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Everything posted by Boche

  1. European goverments have become quite good at disguising invasions as "peacekeeping", a term now over used and undermined. For example in the 8 or so years Spain has been in Afghanistan and in the year we were in Irak, the word "War" or "offensive" was basically banned in the MoD. even though our Legionnaires, Paratroopers and Soldier are in combat every day. The only country willing to say the word War is Britian (Respect) The question should we Intervene? doesnt matter, its too late now anyway. Probably was never going to happen since the rebels stood at a very small chance of victory since the first day. For the best probably that it didnt happen, although we are still left with the decision hanging and again no consensus.
  2. jaja, he can try, the difference is (regardless of the reason) we (NATO, West etc) have the means, he doesnt. im not arguing about the reasons, im arguing about the actions. The inability (again) to create a quick decision and moblize rapidly. Being in Europe we see again of the inability of the EU to react as a unified force (the thing its supposed to be, thats why ive never been fond of the EU) oil wise, Spain gets about 13 percent of its oil (or used to) from Lybia, Italy for example is in a problem since most of its oil comes from there, dont know what they are doing at the moment. We dont have a problem of supply, its the prices for us that keep rising as the crisis evolves. We could do without the hastle.
  3. Anyway, g8 just voted a nono on the matter.
  4. Well you dont have a war on your doorstep and are not getting your oil cut off...we have and our pockets are feeling it. In Mediterranean countries + Britain have wanted to install a no fly zone over lybia to stop Gadafis Air Force bombing rebel positions. This was said days and days ago. They cant reach consensus and they keep saying they want permision from this, from that because of this and that. Not the flexible response I would hope for. Its probably too late by now
  5. Well, as always the hunt for a UN resolution and aproval of everyone they can think of has left NATO as inoperative as carridge without its horse... They all like to talk about Nato Reaction Forces and Euro Corps, but in the end...
  6. It funny now, after playing so much CMSF, cant avoid remembering it while watching BMPs rolling around lybia on TV.
  7. Oh world... God have mercy on thy uneducated masses!
  8. Ouch...definatelly gona leave a mark.
  9. Hope not... Ill still play it, specially since I havnt finished, let alone started the NATO campaigns...
  10. Maybe a 3:10 to Yuma style scenario? although that would be just copying
  11. Plus, the capture of 3 dutch soldiers the other day... someone really messed up with that one
  12. Yeah when I was playing a red v red mission I had a cassualty which seemed to be from an RPG, te guy was standing behind him. PS: what is the chance that that backblast killed or injured him?
  13. +1 ....... is 100% of development on Normandy atm? if so not really fair on us CMSF NATO guys
  14. yeah I noticed this aswell... I still ran with it
  15. THIS ive been targeting buildings like this for a while and is definatelly better
  16. Spain also has interests in Libya...we get atleast 13% of our oil from there. although I would be suprised if anything is mobilized, as always anything military is just wrong!
  17. hm interesting, I do have sections of the map that have things on them that are cut off ill try deleting them see if it changed anything! thanks for the idea and the help guys!
  18. Well since the year or month doesnt really affect anything in the game I dont think its that important. as for weather effect, Battlefront have already said that more "temperate" weather is out of the question for CMSF, since its based in the middle east and nothing liek this will be added (Atleast not until CMSF II!)
  19. hmmm fair enough, seems im going to have to work it out and create another map the thing is George MC that the map is supposed to clear open south wise so going up doesnt really work anyway thanks for the information guys!
  20. oh ok, ERA never heard that term for it before. Thanks alot sir!
  21. I always though the BMP 3 had a great look... as always seems looks isnt everything the result of an M32 40mm grenade from about 100 metres :
  22. hmmm seems im going to have to scrap the base map for this one the strange thing is it changes sometimes its 100 metres sometimes 500, dont know. anyway I shall experiment a bit more
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