in the air, then grabbed a boot instead... and pushed it into the darkness. "better to die from facisti bullets than female rage" he thought. A wise man indeed.

    As Mila crawled through the filth, her comrades dutifuly fed wire to her.

    Both gratefull it wasnt them in the darkness.

  3. You could possibly modify the upper-body textures in such a way that it appears as if there were breasts underneath the clothes. You know, playing with the shadows and such. If a woman stands straight up and the sun is coming directly from above, the length of the shadow on her belly is a function of the size of her breasts. You get the point. And this is a serious suggestion.

    A youngish woman with no bra... especialy a teenager living on army rations... casts a smaller shadow.

    Trust me on this.

  4. Of course it is empty space, nothing would live in that area that long. I cannot beleive how much arty you have dropped there. You have a Ton of it.

    As for shredding you, I beleive you deserve it.

    I was pleased with how many fireflys I have taken out without losing too many Tigers. So yes the battle is very enjoyable from my side at the moment.

    Of course you still have a few of them fireflys, why dont you bring them out to play, I am running out of things to shoot :)


    Pics, or it didnt happen

  5. I'd play it.

    WW1 was a facinating war. and it was more than just the trenches in Flanders.

    The Turks fought a full scale invasion of russia, then held off the English at gallipoli. And finaly tried to keep the various arab uprisings contained.

    The turkish invasion of russia included tens of thousands of Palestinian conscripts who first declared their independence in 1915 by deserting en-mass, and returning home to elect the first king of Palestine.

    The ANZAC cavalry, and Indian Army were deployed against turkey as well. This was mobile warefare, with smaller units, and little heavy artilery.

    Then there were the German colonys in Africa which tied down vast English armys.

    A WW1 game based on the campaigns OUTSIDE europe, would rock.

  6. The British Tetrarch Airbourne tank is a possibility. About 20 were landed by glider with the 6th Airbourne.

    We also need not limit ourselves to vehicles. I doubt we'll see US Rangers and British Commandos with the Market-Garden Module. They could be added with a Battlepack. Throwing in the Free French is also a good possibility.

    The "free French" would of course speak Berber or Arabic. Only the officers and NCOs were french

  7. A What If scenario cannot be run without considering ALL the parameters.

    The only hope Germany had was this...

    That A) the british were stopped from escaping from Dunkerque.

    And B) that Hitler's plane crashed while approaching Paris.

    With no army, and with Hitler dead, Churchill might have negotiated with Goering. Especialy if Goering had offered the Italian colony of Libya, and the French colonys of Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morroco to Churchill. And offered to alow a rump state of Poland within german Poland.

    You will notice that all of this has to take place before the end of september 1940.

    Chancelor Goering could then keep the Soviets off ballance by secretly training Estonian and Latvian anti communists, armed with captured British and French weapons... and using then to keep a guerilla war going in the baltic.

    Meanwhile all german jews would need to be restored to full citizenship, and offered compensation for the harm suffered under the Nuremberg laws.

    A teary eyed Goering could overturn those laws, and open the internment camps to foreign inspectors, while sobbing about that dasterdly Austrian usurper and his cruel secret policys. Send Himmler and Dietrich to Geneva to stand trial, and break up the SS.

    At the same time, the Polish rump state is ruled by a military junta and a body of counts, barrons, and princelings, that knows exactly which side its bread is buttered on. They wont want to cozy up with Stalin any time soon.

    Meanwhile in the west, Goering strips France, Holland, and Belgium, of everything of value, or military usefullness. And withdraws to a defencible border that puts Alsace on the German side.

    With this in place, and NO luftwaft bombings of british citys, a peace could be possible.

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