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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Yes, flamethrowers would be nice, but what I like to see first is Flak/AA that can shoot at planes. I had the most shocking wargaming experiences of my life when one of my platoons was caught in an open field by a strafing P-47. Within seconds every man was either dead or wounded and I didn't even had a chance to shoot back.

    I had that same experience with Allied fighters....when playing Americans! Just like real life.

    I'd like Flak/AA, but more for fighting ground targets.

  2. I forget, will this module cover Market Garden? A Red Devils Over Arnhem campaign is something I've really been looking forward to.

    Ahh, I'm sitting here hoping the module will be crammed with scenarios and campaigns even though I have hours and hours worth yet to play through with CMBN (and CMSF). It's a viscous cycle!

    That's supposed to be the next module, not this one.

  3. mjkerner: I found your answer confusing. IIRC the engine reads the Z folder LAST, and ZZ would be even "LASTER" - that's why those mods show up.

    ie: ZZZ would be read after ZZ which is read after Z, so whatever gets read last gets to be seen/heard in the game.

    Good point, it may be last--not sure. The game will choose files from folder with the more z's in the name.

  4. For renaming do I not put a _ before the number?

    And do these bmps need to be in the same folder or can I just have a separate variant folder and the game is smart enough to "put it all together"? based on file names?

    And does it matter how many subfolders a brz or bmp file is under or will the game still find it as long as it's under z?

    Oh ya and also, does the game automatically assign similarly numbered bmp "pieces" of a vehicle together? (i.e. panther_g_hull 2 and panther_g_turret 2) or is there a chance it could screw up and stick say panther_g_hull 2 with panther_g_turret 3?



    1) No, just a space before the number.

    2) Yes, it will use the original game bmp name, unless somewhere in the z folder you have amod with that name. The game reads the z folder first, before all othe folders. And it will read infinite number of z folders...always striving to start reading from the end of the alphabet, if you get my drift. I have a zzz folder within the z folder...when I mod a mod, I throw it in the zzz folder, and the game reads the modded mod in the zzzi folder first.

    3) Basically, no, but if you have another mod with the same name by chance, it will read the one in the subfolder that is named with either the "highest" letter of the alphabet, or highest number. See above.

    4) I used to know, because I trieds it when one of the first, none Aris armor mods came out. I believe it does mix them, but can't remember.

  5. So what does that all come down to when I get both German and American force pics every time I load a new game or a saved game?


    You may only be partially wrong???:D I haven't really watched it too closely when I play, but it "seems" that I get Allied when I play Allies and German when I play German, but then again maybe it's based on who is the attacker, regardless of which side you play. Or maybe it is random....

  6. Not exactly. It may be that which side you are playing biases the selection, but I doubt even that, since there are several German subjects that have turned up for me regularly and I have yet to play the German side. I am sure that the selections are made from the same common pool regardless of which side one is playing.


    Oh man, I get to say it...sorry Michael, but you're wrong!:D

    The umodded loading screen images are titled "force-specific background red" or "force-specific background blue" with a number following the name. They are, erm...force specific. Somewhat ironically, Blue are the pics of the Allies (but in a reddish sepia tone) and Red are the Germans, (but in a blueish-grey tone).

  7. This is an issue that has puzzled me as well. When one has a folder named (say) Zfolder, are ALL the files in that folder loaded last, or would a .brz file have files in it that could be loaded last (ie replacing the Zfolder files), thus creating the confused mod graphics that Scipio experienced?

    Yes, the brz files can have dozens of files in it. With uniforms, you can have an infinite number of bmp images by naming them correctly, and then adding a number at the end (german-uniform-m43.bmp, german-uniform-m43 1.bmp, german-uniform-m43 3.bmp, etc.). Since all uniform mods for a particular model (german infantry, say) have to have the same name, mods could mix. The mix would depend on what mods you have, what their file folder name is (how many z's are at the beginning of the folder name) and how many variations of the uniform are in it. That's why it's best to remove any similar mods you have in the z folder before you put in the one you want.

    Hope that explanation is clear.

  8. The para uniforms use a different image and 3D model than the infantry, GhostRider. That's hardcoded into the game. Glider infantry use the regular infantry uniform/model. My mod is set up so that if you use the glider infantry mod, you get the regular infantry uniform...which glider troops wore, but with appropriate glider infantry patch.

  9. That's a shame GAJ as you are providing a very useful service on your own dime(!)

    However, I find your site primarily useful for CM1 mods etc which BF doesn't much support any longer. Not sure there is any reason to try and compete with BF Repository for CM2 games.

    It's a lot easier to upload and download on GaJ's site, though.

  10. Hey, thanks for the nice plug, sdp. Those scenes look great! I can't wait for your "sunny Itlay" version of your mod. Since I have the uniforms out of the way, I want to get back to playing some.

    By the way, I've been messing with trees and ground a bit, using textures from CM:SF and CM:A to get more bare trees and more meditterean foliage, with a dried-out look:


    But I probably won't need to bother! :)

    P.S> Man, that top pic looks like a color photo from 1944, and as usual, your buildings really scream Italy!

  11. Hi nik. These trees do take over an existing slot. Those slots are apparently hard coded in the editor...I haven't found a way to increase the number of trees available in there. I also tried with these trees the same naming convention used to add variety to uniforms and vehicle textures to get the game to randomly select different versions...so that "Tree a", for example, would show some with leaves and some without. No luck yet.

    I've been messing around with modding tree, brush, hedges/hedgerow and ground textures from CM:SF and CM:A to get more drab fall/winter variety mainly to supplement sdp's Italian Mod. I may do an entire terrain mod for public consumption, but more likely will just do bits and pieces separately, so people would better be able to pick and choose what they may want to use for fall/winter in France/Belgium, Holland and Germany, rather than Italy. Probably three: Trees/Brush; Hedges/Hedgerows; and Ground.

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