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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. I have uploaded "Fall Weiss II" version 2.1


    Some Major Script Changes from 2.1 Include:

    70 New Decision Events

    50 New Mobilization Scripts

    25 New Unit Events

    Linked many War Entry Variable Scripts to Axis/Allied Decisions

    Enabled Surface Ship Raiding

    Lowered Russia's Initial Starting Values, and some AI unit Scripts

    Now in this Mod the Major Nations will interact much more diplomatically and economically with minor nations. Minors can also build there Army's under the "Fog of Neutrality." So be aware when Military Decisions are executed minor nations will be better or worse prepared for war depending on the decisions made in game.

  2. Another update for anyone who plays this:

    Still working on the new political environment i'm trying to integrate into my mod. I'm adding an additional 25-30 new decisions, and the subsequent events that follow, so the update is pushed back a bit further. Most of the new events focus on Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Vichy France.

    Just to be clear, most event are not about about getting a country to 100% so they will join the war. I'm trying to introduce purchasing programs, foreign trade etc.

    For example: On Turn 1 Germany has the option of expanding economic relations with Switzerland. Germany can choose to store plundered gold reserves in the Swiss bank, and through the Swiss can begin foreign trade with some nations such as Portugal, which results from subsequent decision events. Although as a precondition to trade with Portugal, Spain will have to be aligned with the Axis (at least 1% to create a trade route). And Portugal will of course will not participate if they are aligned with the Allies.

    Expanding economic relations with the Swiss also allow Germany to purchase ground weapons, ammunition and small arms from Switzerland through a purchasing program. However, should the Swiss swing towards the Allies, the UK has the opportunity to pressure the Swiss to seize the German Gold Reserves, in which case Germany will lose a large amount of MPP. Subsequently, Germany will have the option to declare war on Switzerland and if victorious, will recover the same amount of lost MPP (in addition to regular in game plunder). But declaring war with Switzerland has it's own consequences on the political map.

    So as you can see it gets pretty complicated but it's fun to sit back and think about the pros and cons of every decision you make, and there is more replay value when you always wonder if you made a wrong move.

    A side note:

    Although I really enjoy Fall Weiss II because of the speed of the game, much of what I've been building into this mod will be replicated in my other mod 1939 War In Europe for those who like the larger map.

  3. I am currently play testing "Fall Weiss II" 2.1

    I have made some changes to Russia:

    - Reduced Russian mobilization from 20% to 15%

    - Removed 1 Industrial Technology Research chit from Russia at game start

    - Reduced some Russian AI unit scripts.

    I have made many changes to how both the Axis and Allies interact diplomatically with each other, and with minor nations. I have attempted to integrate the following countries into a web of diplomatic actions and reactions: (UK, USA, USSR, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Sweden, Portugal)

    I have changed the previously included variable War Entry scripts to be now mostly dependent on decision events made by Major Countries.

    Added some new unit decision events, some of which apply to neutral countries who can now build forces prior to joining the war.

    I will upload 2.1 soon after I have finished play testing.

  4. Here's a preview of the new approaches on diplomacy:

    German Decision:

    Mein Führer, Franco has permitted volunteers from Spain to join the Germany Army for the war on the Eastern Front. The volunteers will be officially known as the blue division. However, intelligence reports that Franco may be sending the Blue division to rid himself of intense fascists and anti-communists, while simultaneously repaying Germany for support during the Spanish civil war. If our intelligence is true, acceptance of the Blue Division into the German army may position Franco to further delay our requests of joining the war. Mein Führer, Shall we accept Franco's offer and permit the Blue Division into the German Army?

    Uk Decision:

    The leader of Spain, Generalissimo Franco has permitted a group of volunteers known as the Blue Division to join the German Army in the war against Russia. Both Stalin and Franco are watching closely for our reaction. Strongly condemning Franco's loose involvement with Hitler should help cool Stalin's temper, but would also damage our diplomatic relations with Spain. Alternatively, we could not react at all. However, Stalin's observation of our idle approach with Fascist Spain's involvement on the Eastern Front may cause Russia to be less co-operative with us in the future. Should we strongly condemn Franco for sending the Blue Division to the Eastern Front?

    Italy Decision:

    Il, Duce it has been reported in a letter from Franco that if Spain is to join the war there are lists of necessities they will require from Germany. It is advisable that we make preparations to assist in fulfilling these requirements that Franco will demand before entering the war. Il Duce, do you approve of sending military equipment to Spain? 10 MPP for 10 Turns.

  5. Acrashb, I think waiting until Russia was prepared for war was probably one of your mistakes. Russia gets a lot of MPP and if they were able to collect a high income all summer and fall at increasing war readiness percentages, and probably increased industrial technology over that course they probably were capable of spending a lot on units without fighting at all. For example, in the fall they were probably collecting 500-600 MPP which i'm sure was much more then Germany at the time. Also, by declaring war in Late 1941 there was probably too little time to make any headway in Russia before the winter, when typically, this time is a regrouping period for the Russians. I think preparing for a Late May- Early July DOW will give significantly different results if you start over with a new strategy.

    Regardless though, for the next update I will adjust the Russians.

  6. I have some questions about Scripting,

    I am wondering if it is possible to have multiple Links for an event to happen.

    One example would be:

    Germany says Yes to DE 1

    Germany say No to DE 2

    = Event happens

    Or more complicated such as:

    German says Yes to DE 1

    Germany says Yes to DE 2

    UK says No to DE 3

    = Event happens

    Also, can I have an explanation as to why there is an option for a condition position that is never satisfied.


  7. I'll gladly take an endorsement from the developer any day. Thanks Hubert

    Before my Mod is even available I have upload "Fall Weiss II" 1.1

    - Fixed a decision script for 7th Armour (UK) which would not pop up if Italy didn't join Axis before September 1940

    - Added UK decision event Destroyers for Bases

    - Removed Pro-Axis coup in Ireland (2%)

    - Fixed Carrier Intercepts which were still set at 2

    - Added Mine in UK to help offset the cost of expanded Naval game

    - Added German Decision event for a counter offensive after France has liberated

  8. Some more on some in game features:

    France aside, Italy is the only country in the campaign that will actually surrender from National Morale, as I could't see any of the other majors quitting the war without being totally overrun. If Italy loses all of it's National Morale objectives, including Italian East Africa they will be in position to surrender. However, I have set National Morale losses at such amounts that the success/failure of the Italian Navy will sway the country's morale up or down from the surrender point. If the Italian Navy is destroyed AND the objectives have been taken then Italy will surrender. However, significant Italian success at sea such (sinking Allied ships boosts NM) and more so survival of Italian ships should keep the Italians with enough NM to keep fighting on.

    I also attempted to include decision events in such a way that none of them are automatic "Yes" because it really doesn't accomplish anything. Many of the decision events come at inopportune times, or no MPP value which means that you actually are only making strategic decisions.

    Germany does not get the opportunity to upgrade any French ports. Rather there is an opportunity to place units on the French coast via decision event. I have done my best to create a window of opportunity for the German Fleet to try to break out into the Atlantic by creating this diversion off the French coast.

    Germany and the UK both have simultaneous decisions on Naval strategy, and a subsequent "showing of your cards" at a later date.

    Axis oil shortages are going to hinder German and Italian economies later in the game. This can of course be avoided if they can get there hands on some more oil.

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