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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. I have at least a dozen home-made scenarios with original maps or heavily-edited stock maps that I play, but never consider for release, because I suck at VP allocation to get a good balance, for which the crowd surely would nail me if I got it wrong. :-)

    But the manual explains the difference between Destroy and Destroy All (p. 118): Destroy, the designated target unit(s) have to be "knocked out" of the fight for full points, damaged units get partial points;

    Destroy All, the unit(s) must be completely eliminated to receive points.

  2. I see they changed the helmet model to allow different items on each side. When I did the Herman Goering mod, whatever you put on the right side of the bmp showed up on the left, too. Anything on the left just didn't show up in game. So histrically incorrectly, I had the Luft eagle on both sides, one with the swastika pointing forward and the other pointing backward.The game automatically mirrored the sides, apparently.

    These look excellent!

  3. Be careful of the Star Trek effect. You do not want reinforcements materializing in LOS of the enemy.

    Make sure they come in either behind solid concealment or other method of ensuring a safe entrance to the battle.

    True dat, but it can be a nice effect--in very small amounts--in a night para drop scenario.

  4. Undercover, we are talking about deploying reinforcements in the editor, right? If so, yes you can set them up in different places/zones. They will appear where you deployed them when you "Deploy Units" from the scenario editor. I don't paint setup zones usually, because the game will reset things like not deployed/deployed or mounted/dismounted, etc. if they start in a planted setup zone. Without painted zones for the original on-map at-start units, you can't move them around freely during the game setup, of course. I also recall reading on the forum that reinforcements that arrive later not in a painted setup zone won't follow orders of the parent unit (in a situation where, say, a platoon is a reinforcement for it's parent company that started on map). But I haven't noticed that myself.

    I have not have my morning pot of coffee yet, so take that into consideration!

  5. GYT, two things: Check the Changelog thread...I don't have time atm, but I think it states that they changed the Deploy/Set-up so that the units will start out in the set-up zone for that side.

    Deleting HQ's: Always start from the bottom, but if any HQ (Platoon up to Battalion) has a subordinate unit attached to it, the higher HQ won't delete. To get a platoon only, delete from the bottom up all other Companies, skipping the one with your platoon, then go up and delete the Battalion HQ (I can't remember whether you need to expand the Batt HQ [hit the "+" sign] so that you can delete them individually or not--that is how I do it anyway), then go to your Company and delete the platoons from the bottom, then the expanded HQ units. Voila!

  6. By the way, to keep this on point, no luck yet getting CMSF trees to show, but I had no problem with CM:A trees to show. Need to rethink the file structure.

    Para, what beach are you lounging around on? I can arrange to send you a package. Just mail me your coordinates and I guarantee speedy delivery!

  7. I had to re- read your explanation, but I think I understand. Way too clever for me to thought of it. But your results are excellent!

    I have modded all the Germans using the methods you used on the SS...texture swapping, partial image swapping, and messing with color. I alsodid the same for Paras, but I will eventually get around to doing more detail work on them. I have to go into the game and grab some screenshots yet. I get too distracted messing in the editor making scenarios lately. If I'm ever stuck on a desert isle without a woman, give me an Internet connection and this game and I won't be bored for years!

  8. White guyness aint a problem

    Glad to hear that!:)

    What I liked about game forums is the international flavor, and I agree it would be good to get more ethnicities involved. Without game forums like this, I'd just be another hick from Wisconsin. Now I'm a hick from Wisconsin who gets to interact with people world-wide. I truly enjoy that. Even with blokes from Yorkshire!

  9. Erwin probably still has a helmet BMP that is somewhere in his z folder saved at 32bit instead of 24. It may be in a deeper echelon sub folder or something. If every helmet was removed the game should default back to stock textures automatically.


    Oh, so that's how to make it invisible. I'm still finding my way after almost a year of messing with these files!

    By the way, Ben, I feel your pain. I modded the Para helmet last week to give them more camo, but have been debating how much more time to spend on it since the joins are truly a bi-atch. I'll post a pic tonight. I don't think it's something I want to "release", but

  10. Interesting. Never thought the Mk 3 would be so wide. Maybe the guy's head is just too thin...

    BTW: While I was sorting through the very large number of camo helmets into a single folder so I could pick and choose, I left it out of my Z folder, and now I have troops that have no helmets at all. Not sure how I managed it (since you'd figure the default is with helmets), but it looks quite interesting actually - esp when combined with the injured head mod. A lot of guys running around with no helmets and a bandage around their heads - like Rambo.

    Erwin, you have to figure out what you did. Somehow an mdr or mds file got changed/removed/something? This would be valuable information for modding. It may even lead to Mord cracking the beret code!

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