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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. If you like playing Axis and like fast play I have a campaign in the repository called Fall Weiss II (for WW1 Base engine) that you might enjoy.

    It has many more decision events as the Axis which should help guide you through the early years of the game and define your strategies.

    As for your questions:

    1. Select Yes to Vichy France and France will surrender

    2. The naval game is a bit of rock paper scissors, but if you want a tip for Italy try using your Submarine as bait and ambush the Allies.

    3. As for opening moves define your strategy right away and stick to it. If you want to go for Sealion build paratroops and Tac Air. If you build paratroops immediately you could have 3 groups at your disposal in time for sealion.

    If you want Spain to join the Axis to have access to Gibraltar begin investing in Diplomacy early. If the Italian and German Navy can link up they can be very effective.

    These are just a few examples. But you should define your strategy early and keep to the plan.

    4. The basic Axis DOW plan is Poland (fall 1939), France (spring 1940), Russia (spring/summer) 1941. Use this time after France falls to prepare a massive force for war with Russia.

  2. Thanks for the feedback! I will be sure that all of these will be included.

    As I've been working through this I think that beginning the game in July 1937 may be a better option. July 1937 was the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War and it will probably be better to begin the game with 2 Major countries at war. I will probably use this date to begin the Spanish Civil war and Italy's invasion of Ethiopia, although the wars began earlier it will probably be better to condense these years into 1937's events.

    Also Cantonna, I know you have moved your mod over game engines, how much work was that? After completing this I may want to move it over to the WWI Engine.

  3. I am working on a yet to be named mod that will begin in October 1935. The early game action will focus around the Second Italo–Abyssinian War, the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Spanish Civil war. So there will be fighting, but also this time will also allow players to make strategic decisions politically, and decisions on war preparations.

    New countries will include Austria, Slovakia, Republican Spain, Fascist Spain, Manchukuo, Ethiopia, Communist China and Italian East Africa.

    I am posting this to see if anyone has any suggestions of decisions/events that they feel would be particularly important to include in the game spanning the time between October 1935 and September 1939. I would much appreciate it!

  4. I have a question about unit scripts, here is a scenario:

    - German Decision event 1 pops up January 1941: If Yes then a unit script fires

    - Unit script fires on March 1941 to have unit appear on March 1 at Kiev

    Additional information:

    German occupation of Kiev is not a variable condition for Decision 1

    So I know that if Germany does not occupy Kiev by March 1941 this unit will not appear near Kiev on that date obviously. My question is what will happen to this unit? If Kiev has not been occupied by the Axis which of the following will happen? will the the unit appear:

    (a) at the next closest German occupied city?

    (B) in Germany?

    © will it only appear when/if Kiev is occupied by Germany?

    I think I have not come across this scenario, but I would not like to have a decision event not work if someone can not reach Kiev by March 1941 as the Axis.

  5. Upcoming changes for version 3.0

    - Carriers changed to 2 Strikes/Intercepts

    - Added 1 UK Cruiser (Allied AI) Britain

    - Added 1 UK Cruiser (Allied AI) Mediterranean

    - Added 1 USA Cruiser (Allied AI) New York

    - New National Morale Events (Spanish War Entrance, Stalingrad, Moscow, Cairo, Malta, Gibraltar, Success/Failure of Fall Blau)

    - New Decision Event for Germany (Fall Blau)

    - New Decision Event for USSR (Stalingrad Workers)

    - New Unit Scripts (Fall Blau, Stalingrad Workers)

    - Changed some Mobilization scripts (Turkey)

    - Fixed some AI Garrison scripts for Minor Countries

    - Changed some AI Diplomacy scripts

    - Changed some AI Research scripts

    - Added 1 Italian Tank (Strength 3) to Map

    - Increased Chance of Free French naval units (Allied AI only)

  6. Hi comsolut,

    It would help me for balancing if you could give me some feedback on how some of the changes have effected the game for you. Answering any of these questions will definitely help me for my final update.

    As Axis:

    How far have you been able to push into Russia in 1941?

    When were you prepared to DOW Russia?

    How has the North African campaign played out?

    How well has Germany done in the Atlantic?

    Have you had have favorable results with foreign trade?

    Has Allied intervention suffocated the German economy late in the war?

    As Allies:

    Were you able to clear the Atlantic of Axis raiders?

    How has the North African campaign played out?

    As Russia were you able to halt the German Advance in the Spring of 1942?

    Were you able to suffocate Germany's economy late in the war?

  7. I will be uploading version 2.3 today

    Some changes include:

    Error fixes:

    - Portugal Joining the Allies without proper in game variables

    - Turkey joining the Allies without proper in game variables

    - Iraq will now join the Axis unless the UK prepares Operation Sabine

    - An Axis AI error where Germany would deploy Rommel in both Berlin and Tripoli if the Axis AI chose "no" to sending Rommel to Africa

    - Eliminated the chance of Turkey joining the Allies before Russia was at war

    - Fixed an error where Russian cruiser deployed outside of the Baltic Sea


    - Added some Axis AI German Naval unit scripts to make it more difficult for the Allies to win the war at sea

    - Added some Axis AI Italian Naval unit scripts to make it more difficult for the Allies to win the Mediterranean

    - Increased Axis AI aggression against Benelux, and France as Germany would previously react to slowly to defeat France

    - Increased probability of American landings in Africa (Allied AI)

    - Changed some Axis AI offensive scripts so they would not be cancelled due to in game variants

    - Reduced Denmark corps to strength 1 (previously 3)

    - Changed Axis AI diplomacy to better protect convoys and Foreign trade programs

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