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Posts posted by Boche

  1. Im creating a couple of scenarios with Core units.

    AFAIK, this is the way create a campaign with core units.

    1. You have all the core units of the campaign in one scenario, and you will use that scenario as say the basis or core for the campaign file, to then go onto the first mission/scenario.

    IF im wrong, please tell me.

    Well to the basis of the thread. Whenver I import these units into a scenario to be used in the campaign, they all get different names. It shouldnt really be an issue but I do want them to keep the names ive given them in the core scenario. Plus every campaign ive played seems to be able to achieve this.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you!

  2. Yes, the value is tremendous. Well done BF.

    I only wish there was a way to pay (say) $150 and get the full family in one shot. I find that I get bored by the limitations of each module quickly and the add-on modules do not necessarily add enuff different/original stuff to really make a huge difference. I thought about continuing to buy the games but not playing until all modules are in place (with all the patches and mods as well). But, I also know it will be bloody tough to have that discipline as one always wants to see the new stuff asap.

    Plus you loose alot of the time you could be playing atleast part of it and learn along with the community

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