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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. You sound a lot like me! But my rant was at the end of a long day...basically the same thing in reverse.

    On another quick note...is it possible to view your operational campaign set-up? I don't have the proper time in the near future to join, but I'm very interested in how you are doing it. I followed the threads when you were first planning it, but lost track of it and the link in your sig of course doesn't get one to the site.


  2. In the future we will give the scenario designers more tools to control behavior and encourage coordination. That will improve the AI's performance, especially on the attack, in many ways.


    I've been (re)reading up on AI planning, and the intricacies of working with movement orders and "stance". This comment of Steve's caught my eye. Can't wait! I hope it's coming with CW.

  3. I swear, the closer I get to 60, the grumpier I get!

    Anyway, I agree with both your comments, noob and Micheal. I did like Battle 360 about the USS Enterprise, but in general the writers and producers in many cases need to step it up. I also agree that as CGI gets better, things may start looking up. When they get this good, I'll be happy:


    This short cost about $75,000 IIRC, and none on CGI...he did it on his comp (but obviously didn't include the cost of software). But still....

  4. Hi Noob,

    Each of the major combatants had hundreds of combat cameramen over the course of the war (probably thousands in some cases, but I don't have a source for that number). The Library of Congress has over a million feet alone. (I have to find the newspaper article from 10+ years ago for that, if you insist, but I do have it in my WW II source material files somewhere.) Just take a stroll through YouTube and you'll find TONS of original, obscure footage, and that's just what is in the public domain. Not every battle or operation will have footage particular to it, mind you, but I still prefer original representational footage to CGI. I grew up on You Are There, The Twentieth Century, Victory at Sea, and the like, so I am certainly biased.

    I did watch the the one you linked...I watch almost every on on the Military Channel. I'm not knocking the information, just the presentation.

    Like I said, my two cents. I'm entitled to that, correct?

  5. Just my two cents, but I really don't like docs with CGI and reenactments. The re-enactors/actors can't act, they're usually not enough of them, they're too old, etc., and just end up looking stupid. And CGI, unless it is absolute tops, usually just sux. I much prefer real, honest-to-god wartime footage. But, what burns me about that is most docs show the same damn WWII footage I've been watching for 50+ years over and over again. There are millions of feet of footage from all fronts in archives the world over...can't some documentarians get off their fat *sses and do some original research into "found footage"?

    Rant over....

  6. Ha! That's my map that I did way back in the beginning, so to speak. There's a disclaimer on the readme and on the download site...no AI plans or anything. It was for other scenario makers to use. I think Fredrock used it for one of his scenarios and put AI plans in.

    Mark, who has been off this forum for almost two months. Besides, comp crashed, so I can't download CW if it comes out in the near future!

  7. I have a 40 years of board and miniature gaming behind me. I'm 58.

    I started WEGO in CMSF, but quickly switched to R/T...I don't know exactly why, but I guess it had something to do with the relative (compared to WEGO) fluidity of the action. So I started CMBN doing RT, but I really, really like watching the action, so I switched to WEGO and do that almost exclusively now. Nothing like home-made war movies! But, I don't linger too much in giving orders, I suppose as a leftover of R/T and wanting to keep the action moving, but I do linger over the replays.

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