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Posts posted by noxnoctum

  1. Related story:

    There is a well know American Civil War artist named Don Troiani (his work is excellent) who stated in an interview that he rarely uses re-enactors as models. Why? Too damned fat. It appears that middle class Americans of today are not at all representative of the men of that war who rarely had enough to eat and if they were well fed they would be quite fit due to all of that marching around.

    Hahaha, hardly surprising.

  2. Yeah, okay, I'm with you on that. Although to be fair, if you go back far enough, say to the '30s and '40s, there is a fair amount of country music that is actually pretty good. And while I am not enthusiastic about bluegrass, I have friends who are and I don't usually give them a hard time about it. I just quietly leave the room when they insist on playing some.



    Hahaha :D.

  3. That video was seriously...different.. haha

    Ya I liked the 12 year old at the wheel especially.

    That autotune on that girl's already horrible voice made me want to stick an icepick in my eye. Last night though I was really really blazed and listened to it like 20 times in a row because I just COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING :D.

  4. Here's one example from one of my favorite indie-rock bands I discovered recently at grasscity... Cool video to go with it too:

    Another great one:

    And finally a band that reminds me a lot of the Beatles:

    And something a bit more... different (this is the girl who did the singing in Gladiator):


    Here's another indie group I really like:

    And ya the Black Keys are pretty good, but it feels a bit too derivative of 60/70s stuff for me.

    I like these guys for my retro stuff:

  5. Beatles and Hendrix for sure. Roger on the classical (but not so much Mozart please) and flamenco. Some Irish and Scottish folk music is cool, some isn't, but when it is, it's great. Whaddaya have against American folk music? I like classical Indian music, especially from north India. Indonesian gamelan is also very cool.


    When I said "American" I guess I meant mostly country/bluegrass/redneck crap.

    I do enjoy some Appalachian folk music and some Native American music is interesting.

  6. I don't listen to much of today's "music" if we have to call it that cause most of it sucks.

    Usually, I try to discover bands from different eras pre-1990 that I didn't catch the first time around. Right now I'm digging deep into the catalogs of Camel, The Alan Parsons Project, and similar groups.

    I hate this attitude. There is plenty of amazing music out today, arguably more then ever before thanks to the internet, it's just that with the slow death of the record labels bands are now just many times selling straight from their website, and many don't even bother with a label. There aren't many "super groups" any more like Led Zeppelin or the Beatles except for stuff like Hannah Montana. But that's just because preteen girls are a lot more easy to "woo" when it comes to music because of peer pressure and because they haven't heard much music period.

    Just don't be a lazy ass and get out there and look for it... my suggestion, join a pothead forum, you'll find all kinds of amazing music there because those guys (for obvious reasons) are REALLY into music.

  7. Well let's see... off the top of my head:

    Zeppelin, Beatles, Hendrix, Rage Against the Machine, Coldplay, Lisa Gerrard, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Explosions in the Sky, Mono, Queens of the Stone Age, Nirvana, The Pixies, Sigur Ros, Mogwai, Ratatat, Muse, Flogging Molly, Blink 182, Chopin (every single piece he ever wrote blows my mind), some Tchaikovsky and other random classical pieces, a LOT of classical and flamenco guitar pieces, Irish and Scottish folk music, Cajun, and just most folk music in general (except American) and then a bunch of electronica, indie-rock, and metal groups that none of you have ever heard of :D. The only genres I REALLY REALLY despise to the point where I can't be in the same room with it are country and tweeny pop like the aforementioned Hannah Montana. (I don't mind more "adult" pop like Rihanna or whatever even though she would usually never be my choice when picking something to listen to)

    Speaking of tweeny pop here's probably the worst example of it I've ever heard :D... I'm still not quite sure it's not a big parody:


  8. Check out www.dropbox.com

    I am on the PanzerCommand Ostfront beta and they have this built into the game itself. It is pretty slick. All you do is play your turn and it automatically sends it to the online dropbox folder. Your opponent is notified and he runs his turn. Back to you and so on. No saving, exiting, sending, restarting. I dont think this was in the original PC game. These guys put it in on their own. Go to the Matrix games forums and ask those guys they will help you out in setting it up.


    Dropbox is a good work around. Annoying to have to use it, but still best solution.

  9. Please stand Corrected.

    All QB Maps have multiple plans for both attacker and defender. So they are scripted. The defender always has a "counter-attack" variable timed movement to Objective order. In Meeting Engagement the AI attempts to push beyond the objective. This is the case with CMSF QB's today.

    The early days of CMSF QB's and the long...SLOW.... process of learning what makes a good QB map frustrated many CM fans. So changes made to QB Map design went generally unnoticed. I could sure understand why.

    CMBN QB includes new functions NOT seen in latter day CMSF. Testing has been really fun.

    My Personal Opinion: No AI can ever match the cunning of the human opponent, but the CMBN AI will give you a darned good run for your money.

    Ya I've noticed this... on one mission where I was taking it slow (like always when ATGMs are in the area), half the enemy suddenly ran out of their buildings and into a hail of fire from my infantry across the street. Pretty dumb. I'd rather them just stay in place or only counterattack if certain conditions are met (i.e. 75% of the attacking force's armor is destroyed)

    Just play against humans is my solution. Making decent AI for any game is incredibly difficult, for wargaming, it's almost impossible.

  10. Well, it is what typically happens once one snorts too many lines of coke.

    What Charile doesn't twig to is all the people on his twitter didn't sign up because they are eager to hear his pearls of wisdom. They signed up because they wanted to see if he can dig a deeper hole for his career and make a larger train wreck than Lindsay Lohan.

    Who cares, he should have the right to be a coke fiend if he wants. The media shouldn't be covering this at all really. It's retarded. At least now they have one of the worst disasters in the past 50 years to cover instead...

    His interviews are absolutely hilarious though. He couldn't care less what anyone thinks of him, and for that, he has my respect, even if he is nuts. And he's already sitting on a huge wad of cash I'm sure so killing his career probably doesn't matter too much to him from a financial perspective...

    Only thing I don't like is his kid(s?) being around his crazy partying with his groupies.

  11. My reply to you is just above Other Means' post, noxnoctum.

    Ya I turned EVERYTHING down to the lowest setting (fastest) including going down to 1024x768. Still average about 20 FPS. It's playable, but really uncomfortable.

    Then I maxed everything out to "Better" and was still averaging 20 FPS lol. It's like my settings have no effect whatsoever on how well the game runs. (and yes I made sure to restart the game after changing the settings).

    Then I maxed it to "Best" and turned AA on and dropped to about ~15 average FPS. Still, very tiny difference considering I went from LOWEST settings to HIGHEST. I've never seen this is in a game before... any suggestions?

    And ya my drivers are up to date, and I don't have anything running in the background except for my AV. (I tried turning that off too, no change in framerate).

    Oh ya and I don't see an option to turn off/on shadows... where is it??

    Guess my computer just sucks. I'm mystified as to why turning graphics way down didn't make any difference though.

  12. FM in BoB was top notch. The main difference is the difficulty in shooting down fighters due to said FM. Just surviving an intercept as RAF was amazing...especially if you didn't send them up in time and the Hurris and Spits are struggling to gain altitude while the JahgSaffels are slashing down in 109s....

    Add in the fact that you CAN run the entire defence of Britian...or now play a single squadron and let the computer run that part..AMAZING.

    IL2 looked pretty...and if you got into a few of the moderated campaigns it was ok, but its single player SUCKED hard.

    Like I said, multiplayer's where it's at. I participate in an organized meta-game (i.e. the commanders move armor/infantry columns around the map to seize towns and drop paratroopers, etc.) Three phases in each campaign, one early war, one mid war and one late war. Currently in mid war phase flying as RAF. I normally take the Typhoon... only RAF plane that can keep pace with those damn 190s. Plus I like having 4 20mm cannons :D.

    Anyways, we average probably around 70-80 people every night (3x a week), split into about 10 different squadrons. It's a blast coordinating attacks on a town or large armor formation... and of course flying CAP to make sure your Jabo fighters don't get blown out of the sky. And then of course the chaos when your (all human) squadron gets jumped by some guys flying at 8k.

    And taking out bombers is no easy task in IL-2 I don't know where you got that from. Even just an A-20 with a single rear gun is a pain cause the thing's pretty fast so it's hard to get a cross shot (and it's got a bunch of guns in the front so you don't want to attack head on).

    My squadron attacked a large formation of B-17s, one of our guys was in a 262, the rest of us in 190A9s or Doras or 109K4s and we got chewed up bad. And the guys I fly with are VERY good (you would be if you've been playing for a decade lol). Our two best pilots have a K/D ratio of 7-1. (again, this is against HUMANS)

    Anyways, shooting down humans > shooting down bots for me. I also like the ENORMOUS plane set in IL-2. Over 350 planes to fly. (of course this includes all the variations of the 109, spit etc.)

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