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Posts posted by lordhedgwich

  1. I have always thought quick battle in previous CM games were boring, but CMBS is different. The maps are great the AI can be spotty but for the most part puts up a decent fight. I hope future releases of CM games have even better quick battles they really add to the games value. Good Job Battlefront  :D

  2. Some good suggestions, but not all would be in my top 10. Anything that would improve the AI is always a step in the right direction so i am always for that.


    Most of what I think would be good to add to the game are all features from cmx1 that have proven to work that i hope return.:

    1) +1 to the return of the ability to adjust points manually for QBs to desired setting, and to the return of a MIX variation that limits points for each branch to spend on.


    2) The return of the ability to select a unit by clicking on its movement orders line.


    3) And MOST of all to the return of passenger, open, or floor on status in the UI, and the return of some color coding for better ammo supply awareness. This last one should not be too much problem as the game already has code for swapping graphics, and color coding text upon condition. Shown under the portrait in this example would be text of either passenger, open, or floor # when the condition applies. In game it would overlay the text same way “bogged”, “immobilized”, “pinned” ect… do over the suppression meter when the condition applies. Contextually this text fits well with the portrait, and makes it more informative so one does not have to move the camera as much to determine those statuses like in cmx1.


    Currently if a troop is carrying a weapon, and it is out of ammo there is nothing that jumps out at the player to notice this. Instead of the ammo text disappearing as it does now it would improve awareness if it stayed, showed “0”, with the text changing to red similar to how it does when a vehicle part gets damaged.



    oohhh I like that my germans are always running out of 9mm lol 

  3. You can still play the scenarios that were released with the game as Red Vs AI (it's a condition of a scenario being included with the game that it's playable vs either side) - just often - depending on the situation e.g. attack that the AI may not handle an attack as well as a human player would, so the designer may label it as preferable to play one side vs the other AI. Still it would let you use Russian kit.

    I actually didnt know that... I feel silly now I might go try a few thanks  :wub:

  4. I normally only play scenarios in the CM games and i didnt notice this at release but nearly half the scenarios are "best played blue vs ai" which to me is a shame since the russian equipment is more "exotic" and fun to use. Just think its an odd design choice and in future modules would like to see more Russian side scenarios 

  5. In CM games i normally just play scenarios but recently i have really wanted to try and play the campaigns, but i get too stressed over the death of my troops knowing they wont be there next mission lol Is that weird? I get all worked up and just end up be overly cautious which usually causes my men to get hit by arty from being idle too long  :rolleyes:  Anyone else have this problem?

  6. I don't know much about the Battlepack so this is nothing 'official', but I would expect that each scenario would require different modules and any scenarios that had stuff in it from a module you didn't have would simply be unplayable by you unless or until you got that pack or module.  All scenarios that only included stuff from modules you already own would work like any other scenario for those modules.  So my guess is that - say you would have CMBN only and the pack contains twenty scenarios and three campaigns or something (Just using the standard number from past releases - once again, not an official number).  If only say - seven of the scenarios have stuff specific to the CMBN base game then you would have seven playable scenarios, thirteen unplayable and inaccessible scenarios, and three campaigns that you couldn't use after purchasing the pack.  As you added modules to what you own then more scenarios would become 'available' for you use. 


    Once again, this is just me guessing as I'm not involved in the Battlepack in any way and I don't even know what's in it.  It's the only way I can think of as to how it might work though.  Naturally all the scenarios would have to have some sort of ironclad way of forcing the player to own the Battlepack itself in order to access any of the scenarios at all or the whole thing wouldn't work.


    Edited to add that presumably whenever the Battlepack is added to the store there would be some sort of notification as to how much stuff is specific to each game or module so the consumer can make an informed choice as to whether they want to get it or not.

    I have everything but the vehicle pack. I might pick it up if there are several scenarios using assets from the pack. That is the only reason i didnt buy it. I dont play quick battles or PBEM so it wouldnt be of any use to me, but if there are scenarios for the pack i will most likely but it

  7. We've had the "your graphics suck" discussion since before we even had a name for CMBO in 1998. It's not hurt our sales because the game is what people are looking for. If we had graphics that were better than Arma3 (which would require about $50,000,000 just for starters), guess what an Arma3 fanatic would say? "Great graphics, but the game sucks". If the game doesn't appeal to the player, the graphics simply don't matter.

    Now, I would love to have a $50m budget for a single CM title. That would be fantastic! But that's never going to happen, so we have to live within our means. When CM's graphics are compared against other serious strategy/war games we come out looking damned awesome. Could we look better? Sure, but see previous comment about living within our means.

    Over time we have improved the game's look. We have improved its performance. We can continue to do that for a while yet. But yes, at some point it will run its course. Whether we'll be interested in putting another 2-3 years into a new game engine that caters to an exclusive and niche market remains to be seen. I'm not saying we won't, I'm just saying it's not a foregone conclusion. We have been at this particular game series for about 10 years now and 5 with the previous. Nothing lasts forever.


    This comment worries me makes it sound like we dont have much more combat mission coming =(

  8. So i was talking to a guy on my friends list on steam. and we start talking about about combat mission he said he played the really old ones a long time ago and he really liked them...So i sent him a link to black sea and tell him to check that out, and the first thing he says is "The graphics kind of suck." I dont understand how people can say that.. I think amount of detail in CM games is amazing! i dont understand people sometimes. Anyone else ever had something similar happen?

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