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Everything posted by jspec

  1. Thanks again for doing these, just had a chance to try out the 'terrain 10' file and it really helped with that terrain 'popping in' I was seeing. Much smoother now, really looks good.
  2. Cool, thanks for the info. It's not a 'deal breaker' or anything, just was curious as to why it might be happening. Should just really use the 'ctrl + mouse clicking' method to jump around anyway, as panning/moving the camera has always been so sluggish in CM games. Anyway thanks again for doing these, looking forward to downloading the files tonight.
  3. No problem! Thanks again for doing these, just checked them out for minute in a scenario I'm playing and they look great. One question, I noticed the terrain seems to 'pop in' a little more obviously as I move the camera forward (as in a 'tracking shot' across one end of the map to the other). I'm guessing that's just an effect of having the higher res textures?
  4. Downloaded the terrain files, looking forward to checking them out. I think there's a problem with "Ground 4", when I download it's named "Ground 5" and after unzipping it looks like the files inside the folder are the same as the "Ground 5" folder. Thanks again for doing these!
  5. Thanks for creating these. Been in the mood for some CMSF lately, just tried out these buildings and they're a nice improvement! Looking forward to checking out the terrain-
  6. hi - just a little bump to see if there is any news, as this problem cropped up for me in the Market Garden campaign this weekend. thanks!
  7. Thanks again Erwin! Looks like I was further ahead than I thought (more like mission 11) but this is much, much better than trying to start over again. Really appreciate it, take care.
  8. oh man that's awesome - thank you! I'm stuck at the set up for "Pappenburg", sorry not sure what # mission that is. I think it might actually be around 8 or 9, I can try and figure it out later when I'm home from work. pm on the way-
  9. Hi - I've been enjoying the campaign as well. Hate to be a bother, but I was wondering if there's any chance you might be able to send me one of your save games? I've run into a snag, and unfortunately the help desk hasn't bee able to sort it out yet... basically a corrupted save file, and I can't continue past a certain point. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=113155 Really can't bare the thought of starting the whole thing over again, but really want to finish it. Thanks!
  10. Well glad you made it back okay, and thanks for your service. Looking forward to those missions whenever you get around to them!
  11. Combatintman, thanks for the explanation - felt like I was advancing slow enough, but thinking about it now, with all that time I could have been even more cautious. Also I suppose even though I was careful with civilian buildings, some of my apache targeting orders could have been a little less... 'vigorous'. Was just so nice to have some air power again! (been playing cmbn/fi lately) take care-
  12. Thanks for the mission, really liked it. Just finished up playing and I've got a few questions when you get a chance- (spoiler-ish, a little, below). I ended up with a minor defeat, 150 to 194. I failed 'civilian buildings', and unconventional secured 'enemy casualties' (10 killed on my side, rushed a bit at one point and those rpgs got me!) The game ended with 57 minutes still to go, is that because of the score? Meaning I couldn't have won even if I successfully assaulted the compound? I was just working my way up to it when it ended. I had knocked down most of the defenses, but the main buildings were pretty much untouched and the end screen showed there were still lots of enemy in there. Also, I really tried to only shoot at buildings after I had been shot at from them- granted, once I was I leveled them, but I wasn't carpet bombing the whole place. Should I have only shot back with small arms to avoid the 'civilian buildings' penalty? was fun still, so thanks again - looking forward to that campaign of yours!
  13. ha! yes, just got excited to see some menu/ui improvements so I had to pop out of the game for a sec and post. not being able to delete saves in game was a little pet peeve I had.
  14. love how you can sort battles by size! and assign keystrokes in the menu! and delete saves from inside the game! little things in the grand scheme I guess but really nice.
  15. Thanks for the update, and good luck with everything over there! Looking forward to playing this (whenever it happens to be finished).
  16. I know that's why I had to skip it! I like the idea of a "friendly fire" incident (in theory, of course) but man it's brutal. Plus, an F-15E? I don't even want to think about how many bombs that thing can carry! I decided to skip the mission on the 20 minute mark when I lost my 2nd leo; couldn't imagine playing through for any longer with that plane roaming around. Just as a note/aside/suggestion, it would have been cool to put something in the briefing for the next mission about the friendly fire incident - would clear up any confusion about what was going on (I'm assuming the briefing in the next 'stand-alone' mission is the same as the one in the campaign, it doesn't mention anything).
  17. Hi again, Just tried the standalone "Over the hill" mission from the repository, the same thing happened - around minute 8 I lost a Fenneck to a jet. Guessing there has to be some kind of problem with the mission in general, right? Gives me a new appreciation for anyone playing as the Syrians... man it's disheartening to get blown to kingdom come like that! Not that big a deal since the airfield mission is standalone, I can at least finish the campaign (assuming that's the last mission?) Just wanted to give a head's up in case someone else was playing it.
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