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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Sorry for the stupid question, but I'm at work and will not have access to the Commonwealth goodness until I get home - what do I need to do to get CMBN running with 4GBs of RAM?

    Yes, I could wait until I get home an RTFM, but this will make the next few hours pass by that much quicker!

    Thanks in advance.

    +1. Same here...and I don't recall seeing a separate patch last night, but then I didn't have much time and was pretty beat when I got to downloading and installing.

  2. ...and load it on a zip drive (64 gig) and then load it onto my comp at home?

    Forgive the stupid question, but my home PC lost Internet connection and I won't be getting it back until Thursday or Friday. I pre-ordered the CW download+CD and so have the notice email, have my password and all other secret handshake stuff. But because you can only have so many downloads on a particular computer or some such restriction, can I pop over to my buddy's house and download it there and pop it onto a zip, etc?

    Reading the posts about it is killing me!

  3. I would point out that the day is not over, but given the penchant of many members to grasp desperately at straws, I guess I better not.


    CMBN was released sometime around 5:00-6:00 pm, Central Time in the US, IRRC, because it happened while I was on my way home after work. Matter of fact, I didn't bother to even check until just before bedtime, since I had figured they wouldn't release it in the evening. Makes no difference to me, though, since I am still without home IT service for the time being.

  4. usgubgub,

    Well, since no one else has commented, I'll take a stab at it. Bear in mind there are many others who are real pros at this, and the following information is from trial and error, reading the manual, as well as some very good discussions here and on the CMSF Forum. (Hint: The search engine won't search just for "ai" because of too few characters, so try "ai plans" "ai groups", etc.)

    Also, I haven't taken notes as I putz with the editor, and the game isn't handy atm, which means I'm relying on my memory...not necessarily a good thing for you! On the other hand, these comments will actually be those notes that I didn't write down before!

    For example: how do you get a fire support group to set up correctly along a hedgerow or wall line without losing its cover and with LOS to the next hedgerow/wall line?

    Be careful to paint the map zone so that it doesn't bleed over the hedgerow/wall. This also brings up how big should the zone be? Big enough to fit all the units/subunits in the AI Group comfortably...not too tight, not too big. Experiment until you find what works for the various size units. For example, 10-12 Action Squares wide by 2 or 3 deep generally seems to be about right for me for a German platoon in an "average" advance to contact.

    The Tac AI should face the troops (eventually, anyway) in the direction of the main threat. It generally faces them in the direction of the move, so to get them to face left/right of the axis of advance...time + threats?

    When is assault the right order type, and when maximum assault? Does it make a difference if one uses cautious/normal/active stances in an advance, assault or maximum assault context or is cautious only to be used in a static defense context?

    Movement Orders deal with movement types and Stance Orders deal with fire discipline(or lack thereof)--for the most part, that is--when the AI is executing the Order while moving to the next Map Zone. You can find this out by testing on a plain map (I use the default "New" scenario map in the editor.) I end up using Assault and Max Assault Map Orders alot when I want the AI to come at me, since they order the AI truppen to use Assualt and Quick Command moves mostly (more Quicks used in the Assault Order, more Assault moves in the Max Assault Order). These Map Orders do also use the Slow Command, and probably others, in order to keep the group together, but the two mentioned are used the most in those two Orders. I assume "Advance" uses more Quick and Fast Commands, with "Dash" obviously using more Fast Commands.

    Cautious, Normal, Ambush, Active and (another one???) Map Orders deal with when and how often the Group will stop to fire at threats before moving on or going to ground. From firing away at anything to firing little or not at all. Depends on what you expect them to encounter while executing the Order.

    In a dynamic situation, does assault preceed maximum assault or do things work best the other way 'round?

    Probably, but see above.

    After setup, there are only order types available that imply movement. What if all one wanted was for the units to remain in place but change stance? For instance, you may want a group of units to start the game hiding and then switch to "ambush 75m". What is the best way to achieve that?

    If you want them to stay put and are not going to have them move for the remainder of the game, start them hiding, then whatever time you want them to start "Ambush at 75", set the Leave After accordingly (say, 5 Minutes), "Add" Order 2, paint the Map Zone in the same place as the original Set-up Zone, and set the Stance Order.

    Moving groups of units away from the enemy or sideways seems to result in them stopping with the wrong facing. I get around this by getting them to retreat (or move sideways) further than intended and then give them another move order to the intended location that will result in them facing the right way. Is there a better way 'round this?

    Not sure. See above.

    How do you give orders to reinforcements if you want their arrival time to be variable? The exit before/exit after system does not seem to allow flexibility here. If reinforcements arrive near the edge of the map or in any event some distance from their side's objectives, will they move against the enemy without specific AI orders or will they just sit there?

    I am pretty sure that they don't move without orders. When they arrive, they will begin to execute their Map Orders, even if behind schedule. If ahead of scheduled Map Order, they should sit until the time is triggered. As to getting off-schedule because of the variable entrance time, it's really not any different than the battlefield delays and schedule muck-ups that will occur due to the enemy.

    If the computer side has arty support, is there anyway to script how and when this will be used other than at the very beginning of a battle? Is it a question of getting an HQ or FOO with contact with arty assets somewhere where they can see the enemy and they will do the rest? What are the best orders to give them to make sure they do that?

    I don't know of any way to script the time, except of course to have the assets come on as reinforcements. FO's would be good to allow for Officer casualties and to just increase the chances that some AI troop has eyes on the prize to start hitting the Human Player with arty. One of many reasons we need a lot more AI groups.

    How is it best to organise an assault by armored infantry using their armored half tracks to move within striking distance and then in support? Do you put the infantry in one group and the vehicles in another? How do you co-ordinate them while the infantry is mounted?

    I have never used Armored Infantry in a homeade scenario, at least not mounted. But you would want to use the "Dismount/No Dismount" option in the Stance Order when appropriate. I assume Tac AI puts the vehicle in as safe a place as possible after dismount, but just don'yt know.

    Is it possible/practical to organise concentric attacks on a surrounded position?

    Sure. Another reason we need a lot more AI groups. Depending on your palcement of the AI troops, and how you paint the Map Zones, it is indeed possible and practical.

    These are just a sample of practical design problems I have encountered in trying to design scenarios. As I am inexperienced I end up abandoning the projects and just playing as both sides, which can be as entertaining as it is problematic. With more practice/confidence I may just get to the point where I can feel good enough about my work to post it on the repository for other people to enjoy. Right now, I think I don't know enough.

    I feel your pain. The Editor and Tac AI is a really marvelous tool. You can really work some wonders with it, but I would like to see the following changes:

    1. ability to cut and paste maps into the Map area.

    2. Triggers

    3. More than anything, even Triggers, is alot more AI groups. Oh, I already mentioned that we need a lot more AI groups? Then I won't mention again how much we need a lot more AI groups.

    I have some tips I've picked up but have to go for the moment. Back later.


  5. Damn it to hell! Yes, "doubt", not "don't". I have to start proofing everything I type on this thing!

    Also a possible caveat...I do paint the red and blue set up zones when I am in the Map section of the editor, because I seem to recall that there might be a problem with reinforcements or even with troops that start on map having their orders mucked up without a painted red/blue set up zone. It's when I'm in the AI section that I don't paint them in.

  6. This happens when the scenario author paints a yellow set up zone in the AI...the AI repositions seemingly everything from what you laboriously set up. When I make my own scenarios, I never paint a yellow set up zone for either side anymore. Things stay put that way. So I suppose you could go into the editor and remove the painted setup zones before you start the game. I don't if a poem would act any differently, though.

  7. Hi Myles, no, I didn't do any of those. I did do the armor crews for all the armor divisions, but not the infantry...I got burned out on doing these and the Herman Goering Division uniforms.

    But, I can use just the generic armored service patch...w/o a unit designation...and put it on the infantry uniforms if you'd like. That way I'd only have to do 3-4 uniforms.

  8. Shotguns were extremely rare among U.S. Forces in the ETO. The Marines in the Pacific used a few, but even there they were not at all common.

    IIRC, weren't shotguns outlawed by the Geneva Convention, and since Japan was not a signatory, some were used in the Pacific against them, but like you say, not very common even then.

  9. German side as far as vehicles we could be seeing the Hetzer and Nashorn and maybe some new halftrack variants. Allied side we might also see the Sherman Jumbo and Challenger.

    The Fallshirmjaegers should bring some Recoilless Rifles with them. Also if they have ground to air coded by then-which imho is more likely then fire- we could have all sorts of new stuff like Wirblewinds and quad halftracks not to mention aa arty pieces.

    Amen to AAA, especially for use in ground combat.

  10. It will be interesting to see how BFC handles all the motley assortments of depleted German units that got thrown together to make the ad-hoc battle groups in OMG.

    Actually, they happened in so many different ways that it might just be best to help players with a good manual section that gives good historical OOB info, and explains how to create, say, a Luftwaffe "stomach and ear" company or a Security company using the various options for equipment and soft factors already in the editor.

    To me, the most important part of the OMG module would be any terrain and building changes needed to make Holland maps play realistically and be as authentic-looking as the ones we can make now for Normandy.

    I hope they implement the option in the editor to simply add a squad or even a platoon to a formation from the "Specialist Team" section. I like the current Formation system, but when you simply want to add a platoon of Sherman's or a pioneer squad, it's a little unwieldy. And that option would almost be a necessity with the German Orbat.

  11. While not disagreeing with you, I recall that BFC was pretty adamant about there being no Mediterranean game this time around and doing the early war was unlikely. On the other hand, if it could be shown that there was sufficient demand for such games, they might change their minds. 'Sufficient demand' being defined as several thousand players willing to commit to paying up front.


    Also, they may allow 3rd party programmers to build some of those other theaters, a la CM:Afghanistan.

    Lucas, IIRC, Siegfried Line will be covered in the Bulge Game Family, since fall/winter conditions and terrain will be needed.

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