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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Regarding the placement issue, I at first thought that your download must have been corrupted, or there was some weird error, or something, but then I loaded up the game myself and was mortified to discover that my painstakingly placed enemy units had teleported to entirely different locations! :(

    FMB, could that maybe be related to the fact that Mad Mike's Campaign Scenario Organizer mod can't extract the scenarios for that campaign?

  2. mod faces (M1A1TC did some North Koreans for CMSF -- there's a start)...

    Tried that for the 442nd RCT for the Iatalian Campaign shoulder patches mod. The 3D models for CMSF and CMBN are different sizes or something. The "skin" bmp images are different and don't line up. In game, it looked like someone was wearing a Halloween mask stretched sideways across the face. Actually, it was pretty funny!

  3. :D

    Who? I'm Spanish :D

    Blecthley, I thought you'd know since you posted the Manchurian Candidate pic! :) Shaw was the senator (Actor: James Gregory) married to Angela Lansbury, mother of the brainwashed guy (Laurence Harvey) who in the end < SPOILER ALERT > shoots them both in the head at the convention, instead of shooting the Prez like he was supposed to.

  4. Angela Lansbury should have got the Best Supporting Actress Oscar she was nominated for for The Manchurian Candidate (1962).

    I realise that's a little off topic but it was a subtle yet powerhouse performance, after all.

    (Also got me a pointless answer in the final of "Pointless" I was watching on the BBC the other afternoon but now I'm really digressing)


    I for one would call hers a truly bravura performance. I saw it in the theatre at about 11 years old, and it spooked the hell out of me for a long time.

  5. AstroCat, yes I can shoot them to you. I really haven't determined which was more prevalent, but I assume it was somewhat random dependent upon which type was in the supply crate! After a few weeks, they'd be all messed up, faded, and what not, so could you really tell anyway? Then too, you've got replacements running through units at a good rate from various Repple-Depples, so I just don't thinkthere would be much uniformity.

  6. Sometimes other sound mods conflict. Sometimes it's necessary to put a z folder within the z folder when this happens.

    I've also had the wierd experience of having the arty sounds show up in a downloaded scenario (several, actually), even though I had the first version of this mod loaded--and working--for months. Somehow the .btt file overrode the mod in the z folder?!?!?

    nik, I did it just the way you did; the new one works just as well as the old one did.

  7. I find copious amounts amounts of surpression and a slow methodical play style makes most scenarios managable. If at some point I start to rush in during the scenario I usually pay for it straight away. I only move in for the assualt once as much damage as possible has been inflicted on the surrounding area through supression and area fire, I also make sure it's co ordinated and comes in from as many sides as possible, and again with copious amounts of covering fire. There is no other games out there that requires this sort of real life play style which is why I think so many struggle with it. Everyone is used to a much faster style of game where your assualting straight away. I can spend 2/3rds of the scenario, moving up to my assault posistions whilst blasting any signs of the enemy and if I have tanks hitting as many suspect houses as possible. The last 1/3 is the actual assault.

    This way even the hardest scenario can more or less be dealt with.

    Also I do think people shouldn't concentrate on winning so much.

    Amen to that, Brother. That's how I play against the AI and it makes the game experince, overall, feel right, taking into account the hundreds and hundreds of personal accounts of WWII combat I've either read about or heard direct from veterans.

  8. SPOILERS!! *********************************************************************************

    It's the ninth(?) scenario in the Road to Montebourg campaign.

    No wonder!

    But there were situations in RL like this, of course. Wait 'til Huertgen Forest scenarios get here (hopefully) with the Bulge game. But what sburke said....

  9. Yep. AFAIK though there are no campaigns or scenarios intended to make use of it yet, though. This may change--I have a campaign concept in the works, no idea whether it'll get finished or not though. ;)

    skimbo, FM Blucher is correct. Only the terrain/troops are modded. No scenarios or campaigns yet. I'm slowly building a Cassino map, but it won't arrive until God knows when.....

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