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Posts posted by noxnoctum

  1. I understand the conundrum. In WEGO your chain of command is complete and instantaneous perfection. Your "Commander" acts like a perfect hive mind by freezing time and jumping into the mind of every level of command down to squad NCOs.

    With real time you get back some of that command delay and also that confusion with orders that happens when each commander interprets what he thinks the orders actually mean. Also some of the stupidity that happens to people under pressure.

    In having real time though you lose some of the initiative for those troops that you cannot control while managing others. I think its a good trade off, especially considering what the AI is.

    Player VS Player is where you WEGO may have more advantages over real time. Being that in part when you move men against your enemy you may or may not be moving against human controlled men at that point in time. With WEGO you are always moving against a human. However I still consider Real Time to be much more fun and am happy to make sure I am in the right place at the right time. Not that I have ever played head to head with this game.

    In fact I am kinda a rookie with this game engine in general. Only having paddled with it compared to other games. I had a lot of trouble getting in the mood so to speak to fight a theoretical enemy with modern equipment.

    I agree I think RT with auto-pause every 60 seconds would be preferable to WEGO tcp-ip (with you able to issue orders in between the pauses... the pauses just giving you time to look at the "big picture" and issue orders accordingly).

    Although replay is a very fun feature... it honestly isn't very realistic. It's a bit TMI, especially for WW2.

  2. Yeah, they did the same in a thread I started last week.

    PBEM is fine if your going to have a turn or two a day, though some people like to sit and play a battle out, and it's going to be a pain in the arse checking your email and loading up the game every turn.

    Obviously some people need plenty of time to think their moves through, usually the ones who slam realtime, I'm not a big fan of it but I do enjoy a game on COH with my son on occasion.

    PBEM is vintage, it's fine to have the option, but as the only option? I think this decision will cost these guys some sales.

    Difference with CoH is that you never have more than what's equivalent to two platoons ever (at least in multiplayer). Not to mention the maps are minuscule compared to a CM map.

  3. The auto pause at 60 seconds would be an elegant solution I think. Especially if you can still control you units in between those 60 seconds. So, in other words, just RT with a forced pause every 60 seconds to get a grip of the "bigger picture". Then both players hit go and the game plays for another 60 seconds. I can't see how this should be difficult to implement as it doesn't change anything about the RT mode itself.

    Yes 60 second "chess clock" > one player randomly pausing it at will.

    And Destraex1, so-called "god mode" is more realistic than what we have now because in the military they have this thing called CHAIN OF COMMAND... it's not just one dude giving all the orders, from "attack that village" to, "throw a grenade through that window!!!" :P.

  4. wouldn't it be a simple solution to make an autopause feature for tcip where the game stops every 60 seconds until both players press a go button?

    BFC have said that it would apparently be much less of a hassle than TCP-IP wego so I'm all for it. I think it would in many ways actually be superior to tcp-ip wego, though I would still miss the replay function dearly.

    Still, it's not a priority for them, but on "the list".

    And Erik that quote was specifically about tcp-ip wego.

  5. Ya well the USA is the capitol of it with all the BS reality TV shows and such so be glad you're not as subjected to it as us.

    And yes, mediocrity is the new "in" thing, at least with the right. If you read books, care about the natural world going down the toilet, and know your geography you're an "elitist"/commie. On the other hand, if you wrap yourself in an American flag (which would have actually been considered flag desecration by the people who started this country), dress up like a Founding Father, and show up at rallies with your AR-15 just because you can, you're a patriot. Oh ya and don't forget that "We support our troops" bumper sticker! Because having a bumper sticker on your car sure helps the guys getting 7.62mm rounds thrown at em a lot!

    Frankly, I think it's time for another civil war. Hopefully a bloodless one this time around though. Let the Southern states succeed (Florida doesn't count, it's not the South culturally except for Tallahassee), and the rest of us can move on. In 50 years they'll have destroyed themselves by building a gigantic military, not having any taxes to pay for it, and of course... a 90% obesity rate among adults.

  6. The Palins are just pumping their sure-to-not-last popularity for all the $$$ they can get.

    Politically, Sarah's totally irrelevant, other than steering independents towards the left and scaring rational Republicans (I know a guy who's about as right wing as you can get who didn't vote in the 2008 election because of McCain's VP choice). It's hilarious that she actually has the balls to have her daughter go around the country giving speeches on abstinence of all things! I think the Palins are just too stupid to realize how ridiculous they've become.

    I agree with Costard though... it would have been funny to see what the students could come up with once she arrived :D.

    That said, I can see why they're pissed the school would waste $20,000 on this. Like ANY college student would give a **** about what some knocked up 20 year old has to say about sex, or rather, not having it.

  7. I can't say this any more strongly than as follows:

    Operations, with a moving front line, will *NEVER* be in CMx2. We have absolutely no plans, nor desire, to put it in at all, ever. Never, ever, ever.

    We don't care what people think about how we have come to the conclusion that we'll never do Operations like CMx1 ever again. It doesn't matter because you're not the ones that have to make these sorts of decisions. Nor do you have to live with the consequences.

    As I said above, we don't always get things right. The QB system in CM:SF was a flop. We listened too hard to the hardcore QB player, took their complaints too seriously, and inadvertently developed a system for a group of QB players that simply didn't exist. We acknowledged this mistake early and pledged to make a better system. Which we have done.

    Notice that this is not the case with Campaigns. The majority of complaints about the current Campaign system are that it is too "basic", not that it's inherently the wrong direction. The calls for action are calls for improvement, not calls for abandonment. Except for a minority of Operations guys and the dreaded "Strategic Layer" camp. These two groups are diametrically opposed, but have a huge resource investment as a common need. So we must ignore calls for Strategic Layers as much as we do Operations. We are intent on having a viable and thriving business for another 12 years, and building upon our current Campaign system is compatible with that goal, while pouring resources into minority supported systems is not.

    Again, you are free to disagree with this. You are also free to start up your own wargame company and prove us wrong. I know many of you will continue to disagree, just as I know none of you will put your money where your mouth is.


    Just out of curiosity who were the players clamoring for a QB system that gives you completely random and often unbalanced unit arrangements after CMAK/CMBB?

  8. [good-natured sarcasm] Yeah, when I play a flight simulator, I turn off my brain and just mash the keyboard and grapple with the joystick. When I play CM, though, I only think and don't even touch the keyboard or the mouse. [/sarcasm] :rolleyes:

    Thanks much for the heads-up, nox! =) I've been waiting for this game literally for years.

    Lol my thoughts exactly.

    Ya... IL-2 is just a shoot em up :rolleyes:

    Much more challenging to learn than CM... sorry.

    I just got into IL-2 about a year and a half ago so I'm late to the party but can't wait for this either :). I will definitely miss my Focke-Wulf though :(.

  9. music and drugs tend to go together quite often...

    classic quote from bill hicks i first heard on the tool song "third eye"

    "See, I think drugs have done some *good* things for us, I really do. And if you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a Favor: go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your cd’s and burn em’. 'Cause you know what? The musicians who’ve made all that great music that’s enhanced your lives throughout the years...

    Rrrrrrrrrrrrreal ------ high on drugs."

    --Bill Hicks

    Amen to that.

  10. Hmmm, I have also noticed what appears to be an MP43/44 in the top picture showing a Conveyer Belt. I just hope they dont add this weapons in RO2 HoS ( June 42/Feb 43 ) as it hasen’t been introduced until Spring 44 ( under developement in mid 43 ).

    On the other hand, it actually may be a good idea to include all weapons & most armor introduced in Eastfront 41-45 into RO2, this because, Modders ( weapons & uniforms ) & Scenario makers can now play any battles ( maps ) in Ostfront 41 to 45 ( just like in RO ).

    This can be ultimately included in future patches, mods, etc…Just a thought.

    It's the MKb 42 not the the STG/MP44/MP43. The prototype if you will for the STG. They were at Stalingrad. In tiny numbers, but it gives the devs the chance to include another cool new weapon. (they will be very rare btw, like 1 per map or something)

    As for your issues with infantry combat, like I said above, they will have a much stronger suppression effect that will at least make it LOOK like players value their lives. It's impossible to put fear of death into an FPS... even people in a 4 hour long co-op session of ARMA2 with no respawn don't play as if their lives were on the line. PR and DH are the only games where I've seen people even remotely act like they were scared of getting shot (though of course you still see plenty of "heroics"---i.e. suicidal attacks on tanks with satchels are very common).

    And like MeatEtr said... don't know what you're talking about when it comes to small arms. They're about 10x more challenging to learn than any other FPS. Even after 4 years, I still get the lead off and miss running targets sometimes when they're a decent distance away. The main problem is "pop up bolting"... whereby you can sight in on an MG, crouch when he shoots at you, then pop up and have your sights on the exact same spot and kill him, but TWI have plans to fix this. (probably just by making the sight be in a slightly different spot when you come back up) And like the man said, no one wants to play some boring recon mission, just like no one wants to play a "polish your shoes, straighten your bed and uniform, and clean the mess hall" military simulator.

  11. If you'd read about how many months it took to model each of those two tanks you'd be a bit more understanding. Personally I'd rather have two extremely well modeled tanks followed by two more and two APCs after release (they've stated this) than a host of poorly modeled ones.

    As a self-proclaimed "tanker" I don't see how you can't see this.

    Quality > Quantity. RO1's tank combat was honestly a joke. It was great fun in CA. But tank on tank... not so much. Now it's practically a tank simulator... along with the whole "infantry thing".

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