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Posts posted by noxnoctum

  1. I firmly believe that a lot of the bullies we all remember from elementary, middle, high school go into the police force... where they can continue it legally and get a nice power high to boot. At least in the States.

    Personal example (not nearly as nuts as the one in the OP by diesel but still), was in a large bike "race" (not really a competition, just the fun of biking with a TON of people)... over 500 bikers in San Jose, CA. The police were supposed to stop traffic for us. The SJ police did their job... when we got to another town we all ran a red light en masse simply because we couldn't slam on brakes with that many people (we were literally riding shoulder to shoulder... I'd say 5-10 feet from each other). If we'd tried to stop it would have been a MASSIVE bike traffic wreck. Someone might have gotten killed, many would have DEFINITELY gotten injured. A police cruiser was at the red light and turned on his lights. Everyone else sped up and ran around the corner, but me and my dumbass friend, being the "good citizens" that we are pulled over, put our bikes down and sat on the curb.

    Cops pulled up next to us, got out, and pulled their batons on us, despite the fact that we had shown ZERO hostile intent. (after all we were the only ones that pulled over when they flashed their lights). Anyways... both got tickets, I asked one how much it would be... he said $400. Flat out lie, it was about $120 IIRC. Then they had the nerve to say they were "protecting us". Ya... by pulling their batons on us LOL. If we'd stopped at the red light we would have gotten run over.

    Anyways, that's the day my naiveté about the police force went out the window.

    And then there's classics like these:


    And the more recent:

    But nothing compared to a TEN YEAR OLD BEING TASERED. These guys need to be thrown in jail ASAP. None of this "suspended without pay" BS that happens so often.

    They really need to seriously restrict the "ROE" for use of tasers and all weapons periods, lethal or non-lethal. Also some major psychological profiling of every candidate for the force needs to be implemented. Course it won't happen, cause it costs $$$, and our government would rather spend that in the Middle East launching $40,000 javelins at dudes in caves with AK47s.

  2. I better hurry up and finish all the NATO campaigns before this comes out :P. You know, I used to lament the fact that the Ostfront game was slated last after this and Bulge... but now I'm happy. The core game engine improves with every patch, so by the time Ostfront comes out I hope most of the remaining issues (LOS on cliffs for example) will be resolved :).

    EDIT: I hope the campaigns are hard as hell!

  3. It was the Airfield mission FYI. Special Forces or not I don't care... when you get a gigantic bomb dropped on you that leaves a giant crater... you die.

    Same if you have 48 dudes shooting and lobbing grenades at you at relatively short range.

    It just needs to be turned up a bit. I dunno... maybe by 50%?

    I didn't mention arty either but that's definitely an issue too. I consider it basically a waste to use my arty on anything but guys in the open or in trenches.

    Also had an apache strafe "heavy" a building twice. Everyone inside was green and I had to take them out MOUT style.

  4. I'm glad that rooftops aren't the deathtraps they used to be, but it seems to me that rubble and buildings in general provide FAR too much cover from arty fire and air support.

    The most glaring example I can think of is when I had a Tornado drop a... whatever it is... huge bomb, on a building. Direct hit, huge crater etc. Building turned to rubble instantly. At the end of the game what do I find? 4 dudes still in the rubble, 3 green, one wounded, no dead.


    Another situation: Had 5 full airborne squads (so 8 members) + 2 HQs (4 members) firing at 4 guys in rubble about 150 meters away. It took them, literally, 3 minutes to kill all 4 of them. I think I must have seen at least 50 UGL explosions right on or next to the rubble. Not to mention the constant small arms fire.

    A bit ridiculous no?

  5. /thread


    Sure you can say he blatantly ripped off large chunks from Mars, bringer of war from the planets, but I think he did an excellent "remix".

    And finally, a pretty damn cool heavy metal (I'd say it most resembles Iron Maiden) tribute to the Tempest (the fighter of course):


    Doesn't hurt that the Tempest is my favorite WW2 fighter along with the 190 :). When it comes to looks though... Tempest wins. In IL-2 Sturmovik though they're pretty much on par with each other. Both energy fighters, both have insane firepower, and both have great dive characteristics.

  6. I know there's no commercial links but this is open source so I figured I'm good. (no cost involved whatsoever)

    I used to love playing this game as a kid... unfortunately I could only find one other person near my age (12, he was 14) who was into it...

    Anyways, now there's an open source game that allows you to play Classic A&A, Revised edition, and a bunch of custom modes. Significant player base too and there's an actual lobby too so no ip connect ala CM required.

    Check it out:


    And a useful guide:


    Enjoy, and hope to fight some of you on the battlefield

    BTW you'll need to download and install pretty much all the maps to play... the link is given at the top of the chat room when you enter the lobby. Copy paste that into the main menu where it says "Download Maps" and you'll figure it out.

  7. I thought the AI was remarkably good, in fact I'd go so far as to say it was the best strategy game AI I've seen, whether that be in RTS type "clickfests", Total War type games, or wargames.

    That said, I really disliked how limited in scope the battles were. Also the game had an issue where the game crashed every 30 minutes or so (sometimes the computer with it). Kind of a turn off :P.

  8. Yep Mormons are creepy. Really creepy. They can be extremely kind on the outside but there's always something "off" I feel around them (I lived and worked with a 90% Mormon company for 2 months---we were all put up in the same hotel by the company and had multiple daily meetings and so on).

    Unless they're "lapsed" Mormons of course lol.

    Read the Sherlock Holmes story "A Study in Scarlet" if you really wanna get creeped out.


    A cartoon, but a thoroughly accurate portrayal of their beliefs.

  9. Its not red orchestra doing a poor job.Its the old unreal game engine they are using.As it struggles with cover behind objects and laying down on the ground as well.But how old is the original engine now?

    ^^^ This. The engine is ancient.

    The new game will let individual crewmen be killed INSIDE the tank and have you actually crawling around inside it (ala Silent Hunter for example, but in a tank)

  10. This is one of my favorite Earth Shots, but I don't think it's a Hubble shot.


    Some times its an optical delusion (sic). The sand dunes are hills then sometimes they look like the valleys.

    Man that's trippy, seriously looks like something out of an LSD trip. The repetitive nature of it especially.

    How do you get it to make it an optical illusion? Do I need to focus on something specific cause nothing's happening to me.

  11. "Ballyragget struck the German tank amidships disabling the tank and causing its crew to bail out. "

    'Disabling' covers a multitude of outcomes, most of them a long way short of flipping or tipping the King Tiger.

    Aye but a T34 might be able to turn on its side a PZIV (more or less the same weight IIRC).

    Obviously nothing will flip a KT.

  12. It figures that Noxnoctum would bring something like this up.

    I have seen that retarded stunt pulled by players all the time in RO, among other things...but hey, its unfortunately a no-holds-bar kind of game anyways and very little is remotely realistic.

    If it was up to me half-the things in RO would be banned.

    - Ramming, use of enemy weapons, Setting off charges before entering vehicle, etc, etc.

    I just hope they fix most of these issues in RO: HoS, but I fear some things will not change.





    Whilst taking part in Operation Goodwood east of Cagny, Lt John Gorman who was a Troop Commander in the 2nd Armoured Battalion was probing forward in his Sherman tank 'Ballyragget' when suddenly he found himself broadside to a German King Tiger , the massive German tank that no-one had yet seen. On seeing the tank he gave the order to fire his 75mm gun at it but it just bounced off the armour of the great German monster. On giving the order to fire again he was informed by the gunner that the gun was jammed and could not fire again. By now the German Tiger Tank was traversing his 88m gun onto the defenceless Sherman tank. On seeing this Lt Gorman ordered his driver L/Cpl James Brown to ram the Tiger Tank. Ballyragget struck the German tank amidships disabling the tank and causing its crew to bail out. After seeing his own crew to saftey, Lt Gorman commandeered a Firefly, 'Ballymena', whose commander had been killed and continued to fire at the Tiger tank with his new-found 18 pounder gun until it's destruction was complete. For this action Lt John Gorman was awarded the Military Cross and his driver L/Cpl James Brown was awarded the Military Medal.



    Full story:


  13. Ya... a shame. Thanks for going to the trouble of testing it out.

    Until it's fixed I'll be using split unless I'm in a multiplayer RT battle and just don't have time. That is, unless there's some MASSIVE offensive bonus when you use the assault command... but there doesn't appear to be, at least IME .

  14. I was having an argument over some rules in a Red Orchestra tournament... they had banned tank flipping (i.e. intentionally ramming your tank into another with the intention of making it at least point up in the air, if not completely turn it on its side)... and I was complaining that the Russians had actually done this in WW2. I swear I read about it somewhere but I can't remember... does anyone have evidence for this or am I wrong? Pictures would be great :), but just a link to a reliable source would be fine too.

  15. As someone who lived in a Muslim country for 6 years where all the buildings have flat roofs, I can assure you that there is no cover there whatsoever on 95% of the average homes. Unless you count laundry drying out on a rope :P.

    So yes, this needs to be remedied. I'd say troops on rooftops should only gain a 10% advantage over troops in open ground/dirt, just to account for the rare house that does have some sort of small bit of cover (i.e. a giant satellite dish or something of that nature).

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