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Posts posted by noxnoctum

  1. Correct. WeGo and RealTime are separate from Playback. If I had to guess I'd say 99.9% of RealTime players would like some form of Playback as well. Some have even said "I would play RealTime if there were Playback". So for some Playback is more important than the method of play.

    What is surprising is that so far the WeGo players have said that they won't play WeGo TCP/IP at all unless there is Replay. There's plenty of people playing RealTime without Replay, though they want it, so it seemed logical to think that WeGoers would do the same. But apparently not.


    Not all of "us" feel that way ;). I would be more than happy with wego w/out replay.

    Can you comment on the idea that's been put forward many times about having an auto pause feature during H2H RT every 60 seconds? This would essentially be wego w/out replay and I'm guessing (since I'm no programmer), easier to implement since pause is already in...

    I think that the level of control in wego is more realistic than the level of control in RT. DEFINITELY in WW2. In RT as you said you can instantly stop a platoon from walking into an ambush or whatever. The chain of command and C&C were far worse back then. I think RT unrealistically potrays this... you shouldn't be able to "instantly" react and change orders. IRL, a platoon that walked into an ambush would probably just hit the dirt and panic... or decide a course of action on their own because they couldn't hear their lieutenant/captain over the gunfire. Maybe one squad would assault through the ambush, and another would just panic and run for it, while the other two would hit the dirt and start firing wildly. Certainly the platoon wouldn't instantly change course as is possible in RT. In WW2 at least you just couldn't issue orders and have your troops react to them that fast.

    However, on the other side of the coin, I also think RT is unrealistic (at least for larger than company sized battles) because normally you'd of course have subordinates watching over each unit down the line, from company commander to fire team leader. As it is, you have to basically baby sit your units to make sure no one gets hit. Either you baby sit one company and ignore the other or split your attention and have your tanks not in hull down positions because you don't have time to zoom in and position them correctly and they won't do it on their own. I wouldn't call this being a control freak... it's just... basic tactics 101. Until we're at a point where AI is really REALLY good (and I think that's a ways off)... it's a serious issue. Much less of one in CMSF and its modules because the tanks and ATGMs are basically all one shot one kill (on the blue side at least). Still an issue though in my illustration a few pages back. Not so in WW2 of course.

    No fault of BFC, it's impossible to have AI that replicates human behavior perfectly (or anywhere close to it). But in WEGO, at least I get to SIMULATE having that chain of command, where not a single person has to be *directly* responsible for every single squad/vehicle on the battlefield. At the same time though, it allows for the (I feel) pretty realistic feature of not being able to micromanage your troops for an entire minute... I think this is a good abstraction of the inferiority of C&C/comms and therefore response time during WW2.

    Obviously though we disagree on these points.

    What I really want to know is again, can you comment on the idea that's been put forward many times about having an auto pause feature during H2H RT every 60 seconds?

  2. Ya I'm glad flamethrowers are on a low priority compared to other stuff... I mean, how many of you used flammie teams frequently in CMx1?? They were useless unless at point blank range, and in that case you might as well just use a dirt cheap/moves faster than a slug SMG squad or a pioneer squad to chuck a few satchels and blow the offending pixeltruppen apart :D. The flamethrower tanks were cool, but their rarity made them wayyyyy too expensive to make it worth the purchase.

  3. Because it pleases the Americans who don't care about the far more interesting eastern front :). (I'm American so I can say all I want heh)

    Personally I'm glad this and Bulge are first in line before the Ostfront game, because by then the engine will be much further refined and perhaps by then we'll have things like moveable waypoints, ability to mount troops on top of tanks, co-play and wego w/replay :).

  4. Yes, if auto-pause every 60 seconds is easily implemented (there's pause already, so maybe it is? But then, I'm no programmer), it would be fantastic. Actually in some ways superior to wego tcp-ip without replay as you could adjust your orders on the fly during every minute.

    Make it so both players have to "un-pause" to recommence hostilities and you have yourself a great stopgap!

  5. On RT, CMSF is not by any means a click fest. You have to be fast but what counts more is the accuracy of your clicks and not their number. I've encountered good players and tried the "shock and awe" approach of rushing units. They've beat me with ease simply by not allowing themsleves to be dragged in a fast game but rather make some calm and well thought out planning.

    But, its not always the same and you face players who think fast is better and the game turns into a shallow rushing tank/vehicle fest which is an insult for what CMx2 stands for. So, some kind of pause would help to eliminate this and leave some breathing space to collect thoughts and enjoy the depth of the game more. I would prefer a pausing RT to a WeGo without replay, since I think this will combine best of both worlds (How on earth, after the RT fun can someone go back to the "you can watch but you cant touch your units for 1min" thing???)

    Yes some kind of pause thing would be nice. Like an auto-pause every 60 seconds.

    I disagree with you on the clickfest thing, being fast is CRUCIAL in RT. Granted, so is making the right tactical moves and not "rushing". The issue is, for example, I can't conduct a good assault with one company on this one block of buildings with supporting fire, etc... while at the same time managing my other company.

    Because I've gotta keep track of:

    1) Units suppressing the buildings ceasing fire at the correct time, and not wasting ammo if that's an issue.

    2) Units suppressing the buildings changing targets if something of opportunity appears (i.e. a tank, and I need to get my Jav out quick!)

    3) Assaulting units smoking, and falling back if they encounter too much resistance, or something unforeseen occurs.

    4) Assaulting units taking up the best positions in the buildings based on their new field of view.

    Try doing that while paying attention to the other company. It's hard. Speed is essential. Either you ignore the other company completely and then 2 minutes later look over and see that half of them are dead/wounded and you have no idea what did it, or you split your attention which results in both your companies operating at less than optimal effectiveness. That is, unless you're a Korean pro gamer ;).

  6. wait and see, the player that gets more input in less time through to his man will win any RT game.

    Sun Tsu said that already long time ago ;)

    Yes it's called APM (actions per minute---whether that be keyboard clicks or mouse clicks/drags):

    (that's Starcraft 1 in the video, but the best players in the world at Stacraft 2---i.e. the ones getting payed to play and practice 10 hours a day---average 300-400 APM a game... absolutely insane... the very best averages 500)

    And in case you're wondering, no those shots of them playing are NOT sped up.

    Now imagine doing that with a battalion of mech infantry supported by a company of medium tanks, where unlike in Starcraft, you have to account for angles, cover, etc... (Starcraft they're more concerned with microing units to best use their abilities, outrange enemy units and then run off then do it again and again, and so forth... all while managing their base+economy, and keeping in mind the "overall situation" and their plans of attack/defense which can change at the drop of a hat; as an SC2 player I can say it's rather exhausting :D, and I'm no where NEAR the level of those guys)

  7. Hey, I'm back. Did miss anything? I was over on a discussion forum for "The Sims" mindlessly bashing that game though I don't play it. You know, just on principle.

    If that's directed at me (well anyone here actually), it's pretty low. For one, you're a beta tester, so you should conduct yourself with a little more civility towards customers. Every single time I post a thread bringing up a valid issue (see my LOS thread from a while back...the problem with infantry not being able to see like they should if they're on a cliff edge), or asking for a feature/ETA on a feature, you flame me.

    I will of course buy the game, simply because it will undoubtedly be the the best tactical wargame currently available, its only competition being Panzer Command: Ostfront (which might turn out really good, remains to be seen). Plus I want to support BFC in the hopes of one day getting tcp-ip wego without replay, then with replay, and finally (I can only hope) a multiplayer lobby and co-play (though the former is more important to me). Lobby hardly needs to be fancy, just something simple... like what tripleA has. (can't post links even though it's open source, just google it).

    Secondly, it was not "mindless". I own CMSF, I own Marines, I own NATO (Brits just looked boring, sorry :P). Although CM:BfN will obviously play very differently, on every level, CMSF: NATO without wego tcp-ip is identical to CM:BfN without wego tcp-ip, in that I can ONLY play tcp-ip multiplayer in real time, i.e. no big battles (at least no big battles with a decent level of control). So respectfully, at least while you're representing BFC, please watch your mouth. If they boot you off the team for flaming people then by all means, feel free to insult me as you wish, I'll even give you my personal email address :P.

    And Steve, I apologize for bringing it up in two threads at the same time (a bit more "vigorously" in the other ;)), I was just extremely disappointed at the time since, as you said, you guys were planning on putting it in.

    Anyways.... question's been answered (thoroughly and promptly... thanks), so maybe the mods should just lock this thread?

  8. Wow looks like I kicked a hornet's nest.

    TCP/IP WeGo, without Replay, was intended for CM:BN. However, here we are... nearly a year over schedule, and this feature isn't in. We're not interested in keeping everybody waiting so a feature that appeals to a minority can be added. If we prioritized things like that the game would never be done.

    This doesn't mean the feature isn't important, nor that we're oblivious that to some people this is the defining thing they are waiting for. It just means what we've always said... we can't be all things to all people all the time. Someone will always be disappointed with any decision we make. But if I had to hazard a guess, more people would be upset to have the game delayed even by one day for TCP/IP WeGo than will be upset to have the game ship without it.

    Life is all about compromises. Players can choose not to compromise, but we can't.

    TCP/IP WeGo without playback will be in the game at some point. I'm hoping it can be added to CM:BN as it was to CMBO. But I can't make any promises because we have honestly not detailed what will be added post release. We're too busy at the moment.


    That's reassuring, thanks for posting. I'd probably be one to say "delay the game another 6 months to get in tcp-ip WEGO with replay!", but I know I'd probably be in the minority there ;). That said, I'm not one of those who would say "tcp-ip wego with replay or none at all!" Of course replay is nice, and hugely advantageous and would be especially fun now that it's 1-1 so I could rewatch that dude getting picked off by my sniper over and over :D; wego without replay would still be FAR better for conducting large battles then RT. At least I could see what's going on at the end of the turn... I personally would just zoom out to watch it and make sure I don't miss anything. Then take my time issuing my orders to each individual unit and not feel like I have to rush rush rush.

    And for the love of everything good don't listen to those who say "tcp-ip wego with replay or none at all!"

  9. From the CM:BfN announcement thread.

    "Play the game as you want, against the AI in Realtime or Turn Based Mode or against another Human player in Realtime TCP/IP or WeGo in PBEM (Play by Email) and Hotseat."

    I thought we were getting wego tcp-ip finally? Steve said it would be without replay... which is unfortunate but I'd rather have wego tcpip without replay than no wego tcpip at all!

    I and plenty of others find PBEM incredibly tedious and RT simply does not allow for battalion sized battles.

  10. Nice try, but you clearly ripped this idea from the movie

    Actually haven't seen that though I'd like to. Got the idea from reading about CIA people dosing each other "for fun" before it became illegal. Surprised it didn't give them a different perspective on their job...

  11. Yep that's the right wing military industrial complex for you all right.

    My dream has always been to put some liquid LSD into the water supply of an FBI, NSA or DEA office. Maybe congress' too.

    This is the reason I never go for that stuff they have at airports where they can "scan" you to get quickly through the line. I'd rather wait an extra hour than be on any more records than I am already. (not cause I have something to hide, just because I think it's wrong)

    UK has it bad already though from what I understand. Loads of cameras there everywhere.

    I'm disgusted that that POS "legislation" called the "Patriot" Act still hasn't been repealed.

    There's stuff in the works to start monitoring and censoring the internet too in congress.

    It's a shame all the wrong people have the guns in this country if it ever came to that :P.

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