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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. I would say that almost all of these could be accomplished. If their was an armistice i'm sure the terms of the armistice would determine their gains of conquered areas. For example there could be multiple armistice decision events that are triggered depending on conquered territories, so only the correct armistice decision event would fire. Territorial scripts can be linked to the proper armistice script as well. Also if a decision event is used to trigger the armistice then there will always remain a link that can be used to trigger unit positions/strengths upon reactivation of that country. There are ways to maintain higher production, despite lower war readiness (MPP helpers for major countries) however, war production would probably have to be lower as per terms of any true armistice. Also War Entry scripts can be linked to the armistice to reactive a nation, however I don't think there is a clock timer function to activate in 1 year, but rather some event would have to trigger a nation entering war a second time.

  2. UK and Commonwealth forces strike first West of El Alamein nearly completely destroying an Italian Army. Italian Armour moves into battle position but inflicts only moderate damage to the highly experienced Foreign Legion Corps that has recently arrived in Egypt. The ensuing battle here will be very important as Germany has no immediate plans of sending troops to Africa after the poor plunder of Paris (only 237 MPP). Germany is hastily trying to build it's forces for it's next large plan.

    Near Italy the Allied Naval Fleet has backed into the Mediterranean possibly sensing the Italian counter attack.


  3. This may be the entirety of the UK Mediterranean fleet that has come aggressively close to Italian shores. However, the Italian fleet was ill positioned to effectively attack. Instead, an Italian sub group moved into the safety of port, and German Tactical Bombers into southern Italy to strike some fear into the carrier who has parked within in range of two of our ports. I should note that all Battleships are strength 11, and Carrier 12/12 in this mod.

    In Africa, the Italians moved closer on El Alamein with their Tank group behind the front lines. Who will blink first?


  4. An Italian corps scouts ahead to find the earlier mentioned UK Tank Corps stationed at El Alamein. This will be trouble as the Italians are ill equipped to break through the bottleneck as long as it is held by Armour.


    Germany moves a Bomber Group to Norway to scout a safe route for the U-boat groups to break out into the Atlantic to commence raiding activities. Elsewhere Germany starts to plan for their next strategic move.

  5. German Paratroopers complete an all out offensive on the French capital and in early July 1940 German High Command agrees to the formation of Vichy France.


    Though we have agreed to let Vichy act as an autonomous government, there are of course still requirements to be fulfilled. We have however, decided to make life a little more pleasant within Vichy territory.


    In reaction the UK has ordered that the Vichy French Government not be recognized and have launched operation catapult and destroyed the Vichy French Fleet in Algeria. Italy has now joined the war after the French defeat at Paris and is poised to attack Egypt. The British have reacted by rushing Aussie and New Zealand reinforcements to Egypt and the Foreign French Legion has also arrived. The Italians should tread carefully as the Allied AI is rumored to have had a tank corps stationed in Egypt since September.

  6. June 1940

    The German Blitzkrieg has reached the gates of Paris, and the German Army has cut off the remaining French Armies along the Maginot Line. 1 British corps has already retreated West of Paris as the French defenses are near collapse.

    Italy has finished strengthening their attack force in Libya and are nearing entry to war. Their objective will be to strike quickly towards Egypt and capture the Suez canal. If Franco will join our war effort and seize Gibraltar the Allies will be be crippled in the Mediterranean. This month Italy has begun sending 100 MPP (divided over 4 turns) of war materials to Spain to help better prepare their ally for war.


  7. The Norwegians must have been tipped off of our planned invasion as Norway joined the Allies at the end of the AI's turn.


    Luckily clear weather prevailed and before the UK had time to reinforce the Norwegian coast, operation Weserubung sprung into action.

    Germany's planned invasion of France also began, and the French lines of defense have already been broken and the French Tank Group destroyed. Even with the presence of multiple British infantry units, the march to Paris will be much easier without opposing French Armour.

    Germany has also initiated Naval Plan Z, and has begun construction of an Aircraft Carrier.


  8. Winter 1940

    Very little action to report on the Western Front still. Germany waits only for the snow to break to commence their attack through Belgium.


    In Northern Denmark the final stages of planning for the invasion of Norway are complete. Also Italy has decided to sell aircraft to Sweden. As a result Italy will not receive a new fighter unit, but the MPPs are a welcome sight. Germany also decided to launch the Lutzow Cruiser under the German flag. Stalin is furious as the cruiser was promised to USSR under the Molotov pact.


  9. December 1939

    After the conquest of Denmark snow besieged the continent. German forces sit on the Belgian border likely awaiting the spring thaw. Victory over France is imminent and is only delayed by winter's breath.

    The German Command was advised (via decision) to to scrap the Tirpitz Battleship and to instead direct our limited naval resources to new U-boat groups, but we have ignored this advice and are preparing for direct surface to surface naval war with the UK.

    Germany has also invested in the infrastructure on Spain's wolfram mines in an attempt to reclaim Spain's debt from the Spanish civil war. Though the costs of doing so are high (100 MPP divided over 4 turns) we are confident that this precious material will have great value to us in a lengthy war.

    Germany has decided to send diplomats to Portugal.


  10. Poland fell on Turn 2 and the nation has been split between Germany and USSR as per the Molotov Pact, but not before a fleet of free Polish destroyers arrived in the UK.

    Across the Atlantic, the Canadian government finally declared war on Germany. While in Europe, Portugal openly protested our invasion of Poland and swung towards the Allies some.

    In The Mediterranean, the UK has opted to upgrade their air defense on their island fortress of Malta. Meanwhile the Italian's are building their strength in Libya.


  11. I've enjoyed many of the recent AAR's and decided to do one of my own. I chose Fall Weiss II (my mod of the original) an am playing Axis vs Allied AI. Setting are 100% and +1 Experience bonus.

    Here is a snapshot of the starting scenario in Europe:


    No surprises here. The Polish Army is cut to pieces as German Tanks roll towards Warsaw. In Northern Italy, Italian forces thin considerably and set sail for Libya, suggesting Italy will not be committing to invading France. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic an old Deutschland Cruiser and German u-boat group prepare to being raiding activities.


    Decisions, Decisions! Germany and Italy had 4 Decisions pop up on at the end of turn 1. High command has decided that Spain would make a very suitable ally for the coming war and has decided to help Franco return his nation to fighting shape. Mussolini of course followed suit, even though spending Italy's limited resources on Spain may prove costly. We have also decided that Switzerland would make a finer trading partner then a belligerent nation. As long as the UK doesn't intervene this could be the beginning of a long and happy relationship.



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