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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. No Report last turn.

    Axis Forces on the Eastern Front are completely on the defensive. The Russian Army has exerted contious pressure from the

    South and has driven our forces back to Kharkov, and are on the verge of a significant victory in the South. Most of the

    Romanian Army and the 5th Italian Army have been destroyed in this region. A mix force of German, Hungarian, Bulgarian,

    Czech, Croatian, and Romanians have had found no success against the vast amount of Russian soldiers, and constant air


    In the North, both Finland and Leningrad are under severe threat as Russian Tanks have begun to concentrate on this region.

    There is no forces availabe for a counter attack without abandoning Norway, though Germany is frantically trying to form new

    Panzer Groups and have assurance some will be ready for the Spring of 1943.


  2. If China had 500 divisions my computer would explode !

    To be honest I have not played Brute Force yet, as I mostly play against the AI and have always favored campaigns that the AI resolves their turn quickly.

    What are these new AI routines? I think I remember reading Brute Force had multiple AI strategies too, or is that the routines?

    I should have gotten around to playing it by now, but I found the AI was slow to finish turn 1 so I stopped before.

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