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Everything posted by wlape3

  1. I'm maxed out at 8 GB of RAM so there is no more to add. Also, I am using Win7 64 bit which does access all that memory. Any other tweaks I could try?
  2. I had suspected most of the game existed in memory during play. Before I bought the SSD, I had noticed a lot of disk activity during turns but these must be small reads and writes. Most of my data drives are SATA2 or SATA3. My motherboard is an older ASUS which still uses DDR2 but accepts AM3 socket processors. Not much memory tweaking available but I can certainly make sure what I have is running at the max.
  3. Based on my experience, I would say there is a better chance of seeing an improvement on execution speed with a faster processor than moving over to an SSD. An SSD will certainly speed up your disk access but this does not appear to be a bottleneck for the game engine. A few weeks ago I transferred my C drive contents to a 160 GB SSD running off of a PCI-Ex4 bus connection. This greatly speeded up my boot times and application start ups but did not seem to effect SCWW1 very much at all. Over the weekend I'm going to upgrade my processor from a 2.3 GHz Phenom I X4 Black Ed. to a 3.5 GHz Phenom II x4 Black Ed. I'm also upgrading my CPU cooling from a stock AMD unit to a Zalman 135 MM fan unit. Hopefully, this will allow me to overclock it a bit as well.
  4. Same thing happens to me when I am in the war map and click on the % button. Since I never use this feature it's not a problem for me.
  5. 54 in July. Started with Games Research Diplomacy. Moved on to Stalingrad, Blitzkrieg, War In The East 1st ed and the Europa series. Now that I don't have as much time as when I was younger it's nice to have the computer do all the setup work with no worring about what the pets, wife or kids might do...
  6. One thing to consider is the historical performance of Nazi Germany during WWII. The industrial ouput of the country increased in the face of strategic bombing right up to 1945. The same is true of the USSR which dramatically increased production despite having lost significant resources and industrial capacity. It can be done if the will is there.
  7. There can also be some scripts which affect the % mobilization of countires towards or away from factions depending on decision events, time lines, or player actions. It's possible there may have been a triple whammy.:eek:
  8. This could pose some problems for players still on dial-up or other limited bandwidth connections. For instance, since I live in a rural area, there is no possibility of DSL or cable. This means I am stuck with satellite service which is barely a step above dial up.
  9. When creating a WWII mod will I need to create garrison scripts to force the minors to garrison their capitols when controlled by the AI or is this embeded in the game engine? I had heard this was a problem in the game before the 1.01 patch and wondered if it was fixed.:confused:
  10. Laptops usually use an embeded video chip and not a stand alone card. Perhaps you need to increase your video allocation of memory in the bios or reduce some of the visual effects in Win7. I am running Win 7 64 bit at home on my desktop. If you send me your turn I will be happy to check it on my machine. wlape3@gmail.com
  11. Problem is if you create a new country with a territory script all Axis units on Vichy territory will automatically surrender. At least, this was how it worked in PDE.
  12. I asked Hubert whether or not Vichy creation was handled by script or by the engine and he said it was by the game engine. However, I don't see why it couldn't be done by script. Not sure how to move out the Axis units though.
  13. I would think the unit density would have to increase to compensate for the increase in size of the map. Perhaps the Armies could becomes several Corps each with more Corps, Divisons and detachments.
  14. I know they have it in France. You order it as "bourbon" rather than whiskey,
  15. Thank you Hubert. I ask about it because a mod keeps crashing in the editor everytime I open the mini-map or page to other windows. I am using Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit with 8 GB of RAM and 512 MB of video RAM. I'm using a Phenom I quad processor running at 2.4 GHZ. The system should be beefy enough. The failure is FAILED(draw_sprite_on mini_map_dc). Once I acknowledge it the program crashes. This is using a mod of the Call To Arms scenario in the WWI game. I have tried using other bitmaps for the sprite which doen't seem to affect it at all.
  16. How does one go about creating the mini-map for a mod? Is this a function of the game engine or does it get generated separately?:confused:
  17. Turns out I did get the manual as it was included in the CD box. I had expected it to be separate as in SCGC. Sorry for the false alarm!
  18. For some reason my game did not come with a printed manual. I was a pre-order.:confused:
  19. I'm assuming it would be possible to script in more historical behavior for the French AI if a true test of plan 17 meeting the original Schlieffen plan was set up in a mod?
  20. Yes, after all the game is just a program. Sorry for any confusion.
  21. I'm sure you can kill the tool bar from the task manager by ending the process. I'm running AVAST on my desktop with win7 64 bit and Symantec Endpoint Protection with WinXP 32 bit on my laptop and the program runs on both.
  22. I was surprised to see Eric Ludendorff was not represented in the list of headquarter units. Is he attached to von Hindenburg or just forgotten?:confused:
  23. You have to go into the editor, select Campaign, then Edit Event Scripts, open the LOOP script and scroll down to the 14th LOOP event. It is very likely the "Country_ID value" initial entry or subsequent entries have become corrupted.
  24. If you read Hubert's post and do the math the release should be very soon indeed. The pre-release order debued on 1/19/11. Add 4-6 weeks and you have a release date between 2/16 and 3/2.
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