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Everything posted by Vein

  1. I modded the us/brit/syrian uniforms for CMSF but the Syrians were made into a made up country because I wanted to use the SLA(?) camo used in Arma. I didn't release them however and now they are tucked away on a backup drive somewhere. I didn't mod CMA apart from the effects. CMSF and CMA aren't on my PC anymore, I found I missed too many of the new features of the WW2/BS titles. Looking forward to SF2 though, whenever it turns up.
  2. I've updated the mod with tagged night faces with 3 masks added on. Use the same download link.
  3. Just delete the 'skins' folder. I added some in because of all the masks being sported last August. These guys are wearing Anti-flash masks rather than winter ski-masks. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  4. A few people have asked for them so in the time honoured tradition: if you want them bung me a PM. Note: they are a V1, I haven't really gone to town on them. There may be a V2. There may not. Russkies Ukes Ukes Digital
  5. Son? Isn't stagler like... 24 or something? Pretty sure that's what it used to say in his profile. Steve is somewhere in his mid to late oh-dear-gods.
  6. The Total War series is like playing a game of pretty rock paper scissors with next to nothing at all modeled accurately. And Graviteam Tactics has some laugh out loud infantry poses. Pretty lighting algorithms do not a good game make.
  7. I have to say this one is a beauty too George, along with Tankovyi Desant in CMRT this is one of my favourite maps out there, small but perfectly formed. Due to my plodding style resulting in a last minute rush ending in slaughter (mine), I added 10 mins to the fixed time and dropped the variable time down.
  8. I believe they are suppressed. The U.S. weapons at least have suppressors modeled.
  9. These are my V3 flames. I think I made them soon after CMRT came out.
  10. These are the ones I use at the moment. They are already in my dropbox so if anyone wants them PM away. Surrender flag. On an old Russian but it works the same.
  11. If they are a first poster, i.e. have joined just to get the mod, I cut them some slack. It is better to PM me as I'll get notified by email and therefore less likely to miss you out.
  12. No worries (as our antipodean friends say). I appreciate your appreciation.
  13. Because: 1. I was asked to create the U.S. uniforms and gear. Not the effects. 2. The effects would have be 100% unique artwork, and as is the flames and explosions are only 95%. Therefore they would have to be redone from scratch. There is a cost versus reward issue there as it takes a LOT of time to do well. 3. All the effects would need to be redone to ensure consistency. 4. Perhaps they like the effects the way they are. 5. You have my easily accessible mod.
  14. Simple enough to do. Which units would you imagine might be involved?
  15. When you do a quick battle it is on the force purchase screen at the bottom left.
  16. I did the Americans that are in the game already, so no point modding them. I have some mildy modded Russians and Ukrainians I use but they really aren't that diffrent from the stock ones. The odd new vest mixed in etc. Modern uniforms usually don't cry out for modding like WW2 uniforms do as you can't see the creases/dirt etc like you can in plain drab clothing, because of the camo pattern covers it. So most probably not.
  17. At the start with Shock Force I played Real-Time, all the time. But I found I was always running out of time (I tended not to pause). Now I use We-Go and I never run out of time. I run out of men, but not time.
  18. I have told you a million billion trillion times not to exaggerate.
  19. I'm with Mikey. Not with Mikey... oh you know what I mean.
  20. It's certainly not for the faint hearted. I used stock footage and mixed in other frames from here and there and heavily manipulated the lot. It's a MASSIVE amount of work to get it right.
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