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Everything posted by LUCASWILLEN05

  1. Maybe but, as I understand your meaning that way would not allow for gradations of weather eg from light to heavy rain to downpour. Most of the time you don't get sudden torrential downpours jus like that although it does happen. Usually you get a light rain starting then becoming heavier. Likewise mist starts to thicken and may become a dense fog before gradually thinning out again. If we want a trully dnamic weather system we want it to be as realistic as possible
  2. Can't say I had actually noticed but then I had not been looking for this specifically. So, in principle it might be possible for BF to implement the coding for a dynamic weather system similar to what I suggested. There may of course be issuse around the coding but much of what would be needed is already there What they would need to add would be the "weather tree" with options available by season.Obviously the same can be done for wind speed and direction. In theScenario editor the designer specifies whether weather will change or remain constant throughout the battle. Same decisions for wind speed and direction aswell as tempreture If no then we get the same as now. If yes this opens up a series of options the availability depending on season. Associated with each is a probaility of change similar in looks to the parameters we set under victory conditions. As previously described weather will gradually change. Hence clear could change to either hazy or overcast. If overcast that could change to one of the rain conditions with a percentage set for each. That woul for instance allow us to have a sudden summer thunderstorm. The scenario designer can then set a variable amount of time until the weather changes again employing the "tree" system. Visually he player might see the sky clearing or starting to gradually cloud over and look increasingly threatening as it does in the real world. In principle his should be possible in technical terms using verl little extra processing power beyond what is already being used. Much of it will go on "under he bonnet" and will not be seen by players until the weather does actually change.
  3. I would like dynamic weather. As has been suggested best le the scenario designer set the parameters by percentage. For example the scenario starts with heavy rain. After a specified time, let's say 20 minutes( there is a 50% cchance it will turn to light rain. After a further specified time here is a 60% chance the sky becomes overcast. The way I see this being implemented is by using a "tree" of options. At the specified time the AI will start calculating the probability of the weather changing and implement the chage when it happens. We would need to limit the number of occasions the weather might change. Let's say for each hour of the scenario two weather changes are allowed. The actual times change occurs is calculated by the AI at the time frames set by the scenario designer. Ideally we could introduce in game changes to the ground conditions. These would happen faster with worse weather conditions. You would cycle through ground conditions at a set rate depnding on he level and length of the precipitation. For example the ground conditions start as dry. A light rain starts. After a specified period the ground becomes damp. With heavier precipitation the ground condition changes at faster rate becoming wet and finally muddy.
  4. For mos of July and August what was actually happening was that Model was desperately fighting to try and close that massive hole where \Army Group Centre used to be. Pleny of intersting scenarios in that
  5. The T34-85 was made to kill Tigers and Panthers. And there are quite a few scenarions where the Germans do only have Mark IVs and Stugs. The usual organisation of a Panzer Regiment, as most of us probably know was One Panther battalion and one Panzer IV battalion. A fwew favoured divisions also got some Tigers but most of these were deployed in seperate battalions.
  6. Actually the overall Russian ssuperiority on the Russian front was not that great, I don't have the book infront of me right now but on the Russian Front as a wholer the odds were somethng like 2.5:1 in favour f the Red Army. The reason the Red Army was able t get those 10:1 odds was due to their use of a range of deception methods described as Maskirovka. Bagration is probably the most spectacular example. Due to operations such as the Spring 1944 invasion attempt of Romania Hitler and the General Staff were tricked into the belief that the ed Army Summer offensive would be there too. Which is why Army Grup Centre was virtually stripped of Panzer Divisions which wereassed in Army Group South to defend Romania and the oil fields/ When Bagration hit and those ponzer divisions rushed north the Red Army ollowed up with a decisive left hook.In short it was Operation Bagration that ensured Germany would lose the war - any faint hope of a draw was now gone.
  7. This is what happens when you issue target arc commands to moving units, As several people have said the orders given were unrealistic - I would say it was more unwise than unrealistic. What you did was issue a target arc to the right flank of the platoon, presumeably because you antipated a threat to the right flank. Actually the AI will, if left to work on its own (i.e. without target arcs) will notice the threat (in this case the T-34s) and rotate the turret to fire. Had I been issueing the orders to that platoon I would have ordered them to move and then either change face in situ or ordered one or more additional orders to chang the platoon's facing to face the anticipated threat. he only times you should be issueing target arc commands is when you are either on the defensive and want your units o hold fire until the enemy enters a kill zone or when you want a unit to overwatch a specific area while othe units advance.
  8. If all else fails try a Rotmistrov (think what really happened at Prochorovka) - advance rapidly to close the range and try to kill the Tigers with close range shots. On second thoughts this might turn out to be as "succesfull" as Rotmistrov actually turned out to be in the above battle. According to Nipe 5GTA lost 400+ tanks trying to implement these tactics. So maybe not unless you really are desperate!
  9. Yes, I know that. The question is, does Kuri? Actually, to me the Assault Order is actually one of the most useful options when wanting to clear enemy positions such as built up areas or trench lines. The trick is to plot a series of Assault orders. For example, if I want a squaud to clear a trench line I would give a series of Assualt commands. What happens is one fire team will give covering fire while the other moves up to clear the section of trench I want cleared. Then the process is repeated with the next Assault Command I issued.
  10. So actually what you want is the addition of some form of Fire and Movement Order?
  11. Besdes weapons will rarely perform on the battlefield at the same high level as on the test range. If weapons effectiveness in game has been downgraded from ideal performance that sounds like a good simulation decision to me. If it feels more or less right and we are getting believable casualty rates when applying realistic battlefield tactics it does not seem lie a massively important issue to me
  12. I doubt it. Normally it seems to be firedfrom a prone position like this I haven't seen this weapon being fired from a shoulder position in game but if this is happening screen shots would evidence this. I would be rather surprised if it were happening but if it is I would assume a bug
  13. Yes, I had forgotten there were a few SS that took part in one of the Anzio counter offensives. As you say though most SS activity in Italy was against the partisans. And, as we knw the anti partisan warfare in Russia was one of the most vicious episdes of a particularly vicious war. I am sure the partisans would have brutally killed any SS they caught and who can blame them? The Germans also raised local forces in Ukraine and elsewhere often to do the dirties jobs which would be why there is so much ill feeling today affecting current political decision making. Not to forget that Ukranian partisans fought theRed Army for some years following WW2 and that wasprobably just as brutal. As you say, war is likely to bring out the worst in people, particularly anti partisan war. Even more so when sanctioned by nationalpolicy,
  14. Quite some time if you have to do it under fire. No reason we should not have the option though.
  15. Which means hat factions like the Poles should be pretty easy for BF to do. Just with an official Polish TOE.They,the Romanians and the Hunfgarians (I forgot about them ) would be likely to have a strong interest in a war in Ukraine - just look at the Polish attitude to the on-going real world crisis. And pretty much all BF would have to do then is slightly different graphics for uniform differences Since the policy is to add new forces in modules and many of the Western NATO forces willlargely be based on the already existing CMSF armies (following neccessary updating work for the new engine and any real world changes) the introducion of these forces should not be that hard, particularly if the work is done over multiple modules. Given the real world situation there coud well be considerable interest in gaming in the Eastern European area and a rennaissance of interest in the moderns period which has largely been in the doldrums for the last couple of decades since the end of the Cold War. Although we all hope that the game will not be ovetaken by real world events. Maybe we should get Moscow and Kiev to play the game to show them what a losing proposition a war like this would be, probab;y for both sides.
  16. BF would need to include heavy prime movers. I suspect the 88 would require a considerable period of time to deploy and limber up. But,givven the time available in a game it coul be done in theory a least. Whether this is actually a practical option in game terms is however another question.
  17. In addition to US, Ukranian and Russian I would like to see (eventually) British French German Dutch Belgian Polish Italian Romanian Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia. Lithuania) Belarus Moldova Trans Dniester (Pro Russian Paramilitary types) This would allow for a great variety of scenarios in game. In terms of terrain we might include Eastern European, Russian and perhaps even German building options. And,naturally, for a final battle in Moscow, the Kremlin!
  18. Possibly although it could be something else. I suggest you re-post your question in the technical support forum.
  19. How do the results compare with the "baseline" test data?
  20. What about trying flamethrowers against armoured cars, halftracks and light tanks. Maybe you will ghave more luck against these?
  21. Have you considered what really happened at Prokhorovka namely he evisceration of 5th Guard Tank Army by II SS Panzer Korps. Contrary to the tradiional account which we now know originated with a lie by Rotmistrov (to save his career and quite possibly his life) to Stalin. A lie that was contiued after Stalin's death because it would have been politically embarrassing for a certain Nikita Khruschev who, at the ime was a senior Commissar at Voronnezh Fron and therefore closely involved with the events immediately before ano on 12 July 1943. From II SS PZK records we now know they destroyed at least 400 Soviet tanks during the day (the Corps commander was so ncredulous about the claim he actually came down and counted them himself see Nipe Decision in the Ukraine)
  22. I have merely played around with building scenarios. Enough to know that i is indeed a lot of work to get right. So I can appreciate all the work that went in to designing the published scenarios out there so far. Very occasionally you get a dud but, please, let us stick to constructive feedback
  23. This can happen in a scenariowhere the designer has set a percentage of casualties for units in the scenario editor, You can do this at battalion, company, platoon or squad/individual AFV level That is what seems to have happened here.
  24. As long as they are not real Russian and NATO tanks shooting at each other. Maybe we should have Russian and Ukranian champions play this game to decide who wins politically. Ant to the victor goes East Ukraie. That way nobody actually has to die.
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