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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Just had an M3 halftrack flying down a hardball road to establish a blocking position race past a German PSW 234. The PSW put a burst of 20mm into the track, killing half the 60mm mortar team, both ammo bearers, and the soldier attached to the platoon HQ. The track gunner swung the .50 around and put several bursts into the side and back of the PSW as they sped past. The turret on the PSW couldn't follow fast enough, sparing further destruction. The turn ended just as my track moved through the gap in the bocage it had been heading for, revealing the back side of another PSW on the edge of the field.

    The remainder of the mortar team was suppressed, so I had the platoon commander grab the bazooka out of the track and prepare to dismount. As the turn replayed, the track gunner hosed down the back of the second PSW (the crew of the first having bailed and now out of sight beyond the hedgerow) while the lieutenant jumped out of the track, hit the dirt, and put a bazooka round right into the left rear quarter of the second PSW, causing it to burst into flame.

    It's for things like this that this game makes me wet...and I'm a guy!;)

  2. Thanks for the feedback. The nature of the map (tiny) is such that the enemy is often very close. They really are primarily intended for H2H (no AI plans), but I did try to deploy forces in a way that would make them useful.

    I plan on playing the other 3 some weekend afternoon...I'll consider them all scenes from Combat! (tight studio set, small actions---when there was action).:D

  3. 23 here, I played the Valley of Trouble demo for CMBO way back when, but I couldn't really figure it out, I was 12 or something, give me a break.

    im with you, I started when I was 18 (late late 19 now), with CMSF. Thing is I CBA to register :P

    With both of you, started on CMSF, 22 now though - agree about the site :(

    Im 26. I started with CMBO when I was 14. Played wargames before that. I prefer CMx2 by far.

    Hey You Kids, Get Off My Lawn!

  4. Erwin, I can't speak for Aris, of course, but lighting in the game overall seems very bright, IMHO. I almost always play with clouds/rain/fog (I even change user-made scenarios to those settings) because of that. It's been a problem for me to get uniform mods to look right, too.

  5. I think one of the great things about CM is there are tons of ways to enjoy it...playing scenarios, playing campaigns, creating scenarios & campaigns, making maps, modding, loading mods or vehicles just to marvel at them, setting up tests...I really enjoy the sandbox creativity aspects of it a lot. It's been money well spent every time.



  6. I believe kit placement is hard-coded and often has to do with who the infantryman is and what he's carrying. BAR man should have BAR ammo pouches, Carbine guy should have carbine pouches, officer and dedicated vehicle crew should lack backpacks, etc.

    That seems to be the case, and done through the mdr's. The image for the gear is just one bmp, and the mdr's apparently grab and use them like you say, MikeyD. I was going to someday get around to putting together a bunch of different "gear.bmp" images with various bits removed/changed, but I don't think you can just consequtively number the "gear.bmp" like you can a uniform bmp image and get different combos. It sounds like some creative use/deletions of the mdr files might be the only way, but I don't think that's really going to work either.

  7. Frustrating, but like some others here, I don't usually have fights with a lot of armor, mostly one or two in support of a infantry company. So I'm taking the long view that what we have by the time we get to Russia is going to be especially awesome because of the thought and development time that will have gone into these issues by then. I'm happy to play CMBN now, warts and all, rather than wait even longer for them to fix, since it sounds like a coding chore that would seriously delay the modules. But, that's a double-edged sword for sure.

  8. Is there a mod that gets rid of backpacks?

    I don't like them either. I tried to eliminate them before I knew enough about masks and alpha channels, and I ended up with a white blob on the backs of the infantry. If no one else does one, I might try it again. It would be uniform image number-specific, just like any other uniform mod, so it would be randomized within your squads. There might be some wierd visual anomolies in the 3D game world models with the transparent image, but what the heck. Rambler's "No Zeltbahn" mod had a little trouble with that during certain moments or body positions.

  9. LOL I did check it (pic on other page)...the reason you aren't seeing any anomalies is because the textures with the decal or writing on them is the exact same...he basically cloned that portion of the vehicle and added the decal/writing/serial numbers Etc. The problem shows up when you use entirely different camo schemes and weathering.


    Ahhh, clarity again, in so short a time! I only use mods by same modder (Aris, atm), so I'm good to go...except, no Vegas. :(

  10. You may want to test that.

    I have used ALL the variants that Aris made available in each of his new mods (renumbering them so that turret variant matches hull variant etc) and in the game it appears like the correct turret matches the correct hull for each M4 variant.

    It's possible I have been very, very lucky re probabilities. But, so far they all look like they match the way they are supposed to.

    Now maybe I'm confused again...that is what I thought I was saying, 'cause that is what I do, with the same results as Erwin, so maybe I'm having good luck on probabilities, too. Time to go to Vegas!:D

  11. Briefly, BFC has decided to allow tanks somewhat better accuracy when firing on the move, as a way of compensating for the fact that there is no "firing halt" behavior in the game. That is, when a tank acquires a target on the move, the Unit AI for the tank doesn't "know" that it should stop, fire a shot, and then start moving again.

    Conceptually, I guess we're all supposed to imagine the tank stopping for a few seconds when it shoots.

    I am pretty sure Steve said they were going to address this in some future iteration--changing the TacAI code to allow firing halts while still operating under a movement order.

    ...this is based on YEARS of WW2 miniature and board wargaming (ASL, Flames of War, Blitzkrieg Commander, etc...)

    I've been doing that for about 50 years now, but I wouldn't put alot of stock in it.

    ...and 5 years in the Army as a tanker. When we shutdown the gyros on a Abrams there was NO POSSIBLE way to hit anything.. Even at ranges off less then a football field we would miss BUILDINGS!

    Now this, I'd put alot of stock in! ;)

  12. We have ONE problem with this, though: Textures get mixed and matched ALL THE WAY. That might not sound odd in the first place because it more or less is what we want, too, but let me explain since I fiddled around with German tanks already:

    Each vehicle needs more than one texture. Each texture provides the "coat" for different (and usually more than one) part of the vehicle. The current system doesn't take that into account, though, and rather pulls the texture for each part RANDOMLY from all available sets. Meaning: Unless all available sets look the same /and just decals are different), you'll end up with each vehicle showing textures from each texture set you have installed in random order. Not *quite* what we want yet. And I', afraid there's no proper workaround at this time.

    I'm not following you, Earl Grey. I mix multiple textures of the hull or turret of the mod, in a folder with all the other modded image parts of a tank (just one of each of those .bmp's, and from the same mod/modder, of course). Drop folder in z folder and I get, say, 3 different turrets on one (modded) base tank. So those 3 turrets will appear randomly on the same modded tank hull/chassis/wheels. At least, that's what I'm seeing so far.

  13. Have you guys not heard of Z-bee's mod manager (he posted in here) or JSGME??? They both work and are hella easy to use. Select which mods you want for a specific game or night and unselect the ones you dont. No moving files from the 'z' folder or any of that BS. Google the names and you will find them. Z-bee's you can find in the repository and do a search over at the MatrixGames site to find specific instructions on how to use JSGME. I use them both and can give limited advice.

    That's great news, eniced! I was wondering if/when Z bee would modify his MSF manager for this game. I didn't see any announcement, and I stupidly didn't even fire it up to check if it works un-modified for CMBN. I recall he had to upgrade it for one of the CMSF modules, so I just assumed he'd need to do that again for this game.

    Where was the announcement??

  14. One of the big selling points of CM2 was that vehicles etc would not all look the same. So, am assuming that using the numbering system, we should now be able to get a mix.

    One question tho' is that Aris has a number of mods that were given to us as brz files. Without having to explode every one and looking, anyone know if any of the brz files have variants that we need to do similar renumbering?

    Yes, I always explode all mods and keep them in folders with my own variations or mixes for easy exchange in the z folder. Almost all of Aris' superb vehicles have variants. Most have only one or two, so I make sure to mix up my armor forces when I play QB's and sometimes go into downloaded scenarios and swap out models to get a good variety.

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