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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Mord, as I mentioned on another thread, I tried to simply add several Brit Para helmet bmps that I modded directly into your mod. LOL, I'll have to take a picture. Some helmemts showed up OK. No berets showed up at all, but several helmets were all maroon with the Para wings on the side.

    They looked rather fetching!

    So, I now see what using the US helmet mdr does. I putzed with various mdrs, but never could get the berets and the helmets to show up together in-game.

  2. 1. An on-map mortar selected from the pop-up screen will flash ( the icon ,that is) so you can tell which one is being tasked;

    2. The left hand graphics glitch where the hand went through the rifle/gun stock is fixed; and

    3. Many of the new German and Brit Formations in the editor have smaller units to select from, sinle companies and platoons. (No changes lie that for the Americans, though).

    I didn't notice these in other lists and discussions, and I thought they were mentioning.

  3. My turn to LMAO, crikey, I would have never figured all that out! I'm gonna try a simple test. I modded the Para helmets for the Bris and Canadians. I'm gonna add them to your mod, since it didn't change their mdrs. See what happens. I also started on varieties (mainly through desaturation) of the para uniforms. And I toned down the sten and lee enfield stocks. in my game, they are quite bright.


  4. Hey Mord, sorry to hear you had comp trouble. Remember, next time, count to 10 before you throw your CPU through the wall after playing CMBN!

    Okay, as for your mod...BRILLIANT! I was thinking something to do with MDR files, but to use the US helmet was true inspiration. But now I'm confused...I always understood the mdr's are used to arrange the various equipment on the 3D model of the soldier. I only had a quick peek at your mod over the noon hour (but I'll be up most of the night playing around with CW formations, the new mods, the new uniforms, etc...), but am wondering how you got the US helmet to show as a beret. If you care to share any knowledge, please email me!

    Okay, so I took a quick look at the Brit and Canadian para battalions and the Brit Independent Para company over the noon hour. By the usual file structure, there should be at least some random berets showing amongst the crowd, but after deploying these units several different times, I never once saw a red beret (this was just using the stock uniform files, not your mod). I added several copies of the camo helmet by the old conventional method (adding numbers to the file name), and so have that helmet showing up in the proportion that I like (about 3 in 4). To get the beret to show up, though, I made multiple versions of the beret mdr, and also made a beret-lod mdr variant--no use making multiple copies of the texture bmp itself, since there is no variation and it wasn't showing up at all anyway--but I got zip, zilch, zero. So what if I take your mod, and add in some para helmet bmps and airborne-helmet-lod.mdrs, will I get a mix of berets and helmets? Ultimately, when not playing commandos, I'd like a light mix of berets in with mostly helmets.


  5. They had the American voices instead. Someone up there said it didn't happen to them, so I don't know, but it definitely was the case for me.

    In a very late night test run of CW last night, my Brits had Ami voices too. I have Mord's American voices mod, though. When the .brz is exploded, the mods to all the voices are in separate folders, but there is no one single folder holding all these individual ones. The game does have distinct folders for each nationality, so I made a separate one called "american" (the name the base game uses) and plopped Mord's American voices in that, then put it into the z Folder. I simply wasn't able to stay up and check it out last night, but I may have to run home at the lunch hour to get some work I left behind...cough, cough...so maybe I'll be back this afternoon to confirm if that keeps the voices distinct.

    akd...I wish you had answered earlier!

    What he said.

    Still need to run home and get that work I left behind this morning...cough, cough.

  6. There is a work around for this particular problem. Probably way too much work, but...

    Get the Campaign/Scenario Organizer mod (it should be in the Repository and on GaJ's CMMODS) which will extract all the scenarios from this campiagn. In the editor, open the map in 2D, remove the offending hedgerow, then open the map in 3D, move the foxholes to where the hedgerow was, go back into 2D, and now add back in the hedgerow to where it was. Your foxholes will straddle the headgerow, but your troops will be able to see the enemy, have better protection (unofficially they seem to have more durability with the bocage/foxhole combo), and they can deploy on either side of the bocage line, which can be a handy thing.

    Now the hard part, (I assume--I've never done it) is to re-compile the maps, etc., into the campaign again. Me, because I don't like the usual time constraints of campaigns, don't bother and just play the scenarios in order and not in campaign mode.

  7. Mord, I actually got the Code from Phil C./BFC at 1:00 am. Friggin' amazing guy! But anyway, I took a quick spin around the CW textures, and you beat me to the red beret treatment...I want to take a look at what you did when I get home tonight to see if we think alike as to how to do it. Thanks for saving me the trouble! I don't plan on modding any uniforms for the community, but I'm gonna be a tailor of sorts for a lot of my new pixeltruppen. The red beret was the first thing, but I need to dirty up that uniform too.

    Para, it might be a while before I get that scenario to you. CW is going to distract me. However, I have gone through 3 major iterations of the AI in order to get the attacker to act reasonably dangerous yet sane.

  8. - 1st Video in the very beginning: LOS has been changed for units inside of buildings. They seem to be able to fire through windows while hiding deep inside of the structure. You can see an MG42 mow down some British troops running down the road ... the shots come from a pretty oblique angle through a window while the German solder is about 5m away from this window.

    - 2nd Video where the British Troops are crossing the stone bridge: There are German troops firing at them from inside of a stone building. Lots of small arms fire is hitting the building with the Germans inside ... but no German soldiers get hit. .... Then, an HE round hits the building and one of the German soldiers goes down. ---- I think cover has been improved for stone buildings.

    Even though I have CW, I can't install yet...so can anyone confirm #1 and 2 above.

  9. I'm about ready to take back what I said aboutr digital download. I need a new activation key because I don't have internet connection and must install manually. So I used the code the installer gave me and submitted a ticket about 5 hours ago to get a new activation key, and haven't heard a peep from BFC yet. I know the Helpdesk has to be swamped, but does it actually take a help desk person to email the key? I have to catch a ride home in a few minutes so won't get to the internet until tomorrow. Another night without CW! This is a flukey situation, (lost connection for a few days) but the digital download isn't helping me any at this point.

    Rant over. There's probably a long line of tickets.

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