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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Ant battle any side or size?prefer scenarios send to rnldbwn581@gmail.com
  2. The scenarios are works of art.The map making has been taken to another level.
  3. Assuming they could have delivered the bomb, I know it would have been a ridiculously difficult task against allied air power.
  4. If the Germans had developed the atomic bomb in March or April of 45 prior to the USA, what would have been their primary and secondary targets? Antwerp?Washington?London?Patton's 3rd Army?
  5. Im setting up a defense.I want to move my hmg team but it wont come out of the building.There is a little move waypoint inside the room they are in (their action spot)about 3 meters long that will not dissapear by hitting the backspace button.Everytime I try to move the hmg team it just creates a long waypoint from the house it is "stuck"in.How do I stop this?
  6. Some of the best and realistic maps are within the campaigns.Why are'nt these maps being released into the repository in the map section.Alot of these maps are very well done and would enhance the entire map selection for h2h battles.I only play pbem h2h and we need more, larger, realistic maps.Some of these guys are very talented map makers.I respect what they do and how long it takes to make a good map, so lets see them.
  7. Ive just started a mirror pbem match.Attack /defend.After analyzing the map, I see if I put hedgehogs at each vehicle ford and blow the bridge and he buys alot of armor it will garantee the victory due to know armor being able to cross.He could buy all infantry in which case this would not be a factor.If he buys all infantry, Ive wasted 450 on hedgehogs.What do you guys think?
  8. In the manual it says they are" impassable".Can you only go around them?Can they be blown up?
  9. What are the most effective ways to get this done quickly?Can engineers do it?
  10. Let me preface by saying CMBN so far has been awsome.Relative spotting, 1:1 modeling, much improved graphics.I am wondering though, what is the thought process behind leaving out what the Battlefront team thought was a very important game element to enhance their engine 10 years ago,that being the cover armor arc.They made the decision to design it and add it when CMBB was released.So why leave out this very useful combat feature?So many advancements in other areas and by leaving this out feels like were missing something.Or 4 steps forward and one back.
  11. When you lay mines the icons dissappear after the first turn.Is there a way to bring the icon back or do you just have to remember and go look for the microscopic red mine sign?
  12. How can I put campaign maps into the scenario editor and alter them for quick battles like I can with regular battle scenarios?
  13. Whats the point of picture 18?It does not promote Commonwealth or Axis forces.There are already hundreds or screenshots and videos showing the landscape.Maybe there is a new type of tree or something?
  14. It also gets the thread up top ,where it belongs.
  15. I was hoping that Steve or someone from the team might address my 3 spotting issues.Possibly , "Yes Weapon2010 you are lord of all spotting issue knowledge, everything you have pointed out will be immediatley evaluated if not tweaked in the next patch."Or ,"Weapon2010 your points are not based on reality go back to playing Panzer General and lay off the valium."Or somewhere in between.
  16. 1.You should have a hell of a time spotting infantry from tanks, and especially from behind hedgerows.That sounds likes spotting working properly to me.I am not refering to the circumstances that you are. 2.I dont know the difference between levels, I only play Iron mode. 3.Yes I can send you the super spotting file.Are you a beta tester?
  17. Super spotting is not a case of getting lucky.The very few cases Ive seen are impossible.We are talking about spotting through multiple hedgerows and woods over long distances.
  18. Also, I am in full agreement with Treadhead on his topic "Spotting to Easy".My post was a little different so I thought it needed a different thread.
  19. I've played CMBN almost everyday since the demo.Hundereds if not thousands of wego turns mostly against human opponents .The new engine has an amazing and sensitive spotting system that overall is far superior to CMX1.There are a couple of things that I think need to be looked into as far as spotting.Below are my observations and opinions on spotting. 1. Buttoned Tanks ability to Spot. Buttoned tanks ability to spot in general needs to be downgraded for all targets except other tanks.I think tank to tank spotting is just right .Not alot.Im guessing a 5-10% overal reduction in spotting ability.More reduction to the sides and rear of buttoned tanks only. Small teams in cover, especially deep woods should almost be invisible to buttoned tanks.At guns in woods should almost be invisible as well, even after they fire several rounds.This is for buttoned tanks only. 2.Too Much information. This is for all units.To much information is given after the spot has occured.If I spot a Panther for a second moving between buildings,it will tell me its Panther 2.Now I know he has at least 3 Panthers by a split second spot.Hq Panther,Panther 1,Panther 2.Ive spotted infantry for a split second at a thousand yards telling me its an mg ammo bearer or xo unit or tank crew or mortar teams.These guys have amazing eyes and unbelievable binoculars.The spot should say infantry, or Panther, not 2nd Panzer Granadier squad.This to much information is taking away from the fog of war effect.The CM1 engine actualy gave out very little information until you closed and closed on the enemy. 3. Super Spotting Super spotting is what I call it.Im sure you guys have seen this.Your halftrack is snuggled nicely next to a large thick forest clump.Safe right, no one can see me right, its impossible for anyone to see me here,wrong.Somehow you were spotted by a tank 1500 yards way and his shell also managed to go through about 60 trees to take you out.It does'nt happen often.But it does occur.I have a great save file on super spotting if a beta tester wants it.
  20. I've noticed trees flickering at lighting speed.Not all of them, just a select few and depending on the camera elevation or angle they disappear and reappear.Is this a known issue?
  21. If its already in forgive me.I dont see it.I always split my squads immediatley and spread out more.So 1 squad turns into 3 teams. 1 platoon turns into 9 teams.1 company turns into 27 teams.So my request is that the first double click could just show my squad so I dont have to go around looking for them,they tend to wander on long moves,double click again shows your platoon.Maybe it could be a toggle option in the hotkeys.Because I'm sure there are plenty of players who do not split their squads at all.
  22. How do you get a qb to have a variable time ending?
  23. Erwin, you are correct.Thankyou.Order dismount first,then whatever move order you want.10-15 sec pause on the halftrack and any move order to the halftrack.
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