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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. I have completed my 2nd mod, Fall Weiss II. I will be uploading it to the repository tonight as I've finished balancing and play testing.

    Some quick notes:

    - The game uses the base map from SC2 Weapons and Warfare.

    - The smaller map means that the AI plays at lightning speed, and most AI turns last only 10 seconds to a 1 minute. It is pretty refreshing to play from Poland to Russia in one sitting!

    - Added many of the decision events that have become mainstays on the WW2 campaigns that fit into the scale of this campaign

    - Added new decision events

    - National Morale features

    - Expanded Naval Strategies

    - Added some new countries

    - Many In Game Variants for replay value

    - Fighters and Carriers are back to single strike/interception

    - Nearly All Battleships are 11/+1 Strength/Experience (On Map and scripted)

    - All Carriers are 12/+2 Strength/Experience (On Map and scripted)

  2. - Changed Poland from Allied Major to Allied Minor

    - Changed Romania and Finland from Axis Minors, to Axis Majors

    - Added New States Slovakia and Croatia

    - Updated AI Scripts

    - Added AI for Romania and Finland

    Major Changes (Convoy, Resource, Supply, Strength)

    - Added Convoys (Turkey>USSR), (Germany>Finland)

    - German Industry Expansion

    - Allied Strategic Bombing

    - Axis Oil Shortages

    - Atomic Bomb

    - Industrial Unrest > UK, Germany, Italy, Finland

    - Russian Scorched Earth near Stalingrad

    - Poison Gas Attack

    - Added Some Mines to Map (UK, Germany, Russia)

    Major Changes (Decisions or Units)

    - Rommel

    - Schwerer Gustav/Dora Rail Guns

    - Development and Usage of Atomic Bomb

    - German Naval Strategy

    - Finland may sign the Tripartite Pact

    - Positon Gas

    - Atomic Bombs

    - Luftwaffe Expansion

    - HQ's added to Map (USA, UK, Commonwealth)

    - Many more unit decision scripts

    - British Africa strengthened to put more Pressure on Germany to reinforce Libya

    Major Changes (National Morale)

    - Lowered NM values of Supply centers

    - Added NM scripts for Cairo, Gibraltar, Malta, El Alamein, Territorial Gains/Loses, Success or Failure of Fall Blau, Vyborg, Spanish War Entrance, Bulgarian, Romanian and Hungarian Surrenders, Tobruk, Tripoli, Benghazi, Palermo, Syracuse, Winter War, Continuation War, Tripartite Pact, And changes to exisiting Morale scripts


    - New avenues of surrender for Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania (Some Moral linked, some tactically threatened or both)

    - Added some Territorial annexations (USSR, Croatia, Romania, France, Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Yugoslavia)

    War Entry

    - 40 + War Entry Decision scripts that have low percentages of activating

    - Some new Mobilization scripts (ie. Switzerland condemning poison gas)

    ------------And Much More

  3. Here's a progress update for anyone interested.

    Did a play test into 1942 and am pretty happy thus far, fixing a few balancing issues currently and adding some more decisions, National Morale events etc. That I felt should have been additions to the game as I was playing through.

    Having Romania as a Major has felt right so far, if they (and their Hungarian Minor) are used as cannon fodder they will not be easily replaced. You can sometimes reach level 1 infantry prior to war with Russia but it gets pretty hard to research afterwards.

    Finland has been a tough nut as they historically were concerned about recapturing territory, but I have found ways around that. 1 Big way has been a key decision event that basically has the player decide if Finland will Join the Axis or just fight their own little war with Russia.

    If they join the Axis it's a double edged sword. The help they will get from Germany (MPP, units) is unrepeatable within their own resources and build limits but will also be met with contempt from the Western Allies and within their own borders.

  4. There's lots of changes. I'll list a few more here since you asked! These are basically just snippets of how I approached some events:

    On German Industry/Resources:

    - Some expansion of Industries as the war progresses

    - Oil Shortages depleting industry/MPP

    - Industrial Unrest as Morale Lowers

    - Allied Bombing Raids

    - Possibility of Atomic Bomb Attack

    On Stalingrad:

    - Failure to capture Stalingrad in 1942 results in large Axis National morale losses and military loses on Stalingrad front

    - AI help for Russian on Stalingrad front, (Military Forces and Stronger Scorched Earth around Stalingrad)

    - Morale boosts for Axis capture of Stalingrad

    North Africa:

    - Germany can direct forces from the Eastern Front to Africa (Rommel, DAK)

    - Italy can reinforce Africa or the mainland

    - Increased Allied presence for balancing

    - Italian morale tied to holding the region

    Finnish Surrender:

    - Finland will withdraw from the war when there National Moral falls below 1%

    - Finland may withdraw from the war if it loses territories it reclaimed in the Continuation War

    - Finland will surrender if conquered

  5. 12.png

    I have completed my first ever mod, 1939 War In Europe and am currently doing a final play test. I've decided after that is finished I will upload it to the repository for any interested players.

    I have made some few hundred changes to Event scripts and some AI scripts.

    Finland and Romania are Axis majors in this campaign, and Poland is no longer a Major. There are also a few new historically minor countries in this campaign.

    National morale plays a new larger role in this campaign, then in Storm Over Europe, and some countries have more than the regular avenue of Surrender.

    There are 40+ War Entry scripts that fire at random low percentages (You may hit none or a few per game), to give them game some replay value. These are clearly labeled and can toggled off on the decision screen.

    Axis and Allied AI is fully functional and updated for any changes to the campaign.

    Special credit to Cantona66. Many changes were inspired by his great Mod.

  6. Sorry I meant Slovakia. I have Slovakia on the map as a puppet state. It has only a corps, and a decision event offering the choice to raise a second corps on the Eastern Front prior to war with Russia.

    Having Slovakia on the map serves 2 purposes, it represents higher costs of outfitting a few extra units, even if it is only a few. And the extra MPP from Slovakia having a capital helps offset the fact that Hungary and Romania no longer share MPP with Germany in my mod. I changed Bulgaria back to a German minor last night.

  7. Hey everyone!

    I really like to tinker with the editor to customize the WW2 campaign. And I'm wondering what other SC players like to change? I wouldn't mind getting a few fresh new ideas to add in. I try to stick to the Storm Over Europe Campaign, as I've already done All the maintenance work of keeping the AI and Event scripts working as they originally were supposed to.

    For example the Storm over Europe Mod i'm playing currently has has some significant changes such as:

    - UK, France, USSR, USSA, Germany, Italy, Romania, Finland are Majors

    - Hungary and Bulgaria are Romanian minor allies

    - Czechslovakia is a nation and German minor ally

    - New Decision events such as Rommel in Africa and Germany helping minors form (obsolete) Tank Groups

    - Many War low percentage War Entry scripts

    - Small National Moral for Finland and Romania

    So what do you guys like to edit?

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